12 days of christmas
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- Rschick
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Sunday, 24 December 2017
For those worried about The Legion outshining Supergirl.......SUPERMAN hasn't outshined Supergirl, so there is no way 3 2nd and 3rd tier Superheroes are going to.....we can chill on that worry.

Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Imra's only been on the screen for probably a total of 15 minutes, if that, over the course of the last 3 episodes, so I think it might be a tad early to come to a conclusion on the character or the actress. I don't have a problem with her thus far as she only seems to be someone who, as Kara stated, happens to be involved in an unfortunate circumstance. But, I definitely hope that any possible love triangle is nixed asap.
Ruby - we've talked in depth about her and I am still hoping that she doesn't show up on Alex's doorstep. Regarding her powers- from what that evil hologram told Sam, Sam's powers weren't supposed to show up until her late teens so, I don't know that, if Ruby has powers, they would show up any earlier either.
One thing I got from reading the article is the under-developed supporting characters. The writers mention Lena being underdeveloped but, really we know more about Lena than we do Winn, who has been on the show since Season 1. For that matter, Sam has gotten more attention than Winn (although finally Winn does get some attention in a few episodes). James hasn't gotten much more, either but that's always been an issue. I'm really not sure how the writers are supposed to develop all of the supporting characters and keep the focus on Supergirl, who still needs her own continued development.
Alura - I agree with what the writers said about needing more interaction between Kara and Alura through flashbacks or just more Kryptonian history being infused into the show (like the Krypton prayer and speaking in Kryptonian). Season 1 had a bit of Kara's heritage but, from what I saw in Season 2 that was put on the back-burner to focus on her love life so, it would be nice to actually see more about Kara's life on Krypton - give her character more depth. Plus, I'm still trying to get used to the new actress playing Alura so, having more flashbacks or interaction between her and Kara would help make a connection for me.
I truly hope that we don't have the Legion for the rest of the season. A couple of episodes to help out is fine but, after that they can do a Marty McFly and go back to the future.
Ruby - we've talked in depth about her and I am still hoping that she doesn't show up on Alex's doorstep. Regarding her powers- from what that evil hologram told Sam, Sam's powers weren't supposed to show up until her late teens so, I don't know that, if Ruby has powers, they would show up any earlier either.
One thing I got from reading the article is the under-developed supporting characters. The writers mention Lena being underdeveloped but, really we know more about Lena than we do Winn, who has been on the show since Season 1. For that matter, Sam has gotten more attention than Winn (although finally Winn does get some attention in a few episodes). James hasn't gotten much more, either but that's always been an issue. I'm really not sure how the writers are supposed to develop all of the supporting characters and keep the focus on Supergirl, who still needs her own continued development.
Alura - I agree with what the writers said about needing more interaction between Kara and Alura through flashbacks or just more Kryptonian history being infused into the show (like the Krypton prayer and speaking in Kryptonian). Season 1 had a bit of Kara's heritage but, from what I saw in Season 2 that was put on the back-burner to focus on her love life so, it would be nice to actually see more about Kara's life on Krypton - give her character more depth. Plus, I'm still trying to get used to the new actress playing Alura so, having more flashbacks or interaction between her and Kara would help make a connection for me.
I truly hope that we don't have the Legion for the rest of the season. A couple of episodes to help out is fine but, after that they can do a Marty McFly and go back to the future.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.
I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.
I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Fair, but Lillian, the FAR more dangerous Luthor, has known Supergirl's identity for months. And while the people around her may still have suspicions of Lena, Kara has made it incredibly clear that she has faith in Lena.
From a writing standpoint, I get why they don't want her to know. It lets there be tension by still having SOMEBODY on the main cast who isn't in on the secret. It used to be Cat, and now it's Lena. And as Katie McGrath has said in multiple interviews, it's important for Kara to have someone who she can just be Kara around, not Supergirl.
My comments were merely a personal desire for Lena to find out.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
WIshes for some characters? Well I wish/hope that after episode ten the legion and especially mon-el leaves. Karamel was the cutest and best relationship ever (IMO) and I will always miss it, but I don’t really want Kara to date someone this season. Just no. Also James and Lena? Come on. Just be friend!! Also I hope that Sam breaks free for a little while at least, I hope that Ruby has powers, ruby hopefully doesn’t die, Alex adopts ruby, and of course I want Lena to find out the Kara is Supergirl.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
WIshes for some characters? Well I wish/hope that after episode ten the legion and especially mon-el leaves. Karamel was the cutest and best relationship ever (IMO) and I will always miss it, but I don’t really want Kara to date someone this season. Just no. Also James and Lena? Come on. Just be friend!! Also I hope that Sam breaks free for a little while at least, I hope that Ruby has powers, ruby hopefully doesn’t die, Alex adopts ruby, and of course I want Lena to find out the Kara is Supergirl.
Yeah I agree with the part about a small redemption arc for Sam, and what they said about hoping she is Karas sister in a way, and Ruby being part of the family.
Yeah the writer of the article also addressed Ruby being half kryptonian and that means I guess she might have some powers later down the line. Yeah the line from the comics does exist that only a world killer can defeat another worldlier, as the writer pointed out. That was actually said by Reign during her brief role in the comics.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I've gotta say that they really annoyed me with everything they said about imra. Like come on, she barely had screen time and you already shred her to pieces! Give the show time to show her fully. In season 1 lucy lane was a love interest in her first 2 episodes, but from then she became a really complex character, so be patient before you pass judgement. Also i didn't like how they undermined amy jackson's acting skills. I think she did a pretty good job whenever she showed up.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I've gotta say that they really annoyed me with everything they said about imra. Like common, she barely had screen time and you already shred her to pieces! Give the show time to show her fully. In season 1 lucy lane was a love interest in her first 2 episodes, but from then she became a really complex character, so be patient before you pass judgement. Also i didn't like how they undermined amy jackson's acting skills. I think she did a pretty good job whenever she showed up.
There does seem to be some implicit bias here in there description of Imra's " fake saccharine sweet personality", which to me already suggests the worst of the character before we even have had a chance to judge her in her own right.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
I've gotta say that they really annoyed me with everything they said about imra. Like common, she barely had screen time and you already shred her to pieces! Give the show time to show her fully. In season 1 lucy lane was a love interest in her first 2 episodes, but from then she became a really complex character, so be patient before you pass judgement. Also i didn't like how they undermined amy jackson's acting skills. I think she did a pretty good job whenever she showed up.
There does seem to be some implicit bias here in there description of Imra's " fake saccharine sweet personality", which to me already suggests the worst of the character before we even have had a chance to judge her in her own right.
I didn't understood if you agree with them or not. Im not judging you btw, just curious.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Keep the solid writing going.
Do not crowd the field with the Legion for too long. If Mon-El ends up staying have him as a friend, not lover....unless the writing gets much better where they are concerned.
Haven't been real impressed with Imra, Amy is a lovely lady, I hope she rises to the acting caliber of this cast.....so far haven't seen that, but haven't seen much of her at the moment anyway.
Just so Supergirl stays front and center, I'm good.
Do not crowd the field with the Legion for too long. If Mon-El ends up staying have him as a friend, not lover....unless the writing gets much better where they are concerned.
Haven't been real impressed with Imra, Amy is a lovely lady, I hope she rises to the acting caliber of this cast.....so far haven't seen that, but haven't seen much of her at the moment anyway.
Just so Supergirl stays front and center, I'm good.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
I've gotta say that they really annoyed me with everything they said about imra. Like common, she barely had screen time and you already shred her to pieces! Give the show time to show her fully. In season 1 lucy lane was a love interest in her first 2 episodes, but from then she became a really complex character, so be patient before you pass judgement. Also i didn't like how they undermined amy jackson's acting skills. I think she did a pretty good job whenever she showed up.
There does seem to be some implicit bias here in there description of Imra's " fake saccharine sweet personality", which to me already suggests the worst of the character before we even have had a chance to judge her in her own right.
I didn't understood if you agree with them or not. Im not judging you btw, just curious.
I dont agree with the writer, it does seem like they are saying Imra has some sort of ulterior motive in any event, or that is the way I see it. And I think the Legion is done after this season, they are here to be support for Kara against Reign, that is their purpose not to overshadow anyone or outshine anyone... I think Supergirl does well on her own, theres no fear of her being outshine on her own show even if she has a large supporting cast ala arrow and the flash
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
There does seem to be some implicit bias here in there description of Imra's " fake saccharine sweet personality", which to me already suggests the worst of the character before we even have had a chance to judge her in her own right.
I know some of these writers, couple of them are big Legion of Superheroes fans having watched cartoons of them and were really excited about them being on the show. And the first thing Imra is is reduced to a 3rd in a love triangle. They are also Karamel shippers, so these girls are done with this version Imra already.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
There does seem to be some implicit bias here in there description of Imra's " fake saccharine sweet personality", which to me already suggests the worst of the character before we even have had a chance to judge her in her own right.
I know some of these writers, couple of them are big Legion of Superheroes fans having watched cartoons of them and were really excited about them being on the show. And the first thing Imra is is reduced to a 3rd in a love triangle. They are also Karamel shippers, so these girls are done with this version Imra already.
When did the writers say they were Karamel shippers. As far as I can tell they have said very little since about mid season 2.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Imra's only been on the screen for probably a total of 15 minutes, if that, over the course of the last 3 episodes, so I think it might be a tad early to come to a conclusion on the character or the actress. I don't have a problem with her thus far as she only seems to be someone who, as Kara stated, happens to be involved in an unfortunate circumstance. But, I definitely hope that any possible love triangle is nixed asap.
Ruby - we've talked in depth about her and I am still hoping that she doesn't show up on Alex's doorstep. Regarding her powers- from what that evil hologram told Sam, Sam's powers weren't supposed to show up until her late teens so, I don't know that, if Ruby has powers, they would show up any earlier either.
One thing I got from reading the article is the under-developed supporting characters. The writers mention Lena being underdeveloped but, really we know more about Lena than we do Winn, who has been on the show since Season 1. For that matter, Sam has gotten more attention than Winn (although finally Winn does get some attention in a few episodes). James hasn't gotten much more, either but that's always been an issue. I'm really not sure how the writers are supposed to develop all of the supporting characters and keep the focus on Supergirl, who still needs her own continued development.
Alura - I agree with what the writers said about needing more interaction between Kara and Alura through flashbacks or just more Kryptonian history being infused into the show (like the Krypton prayer and speaking in Kryptonian). Season 1 had a bit of Kara's heritage but, from what I saw in Season 2 that was put on the back-burner to focus on her love life so, it would be nice to actually see more about Kara's life on Krypton - give her character more depth. Plus, I'm still trying to get used to the new actress playing Alura so, having more flashbacks or interaction between her and Kara would help make a connection for me.
I truly hope that we don't have the Legion for the rest of the season. A couple of episodes to help out is fine but, after that they can do a Marty McFly and go back to the future.
There's one solution to me for the people who have issues with Ruby and the Legion. Ruby doesnt get powers until she turns 18 and is supposed to be a regular? Well, you have a team of people with time travel abilities right here. As said in the article and in the comics 'only a world killer can defeat a world killer' which would put a big target on ruby's back once Reign realizes Ruby can get through to Samantha. (If she manages to get through one time and it fails) So my solution writing wise to this would be to have the Legion take Ruby, bring her back when she's older...and there, you solve the problem of having Alex taking care of a kid, and you have someone capable of taking down Reign and also someone for Kara and Alex to mentor. (Kind of like Kid flash)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
For those worried about The Legion outshining Supergirl.......SUPERMAN hasn't outshined Supergirl, so there is no way 3 2nd and 3rd tier Superheroes are going to.....we can chill on that worry.![]()
Yeah, if her more famous cousin didn't outshine Supergirl then The Legion doesn't stand a chance. Seriously between Melissa's charisma and the writers making sure they're supporting characters it's a none issue. The CW isn't looking to add yet another superhero show so The Legion's appearance is in no way a backdoor pilot.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
There's one solution to me for the people who have issues with Ruby and the Legion. Ruby doesnt get powers until she turns 18 and is supposed to be a regular? Well, you have a team of people with time travel abilities right here. As said in the article and in the comics 'only a world killer can defeat a world killer' which would put a big target on ruby's back once Reign realizes Ruby can get through to Samantha. (If she manages to get through one time and it fails) So my solution writing wise to this would be to have the Legion take Ruby, bring her back when she's older...and there, you solve the problem of having Alex taking care of a kid, and you have someone capable of taking down Reign and also someone for Kara and Alex to mentor.While that idea is plausible, from what I have read, I believe that the actress for Ruby was told that she might be back in Season 4. If true, and that happened, then they wouldn't age-up the character. Plus, that doesn't change the fact that I, myself, still wouldn't want to see Alex in charge of a teenager

(Kind of like Kid flash)I think Supergirl already takes too much from the Flash and other superhero shows/comics (ideas, characters, arcs, plots, etc.). I would prefer to see more originality in the show.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
There's one solution to me for the people who have issues with Ruby and the Legion. Ruby doesnt get powers until she turns 18 and is supposed to be a regular? Well, you have a team of people with time travel abilities right here. As said in the article and in the comics 'only a world killer can defeat a world killer' which would put a big target on ruby's back once Reign realizes Ruby can get through to Samantha. (If she manages to get through one time and it fails) So my solution writing wise to this would be to have the Legion take Ruby, bring her back when she's older...and there, you solve the problem of having Alex taking care of a kid, and you have someone capable of taking down Reign and also someone for Kara and Alex to mentor.While that idea is plausible, from what I have read, I believe that the actress for Ruby was told that she might be back in Season 4. If true, and that happened, then they wouldn't age-up the character. Plus, that doesn't change the fact that I, myself, still wouldn't want to see Alex in charge of a teenager.
(Kind of like Kid flash)I think Supergirl already takes too much from the Flash and other superhero shows/comics (ideas, characters, arcs, plots, etc.). I would prefer to see more originality in the show.
I don't see the show taking from Flash at all.....I do however see the show taking A LOT from Superman ideas, characters, arcs, and ;plots)....what characters are from Flash?
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I don't see the show taking from Flash at all.....I do however see the show taking A LOT from Superman ideas, characters, arcs, and ;plots)....what characters are from Flash?
Not really exact character from Flash, more of the arcs, plots, and similar character ideas . I do not watch the Flash, so my assessment is second-hand. From what I have read/heard, while the villains and characters are different, there are many parallels in the characters and the experiences that Barry and Kara encounter and the timing of those experiences. Some examples, Barry losing his family and being adopted by another; the geeky tech guy, Cisco/Winn, on the team, adopted father/father like figure Joe/Hank in charge of unit tasked with fighting villains, sibling as part of the team, the mid-season fight with Kara being defeated to the point of death against a new villain happened exactly the same time season-wise as Barry; taking on a mentor, Kid Flash/Mon-el, with similar powers, etc.
I would just like to see more original content for Supergirl. She is not an extremely well-known character from the comic history and most of her character stems from interaction with other, established, superheroes. But, that doesn't have to be the case. Every story evolves beyond the original idea and I think now, in this generation with this show, it would be a great opportunity to take Supergirl's story and move it beyond what has been shown in the comics.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
Hmmmm....I've seen many heroes over the years with geeky sidekick/fiends/helpers....I don't really see them copying specifically from Flash or Green Arrow....that has been happening for decades.
The only one I've really seen that comes close to a copy is "Girl Of Steel" and the "Girl Of Steel" day....which would be a pretty natural thing after she saved the city. As far as Jonn, IMO that is far different than the West family....the West family would be more like the Danvers family, and then in order for it to copy the Flash, Jeremiah or Eliza would be working with Kara daily, which doesn't happen, and again, it has been a pretty natural thing that for Jonn to take on a fatherly role with both Kara and Alex. AND OF COURSE, the entire episode of "For The Girl Who Has Everything" taken from the Superman comics, but in my opinion done much better on Supergirl......So when you look at how they have brought in Superman villains, story lines etc, I think the argument is far stronger. HOWEVER, with the story arc of Reign....we are getting a Supergirl villain, but it seems with a Doomsday of Smallville feel to it. I only know that because people have stated it. I know that Reign was a Supergirl villain which I have been very happy about, as far as the other....have no idea, I was never able to get through more than a few episodes a season of Smallville. Just was never my cup of tea.
The only one I've really seen that comes close to a copy is "Girl Of Steel" and the "Girl Of Steel" day....which would be a pretty natural thing after she saved the city. As far as Jonn, IMO that is far different than the West family....the West family would be more like the Danvers family, and then in order for it to copy the Flash, Jeremiah or Eliza would be working with Kara daily, which doesn't happen, and again, it has been a pretty natural thing that for Jonn to take on a fatherly role with both Kara and Alex. AND OF COURSE, the entire episode of "For The Girl Who Has Everything" taken from the Superman comics, but in my opinion done much better on Supergirl......So when you look at how they have brought in Superman villains, story lines etc, I think the argument is far stronger. HOWEVER, with the story arc of Reign....we are getting a Supergirl villain, but it seems with a Doomsday of Smallville feel to it. I only know that because people have stated it. I know that Reign was a Supergirl villain which I have been very happy about, as far as the other....have no idea, I was never able to get through more than a few episodes a season of Smallville. Just was never my cup of tea.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
Ah Smallville Doomsday!
In my opinion that was one big build-up of a 20+ episode TV season to nothingness.
In other words - very underwhelming.
The "epic" fight was not more than 3 minutes (if I remember correctly).
In my opinion that was one big build-up of a 20+ episode TV season to nothingness.

The "epic" fight was not more than 3 minutes (if I remember correctly).
with the story arc of Reign....we are getting a Supergirl villain, but it seems with a Doomsday of Smallville feel to it. I only know that because people have stated it. I know that Reign was a Supergirl villain which I have been very happy about, as far as the other....have no idea, I was never able to get through more than a few episodes a season of Smallville. Just was never my cup of tea.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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