Supergirl Last Flew:
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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Tuesday, 19 December 2017
I don't want to put anyone into a tailspin here by insinuating that changing from Kreisberg to Berlanti will completely change the show. But, I was curious as to rather that change would affect the writing and plot arcs in any way based on legal aspects of producing a show.

If it is true that one of the reasons for a large break in February is because they have to rewrite episodes that Kreisberg was involved in, I was just wondering how that worked. If it is a situation where the show can't have or doesn't want his name attached to future episodes in a writing/producing capacity, then will they be able to still use his plan for how the rest of the season was to go? Or would they have to come up with a completely different idea in order for the show not have to give him credit?

Anyone out there with any legal knowledge on how that works?
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Actually we don't know the exact time line of all of this....he could have been pulled back weeks before this became public.

Just from what we know from some posting on seems that the PTB were told a while back, he could have been pulled out of the writer's room....THAT could be why 2 new show runners were brought on one male, one female....and then when it looked like it was just going to be brushed under the rug and he wasn't going anywhere, just sidelined....that is when it went public. Because as we know from Chris' twitter post....PEOPLE KNEW AND SAID NOTHING. I think he was probably calling out the PTB that should have canned AK awhile back. So actually he very well could have already been pulled out of the influence area by episode 9.

As far as the 9 week hiatus. I have a feeling that was planned from the start, as soon as Black Lightning got the green light that was the plan. Could be wrong, who knows....

I'm glad that the cast and crew get an extra week off for Christmas, I know that it is definitely earned.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Filming is proceeding as scheduled so unless I hear otherwise I think the firing of AK likely had little to do with the schedule change. The cast and crew are under contract only until a certain date which is difficult to extend. The fact that we’re getting 23 episodes tells me they anticipate filming as originally planned.

I get that they want to remove AK’s name from the show as much as legally possible and I have no idea how much of his ideas have to be removed to achieve that. To be honest AK’s not really in a strong position to argue that an idea was solely his and we have no idea what his contract said. In most jobs if your fired every single thing you worked on is company property. It makes sense to me to change as little of the season plans as possible while removing his name. Unless the ideas are problematic changing things just because they were AK’s ideas is a waste of money and time.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Honestly, it's impossible to know. This show was the brain child of several executive producers. We won't know the impact until we see the show for ourselves. But honestly, I think it'll be impossible to tell the difference. Kreisberg was involved with all 3 current seasons, and all 3 feel like completely different beasts.

As for Kreisberg's exit being a cause for the 9 week hiatus, it's all speculation. Somebody's schedule was going to get shuffled around no matter what, because they REALLY wanted Black Lightning to premiere in January, but none of the existing Fall programs had finished their runs yet, by that time. Is it possible that Kreisberg's exit was part of the reason they chose Supergirl? Yes. But it's also possible it had absolutely nothing to do with it. Nobody official has come forward to say it's one or the other.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Filming is proceeding as scheduled so unless I hear otherwise I think the firing of AK likely had little to do with the schedule change. The cast and crew are under contract only until a certain date which is difficult to extend. The fact that we’re getting 23 episodes tells me they anticipate filming as originally planned.

I get that they want to remove AK’s name from the show as much as legally possible and I have no idea how much of his ideas have to be removed to achieve that. To be honest AK’s not really in a strong position to argue that an idea was solely his and we have no idea what his contract said. In most jobs if your fired every single thing you worked on is company property. It makes sense to me to change as little of the season plans as possible while removing his name. Unless the ideas are problematic changing things just because they were AK’s ideas is a waste of money and time.
When are they scheduled to begin filming again? I'm not certain on the length of time that a re-write would take but, I don't think it would be illogical to believe that they would be able to write enough episodes between the time Kreisberg was fired and the time that they start filming again in order to have enough material.

My thought on the ownership and crediting of the material is drawn from the music industry. In that arena, a writer and a singer contract with a record label. While the record label owns the song and can do with it as they want, they still have to give credit to the singer and songwriter or they would be opened-up for a possible lawsuit. Taking from that, if the CW wanted to use Kreisberg's material, they could but would they not still have to give him credit on anything that he worked on?

I believe filming resumes the first week of January, I don’t know if the writers are on break too. By my calculations they probably finished filming E12 so they’re going to have to get cracking on E13 scheduled to air 2/5. I have no idea how far ahead of filming scripts are but I know Supergirl has a very tight production schedule. There’s probably limited time to go back and alter already written scripts and definitely not enough time to entirely throw out a finished script and redo it.

In the music industry does a person being fired for cause change thier ability to file a lawsuit for creative credit. Are the writers and singers independent contractors or employees. I actually work for the IRS and there’s a big difference between the two classifications as far as legal rights.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The layout of the season is already been set....and since we don't know just how much of an influence AK was in the writing room its hard to say if there will be any change at all....

They seemed to have fixed, or are in the process of fixing the problems of the 2nd season....this season seems much tighter....and I think a lot of that was because they were able to plan further ahead. So with that, I really don't think we are going to see that much of a tone change, if any...

AK's name has already been taken off as far as EP on this last episode...doubt they can take his name off of creator...but we are already seeing a few changes. Now to see if those changes influence the actual direction of the show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Filming is proceeding as scheduled so unless I hear otherwise I think the firing of AK likely had little to do with the schedule change. The cast and crew are under contract only until a certain date which is difficult to extend. The fact that we’re getting 23 episodes tells me they anticipate filming as originally planned.

I get that they want to remove AK’s name from the show as much as legally possible and I have no idea how much of his ideas have to be removed to achieve that. To be honest AK’s not really in a strong position to argue that an idea was solely his and we have no idea what his contract said. In most jobs if your fired every single thing you worked on is company property. It makes sense to me to change as little of the season plans as possible while removing his name. Unless the ideas are problematic changing things just because they were AK’s ideas is a waste of money and time.

Very well put.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Filming is proceeding as scheduled so unless I hear otherwise I think the firing of AK likely had little to do with the schedule change. The cast and crew are under contract only until a certain date which is difficult to extend. The fact that we’re getting 23 episodes tells me they anticipate filming as originally planned.

I get that they want to remove AK’s name from the show as much as legally possible and I have no idea how much of his ideas have to be removed to achieve that. To be honest AK’s not really in a strong position to argue that an idea was solely his and we have no idea what his contract said. In most jobs if your fired every single thing you worked on is company property. It makes sense to me to change as little of the season plans as possible while removing his name. Unless the ideas are problematic changing things just because they were AK’s ideas is a waste of money and time.
When are they scheduled to begin filming again? I'm not certain on the length of time that a re-write would take but, I don't think it would be illogical to believe that they would be able to write enough episodes between the time Kreisberg was fired and the time that they start filming again in order to have enough material.

My thought on the ownership and crediting of the material is drawn from the music industry. In that arena, a writer and a singer contract with a record label. While the record label owns the song and can do with it as they want, they still have to give credit to the singer and songwriter or they would be opened-up for a possible lawsuit. Taking from that, if the CW wanted to use Kreisberg's material, they could but would they not still have to give him credit on anything that he worked on?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
...if the CW wanted to use Kreisberg's material, they could but would they not still have to give him credit on anything that he worked on?

The last episode, “Reign,” would have been filmed before Kreisberg’s suspension, so he would have worked on it as an executive producer, yet he wasn’t credited as an EP on that episode.
I don't buy the whole "we have to rewrite everything he was involved in" argument. Anything that would have required giving him an on-screen credit (teleplay by, story by, etc.), yes, but not the overall season arc.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
In the music industry does a person being fired for cause change thier ability to file a lawsuit for creative credit. Are the writers and singers independent contractors or employees. I actually work for the IRS and there’s a big difference between the two classifications as far as legal rights.
I'm not in the music industry so I don't know the specifics either. Just have a basic understanding of the process as a fan of music. But, I'm pretty sure that being fired doesn't change creative credit for material that has already been created. The company may own it but, the individual person created the work.

The last episode, “Reign,” would have been filmed before Kreisberg’s suspension, so he would have worked on it as an executive producer, yet he wasn’t credited as an EP on that episode.
That is interesting. I didn't pay attention to the credits, so then it could be possible that they don't have to give credit. Or maybe there was some type of pay-out.

Just from what we know from some posting on seems that the PTB were told a while back, he could have been pulled out of the writer's room....THAT could be why 2 new show runners were brought on one male, one female.
Who are the new show runners?

Because as we know from Chris' twitter post....PEOPLE KNEW AND SAID NOTHING. I think he was probably calling out the PTB that should have canned AK awhile back
Really? That's very sad if true. To be a cast member knowing that that is happening to co-workers and not be able to say or do anything has to be frustrating.

Thanks for the responses. I'm not sure if his firing had anything to do with the schedule, either. There are still a lot of unknowns that we most likely will never know. I was just mostly interested in how it would affect episodes or stories later in the season, if at all.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Because as we know from Chris' twitter post....PEOPLE KNEW AND SAID NOTHING. I think he was probably calling out the PTB that should have canned AK awhile back.
I'm glad that the cast and crew get an extra week off for Christmas, I know that it is definitely earned.

Kelly, why do you think this? I took a look at the tweet mentioned and it was right after the Harvey Weinstein stuff. I thought he was talking about that.

I'm glad that the cast and crew get an extra week off for Christmas, I know that it is definitely earned.

Did they? I am glad to know that. But, we had more of a break in Season 2, didn't we? And yet, the cast didn't get as long a break last year?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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