Truth or Consequences Recap

Three episodes, two nights, one series finale left. The countdown clock has been reset for the last time, it will countdown to the beginning of the series finale then begin counting up from when Supergirl last flew on our television screens! A bitter-sweet moment for sure! It feels like there is so much more to cover than what can be crammed into three episodes. We have a bachelor party, a wedding, the return of some of the Legion of Superheroes, Supergirl and her team need to defeat Nyxly and Lex Luthor for good this time, and we can't imagine Kara giving up journalism for good. Every second counts in these finale episodes, here's what stood out to us:

  1. Lex and Nyxly: Lena suggests Alex has her bachelor party that night. Esme had some trouble at school. On the news Lex Luthor’s love letters are “leaked” by William Day. Will storms back to Catco to have a word with Andrea. He berates her for having no ethical code and how she stands for nothing. Brainy made a call to the 31st century, learning what Lex and Nxyly achieved in the future. He relays the info back to the rest of the team. They get a ping on the couple, and attempt to fight them. They are shocked to find the hope totem intact behind Nyxly, and manage to escape with it.
  2. Truth Totem: Lex gives a pep-talk to Nyxly and her crystal ball starts to work and shows where the Truth totem is. In the future, the big brain took much damage. He is asked to return to the future to merge with it thus ending his time with Nia and his existence. Nyxly uses the truth totem and experiences a gauntlet. She speaks true things to herself and is given the truth about those close to her. Kara suggested that Esme might benefit with some kind of power dampener. Alex gets upset at her suggestion and wants boundaries.
  3. Savior of Culuans: Brainy has to return before the current conflict is resolved. Nia offers to go to the future with Brainy but she would destroy the space time continuum. Nxyly uses the truth totem to discover that Lex's intentions are as true as he's said. Advice hour time. Andrea looks to Lena for advice, J'onn and Kara speak about Kara overstepping.
  4. Esme's Powers: Alex continues to work on understanding why her powers are changing. They have a new student in her class that is also an alien that is causing Esme's outbursts. Lena gets a hit on Nyxly's ship and Kara and J'onn go to investigate. Lex has incorporated the totems that Nyxly has into her suit which makes her even more dangerous. The pair attack Supergirl but she blasts them with her heat vision. J'onn takes on two other Lex-o-suits and defeats them easily. Kara blasts a hole into the ship and the atmosphere is venting. J'onn and Kara narrowly escape the destruction of the ship with the totem.
  5. Five Totems Secured: Kara has five totems now all secured at the Fortress. Esme won her baking contest and Kara and Alex discuss what's happened between them. Lex has a secret base where he's taken Nyxly. The pair comes to terms with the truth. Lex really does love Nyxly. They are tired of being alone and Nyxly is starting to come around to Lex. As Nyxly starts to fall for Lex the crystal reveals the location of the love totem. The Supergirl team celebrates Kelly and Alex. They all go and dance the night away. Brainy is troubled that he has to leave. Nia and Brainy decide to cherish the time they have left. William and Esme do some baking. Lex and Nyxly arrive at the fortress looking for Esme.

In the final wrap up moments, Lex and Nyxly hold William hostage. Nyxly goes to find Esme while Lex holds him at gun point. Lex calls out William for the articles in Catco. Nyxly finds Esme and takes her. Lex returns to shoot William in the chest. As William lay dying on the floor, Lex reveals how he's been ahead of them all the whole time. Blood test results come back showing that Esme is the totem. Andrea gets the message from William and sees the results of her actions. William is dead on the floor and Esme is gone. Check out a preview for next week's series finale below:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail:
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#26 RE: Truth or Consequences RecapCatPat 2021-11-12 05:31
William giving Esme the camera reminded me of Chloe giving Jimmy's brother his camera after Jimmy's death on Smallville.
#25 RE: Truth or Consequences RecapRJP 2021-11-08 04:35
It was a brilliant episode. Always good to see Lex back, even if I don't know if I like his love for Nxly.
I have a few reservations about SG revealing her secret identity to the world (if that does indeed happen):
* Surely the reason she keeps the secret is to protect family and friends, not out of a lack of courage. I get that most of her family and friends are superheroes themselves now, but still?
* Does this put pressure on Clark to do the same? Is he now seen as lacking courage too?
* I believe a lot of people know that she's Clark's cousin. Even if not, they have many friends in common. Similarly, I believe the public knows or suspects that SG and Superman are either relatives or close friends (they have such similar hero names and are the only two Kryptonians actively serving as superheroes). If she reveals her identity, she inevitably increases the chances that villains will be able to work out Clark's identity too. I would hope that she would at least check he's OK with this.
#24 So...Lex is just a common thug now?scforbes8489 2021-11-04 22:20
Brilliant criminal master mind from the future ... goes toe-to-toe with Superman...multinational corporate leader ... technical genius .... multi-lingual billionaire ... pulls how a .38 and just shoots William in the chest? Seriously? That's the best these writers could do? That was pathetic.
#23 RE: Truth or Consequences Recapcomic fan 2021-11-04 14:29
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting KET1:
Quoting Brierrose:
There’s no indication that Kara’s going to die. The fact that Melissa said she would be open to playing the role again indicates that Kara doesn’t die.

Her comments got taken out of context by clickbait sites, which were mostly made as a professional courtesy (considering that Greg Berlanti remains the most prolific executive producer on TV). Her new production company might want to partner with another with a successful track record when some new IP becomes ready for more active development. Mel did mention at one of her virtual book tour stops that some ideas she has might start taking physical shape as soon as next year.


The words she used in the EW interview, Entertainment Weekly isn’t clickbait, that all the other sites are using were
I am not opposed to putting on the suit again and I know there probably will be opportunities to,

Was she saying it would definitely happen, no. But I think if the show ended is a way that it wasn’t possible she would’ve used different words. I’m making the leap in logic that since it’s possible that Kara doesn’t die. Melissa definitely has plans for her post Supergirl life. Being a special guest star is usually a two week or less commitment which isn’t that long.
Yeah,living in Vancouver for most of the year as the lead of a series is different from flying up there for a week or two and then going back home to L.A..For example,Cress Williams shot his Black Lightning role for "Armageddon" for only five days.He flew up to Vancouver,shot for five days and then went back to L.A.

I think a normal episode shoots for 8 days now.
#22 RE: Truth or Consequences RecapBrierrose 2021-11-04 13:00
Quoting KET1:
Quoting Brierrose:
There’s no indication that Kara’s going to die. The fact that Melissa said she would be open to playing the role again indicates that Kara doesn’t die.

Her comments got taken out of context by clickbait sites, which were mostly made as a professional courtesy (considering that Greg Berlanti remains the most prolific executive producer on TV). Her new production company might want to partner with another with a successful track record when some new IP becomes ready for more active development. Mel did mention at one of her virtual book tour stops that some ideas she has might start taking physical shape as soon as next year.


The words she used in the EW interview, Entertainment Weekly isn’t clickbait, that all the other sites are using were
I am not opposed to putting on the suit again and I know there probably will be opportunities to,
Was she saying it would definitely happen, no. But I think if the show ended is a way that it wasn’t possible she would’ve used different words. I’m making the leap in logic that since it’s possible that Kara doesn’t die. Melissa definitely has plans for her post Supergirl life. Being a special guest star is usually a two week or less commitment which isn’t that long.
#21 RE: Truth or Consequences Recapjacksc01 2021-11-04 04:58
I have watched this episode 4 times now - so you know it must be pretty good.
I have to admit that even though I was angry at the way Alex spoke to Kara when all Kara wanted to do was help - it was worth it just to see them make up - it did give us another sister moment.

After looking at the episode this many times, I also have to agree with a number of people on this sight that I am leaning to SuperGirl revealing herself to the world. Five things make me think this:

1. When Lena told Andrea if she didn't like the way she was then change it. This statement could also apply to Kara. In fact Kara did do this when she marched into Andrea's office and quit.
2. When SuperGirl and Alex made up - Alex explained how she wanted Esme not to
have to hide the fact that she was an alien. I think this tells Kara she should not hide
her identity of being an alien.
3. In the preview of the next episode you see Kara's glasses off her face as if saying
she comes out as an alien and no longer is hiding.
4. I also think this is what the courage totem was waiting for her to do if she wanted to pass.
5. When Kara is apologizing to Alex and agrees with Alex by saying: "Esme deserves to be proud of every part of her identity." The same holds true for SuperGirl and her identity.

It would be interesting if after she revealed herself (which I have no idea if she will do) that the totem just says loud enough for Kara to hear: "You have performed admirably Kara Zor-El." Another thing I was also thinking - since Kara's parents are alive - that would be another reason she should not hide her identity - its like hiding in shame the fact that she is a Kryptionian from the the House of El.
#20 RE: Truth or Consequences Recapjacksc01 2021-11-04 02:57
I wonder if Melissa and her sister signed any books that the public can buy. I know David did sign copies that when I ordered mine came from the UK. It is neat having a book signed by him. I am hoping that out there Melissa has done the same thing - I keep looking and hoping.
#19 RE: Truth or Consequences RecapKET1 2021-11-03 20:32
Quoting comic fan:

I wonder if her new book could be one of her projects for her production company. Especially if it becomes a book series.

Time will tell. It's intended to be the first book in a series....and Abrams Publishing does seem open to having works transformed into other media presentations. For example, at NYCC, Mel's interview partner was Thomas Lennon, whose Ronan Boyle book series is already being developed into an animated feature by Dreamworks.

#18 RE: Truth or Consequences Recapcomic fan 2021-11-03 19:33
There’s no indication that Kara’s going to die. The fact that Melissa said she would be open to playing the role again indicates that Kara doesn’t die.
I thought Kara was safe from dying when Melissa did that interview earlier in the season and said she had one request for the showrunners regarding the ending and it was a non issue when they told her the ending.

Supergirl is such a hopful character,her dying at the end of the series never felt right IMO.I thought it was the perfect end for Green Arrow but not Supergirl.

Her comments got taken out of context by clickbait sites, which were mostly made as a professional courtesy (considering that Greg Berlanti remains the most prolific executive producer on TV). Her new production company might want to partner with another with a successful track record when some new IP becomes ready for more active development. Mel did mention at one of her virtual book tour stops that some ideas she has might start taking physical shape as soon as next year.

I take it as a good sign that she's open to a return in a guest role.Courtsey or not,it's more hope than we had before the EW interview.

I wonder if her new book could be one of her projects for her production company.Especially if it becomes a book series.
#17 RE: Truth or Consequences RecapKET1 2021-11-03 18:26
Quoting CatPat:

Honestly, I didn't see any indication his death was coming. They already nipped any idea of a romance with him and Kara... If anything, I figured he would simply leave Catco to pursue other career opportunities... especially after Andrea published a story under his byline without his consent.

The potential of Kara and William getting romantic was always a writers' feint. Catco simply needed another well-grounded journalistic type for Kara to bounce ideas off of after James Olsen had left the building.

However, Andrea's growing lack of ethics at Catco has been an ongoing plot thread this season. Some might recall that there's still a curse on the medallion of Acrata, which makes William's fate an 'acceptable' consequence.


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