Hi guys. With the new outbreak there's quite some misinformation going around, and since my major is Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (and having studied virology as part of my degree), I thought I might help out the community on this site, if you have any questions regarding the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, or just viruses in general.
Not giving medical advice though, not qualified for that. More than happy to talk science.
Pray tell that was satireUnfortunately no, those from other countries please know that woman is not representative of most Americans. I apologize on behalf of my country.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
Also please know that we do in fact have real-life heroes here in Florida.
Here's a very nice story about our local tennis world champion here in Palm Beach Co., Serena Williams:
Tennis Superstar Serena Williams Donates 5,000 Face Masks to Protect Children of Palm Beach County First Responders
Here's a very nice story about our local tennis world champion here in Palm Beach Co., Serena Williams:
Tennis Superstar Serena Williams Donates 5,000 Face Masks to Protect Children of Palm Beach County First Responders
I thought this might be helpful to some of you:
From the American Chemical Society, a "disinfectant cheat sheet"
From the American Chemical Society, a "disinfectant cheat sheet"
From Chemical & Engineering News (an American Chemical Society publication:
"Alcohol-based products work,” Thordarson says. “But nothing beats soap.”
Yes, that's what I've been telling everyone - soap is the "gold standard" for disinfecting your hands!
Hand sanitizer works, too - but not as well.
Useful when you don’t have access to a sink and some soap, hand sanitizers have become a hot commodity in the face of COVID-19
"Alcohol-based products work,” Thordarson says. “But nothing beats soap.”
Yes, that's what I've been telling everyone - soap is the "gold standard" for disinfecting your hands!
Hand sanitizer works, too - but not as well.
Useful when you don’t have access to a sink and some soap, hand sanitizers have become a hot commodity in the face of COVID-19
From Chemical & Engineering News (an American Chemical Society publication:
"Alcohol-based products work,” Thordarson says. “But nothing beats soap.”
Yes, that's what I've been telling everyone - soap is the "gold standard" for disinfecting your hands!
Hand sanitizer works, too - but not as well.
Useful when you don’t have access to a sink and some soap, hand sanitizers have become a hot commodity in the face of COVID-19
I only use hand sanitizer when I'm or have been out and about.I bring some with me in my car.I usually change gloves between stores and use it then.And I use it again when I first get home.
I use soap all other times which is a lot.I wash my hands several times a day.I've lost count how many.But many times throughout a day.I even do a good hand washing with soap before I go to sleep and when I first get up before I do anything else like brushing my teeth and stuff.
I even do a handwashing before showers which I know is strange given I'm washing my hands again along with everything else in the shower.
I've become anal about the hand washing due to my compromised immune system.
Luckly I've found soap very easy to get and I'm stockpiled on that.lol
Hand sanitizer is harder to come by but my local Walmart happened to have some big bottles of it last week and I got one.
I am wondering if Black Lightning will be the first to resume production of the Arrowverse shows, as it films in Geogia as opposed to Vancouver. GA was one of the first states to reopen and Tyler Perry studios, located in GA, announced it will soon reopen.
This is interesting and informative.
A "Summer Survival Guide" during the pandemic:
A "Summer Survival Guide" during the pandemic:
This is what I thought might turn out to be case - the COVID-19 vaccine will likely require a booster shot after the first one, like the tetanus or shingles vaccines:
Surprised this hasn't gotten more attention in the media - especially considering that it came from the WHO! This is an important news story:
Asymptomatic Transmission Is ‘Very Rare’: WHO (3:23 p.m. NY)
Transmission of the coronavirus by people who aren’t showing symptoms is “very rare,” the World Health Organization said Monday, contradicting speculation by public health officials and researchers that the disease was being spread by people who weren’t showing signs of illness.
“It still appears to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a briefing in Geneva. She said her comment is based on detailed reports of contact tracing from various countries.
P.S. - Now today the WHO walked back their original statement on Monday. I agree - "very rare" were the wrong words to use. Asymptomatic people can spread the novel coronavirus, but that's not nearly as common as transmission from people are showing symptoms (even very mild symptoms, in some cases).
I think the main thing that the WHO was trying to say here is that asymptomatic carriers are apparently not a major means of transmission of COVID-19, as they are for typhoid. (The most well-known example being the infamous "Typhoid Mary' - Mary Fallon.) Unfortunately, that message seems to have been misunderstood by many of those reporting the story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_fever#Transmission
Asymptomatic Transmission Is ‘Very Rare’: WHO (3:23 p.m. NY)
Transmission of the coronavirus by people who aren’t showing symptoms is “very rare,” the World Health Organization said Monday, contradicting speculation by public health officials and researchers that the disease was being spread by people who weren’t showing signs of illness.
“It still appears to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a briefing in Geneva. She said her comment is based on detailed reports of contact tracing from various countries.
P.S. - Now today the WHO walked back their original statement on Monday. I agree - "very rare" were the wrong words to use. Asymptomatic people can spread the novel coronavirus, but that's not nearly as common as transmission from people are showing symptoms (even very mild symptoms, in some cases).
I think the main thing that the WHO was trying to say here is that asymptomatic carriers are apparently not a major means of transmission of COVID-19, as they are for typhoid. (The most well-known example being the infamous "Typhoid Mary' - Mary Fallon.) Unfortunately, that message seems to have been misunderstood by many of those reporting the story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_fever#Transmission
What's with the movement in the US against Coronavirus measures like social-distancing?
There are some, usually aligned with President Trump or of libertarian persuasion, that believe:
a) the danger of coranavirus is overstated,
b) the efficacy of mitigation measures is overstated,
c) people are free to assume the risk of getting the virus if they so choose
d) some combination or all of the above
Some think it is a hoax to see how easy it is to control the population with a "needless" lockdown. Some think it is a ploy to sabotage the economy and hurt Trump's reelection chances. Still others are just frustrated by their inability to go to work and provide for their families.
For them, things like wearing a mask or social distancing become symbols of mindless compliance instead of a way to help look out for the more vulnerable of our population.
Please note that although I do identify as a libertarian, I do not share these beliefs myself. I am convinced by the evidence and understand that several of my friends and family are at high risk. The attitudes I described above seem to me like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
My thoughts right now go right along with this teacher. We are tired....this has not been a vacation for us since March.
I know educators at all levels who are grappling with how to best serve their students and maintaining a safe environment for all.
Side note: My alma mater's music department is particularly worried about chorus and wind instruments blasting covid into the space.
There seem to be no good answers. And any way it falls, with things as polarized as they are, some groups will be vocally upset.
This is where the compassion for all should kick in. It's an impossible situation. No one should take it out on teachers.
I hope only the best for you, Kelly
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Another breakthrough - the first drug that has actually been known to save the lives of COVID-19 patients!
Major news from the BBC
And they say that this well-known steroid is "cheap as chips" (that means French fries in the US
Major news from the BBC

And they say that this well-known steroid is "cheap as chips" (that means French fries in the US

I am here to offer a contrasting view on this. First off, Corona, Covid, you name it, the virus IS REAL. But all the hype surrounding it, including the recent posters which look like photoshops, is a hidden scare tactic with the goal of getting rid of our freedoms, delivered by propaganda from China.
From The Federalist last May
And the same outlet last month.
In theory of all the CW superheroes, I think Supergirl could withstand the virus the most as the earth's yellow sun gives her powers a charge and the sun is a source of vitamin D. The Flash too could survive given his sped up metabolism.
Now ironically, I have to wear a mask when I go places with my mom or myself...but I do not like wearing a mask. It's like wearing a hijab for the power elites and the mega money media and Hollywood that backs them. And that goes also for Bill Gates who wants to control human population through forced vaccines, like one for this virus. And the media like CNN or even Fox, will not give you that.
And I am sick to death of seeing Dr. Doom, Anthony Fauci on my TV; Deborah Birx too.
Go ahead, hate on me all you want, but I want Truth Justice and the American Way in this country. This virus is killing those things as well as Hope Help and Compassion for All. The People's Republic of China, the source of this virus, and the communists running it, do not believe any of these things. What's next, tracking people??
Frankly I'd rather listen to Infowars.
From The Federalist last May
And the same outlet last month.
In theory of all the CW superheroes, I think Supergirl could withstand the virus the most as the earth's yellow sun gives her powers a charge and the sun is a source of vitamin D. The Flash too could survive given his sped up metabolism.
Now ironically, I have to wear a mask when I go places with my mom or myself...but I do not like wearing a mask. It's like wearing a hijab for the power elites and the mega money media and Hollywood that backs them. And that goes also for Bill Gates who wants to control human population through forced vaccines, like one for this virus. And the media like CNN or even Fox, will not give you that.
And I am sick to death of seeing Dr. Doom, Anthony Fauci on my TV; Deborah Birx too.
Go ahead, hate on me all you want, but I want Truth Justice and the American Way in this country. This virus is killing those things as well as Hope Help and Compassion for All. The People's Republic of China, the source of this virus, and the communists running it, do not believe any of these things. What's next, tracking people??
Frankly I'd rather listen to Infowars.
My thoughts right now go right along with this teacher. We are tired....this has not been a vacation for us since March.
I know educators at all levels who are grappling with how to best serve their students and maintaining a safe environment for all.
Side note: My alma mater's music department is particularly worried about chorus and wind instruments blasting covid into the space.
There seem to be no good answers. And any way it falls, with things as polarized as they are, some groups will be vocally upset.
This is where the compassion for all should kick in. It's an impossible situation. No one should take it out on teachers.
I hope only the best for you, Kelly.
My thoughts right now go right along with this teacher. We are tired....this has not been a vacation for us since March.
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Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
This is cool dogs can be trained to detect Coronavirus. In this study the dogs were 94% accurate is detecting the virus in human saliva. I know dogs have been trained to sniff out other diseases so it makes sense. This would be a useful tool for crowds. Or what if a friendly dog made rounds in classrooms.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
This is cool dogs can be trained to detect Coronavirus. In this study the dogs were 94% accurate is detecting the virus in human saliva. I know dogs have been trained to sniff out other diseases so it makes sense. This would be a useful tool for crowds. Or what if a friendly dog made rounds in classrooms.
Interesting. I do know that dogs can be also trained to detect things like cancer.
I am here to offer a contrasting view on this. First off, Corona, Covid, you name it, the virus IS REAL. But all the hype surrounding it, including the recent posters which look like photoshops, is a hidden scare tactic with the goal of getting rid of our freedoms, delivered by propaganda from China.
From The Federalist last May
And the same outlet last month.
In theory of all the CW superheroes, I think Supergirl could withstand the virus the most as the earth's yellow sun gives her powers a charge and the sun is a source of vitamin D. The Flash too could survive given his sped up metabolism.
Now ironically, I have to wear a mask when I go places with my mom or myself...but I do not like wearing a mask. It's like wearing a hijab for the power elites and the mega money media and Hollywood that backs them. And that goes also for Bill Gates who wants to control human population through forced vaccines, like one for this virus. And the media like CNN or even Fox, will not give you that.
And I am sick to death of seeing Dr. Doom, Anthony Fauci on my TV; Deborah Birx too.
Go ahead, hate on me all you want, but I want Truth Justice and the American Way in this country. This virus is killing those things as well as Hope Help and Compassion for All. The People's Republic of China, the source of this virus, and the communists running it, do not believe any of these things. What's next, tracking people??
Frankly I'd rather listen to Infowars.
I’m at a loss as to how to respond to this.
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