Rahul Kohli played Lena's ex Jack Spheer as a special guest star. quick little interview. as always comment if you like
- Rschick
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Tuesday, 04 July 2017
I want to be clear, I am not a shipper at all. I am a fan of the show because of the character supergirl and comic book story lines. I was hoping to raise some awareness as to how we as fans are being represented by a very vocal minority. the actors, crew etc that are being attacked arent asking what ship the person is a part of, they are lumping us all together; fair or not.
I am sorry if you are or anyone has felt attacked or biased against in this thread., not my intention at all.
I think most of us here aren't shippers. That probably shows in that we haven't fought with each other the way they do. You most definitely raised awareness, no question about it, I was merely pointing out that the post you supplied us is somewhat biased in what hate they chose to depict. But thank you nonetheless for sharing it.
And I agree, it's completely unfair to the rest of us that we're being lumped in with the shippers and they're becoming the face of our fandom. It's unacceptable.
I am sorry if you are or anyone has felt attacked or biased against in this thread., not my intention at all.
I think most of us here aren't shippers. That probably shows in that we haven't fought with each other the way they do. You most definitely raised awareness, no question about it, I was merely pointing out that the post you supplied us is somewhat biased in what hate they chose to depict. But thank you nonetheless for sharing it.

And I agree, it's completely unfair to the rest of us that we're being lumped in with the shippers and they're becoming the face of our fandom. It's unacceptable.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 21
Wow worst fandom award is not one a show should aspire to. I'm not on twitter but I see some uncool stuff on the official Supergirl FB page. Things like this are going to make actors not want to do the show. Katie's brother was catfished, were lucky she wanted to sign on for more. Chyler and David both did live FB chats and if we ever want Melissa, Chris, Katie, or anyone else to do one this has to stop. Do these people realize that this type of thing keeps cast members and show runners from doing conventions or any Q&A type interviews outside their contracts.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 22
First just wanted to thank folks for keeping it civil here. There's been some passionate comments but all have been respectful. Running this site and working with all of you great people takes up a lot of our time so we were actually surprised to see all the stuff that is going on. We actually took the afternoon to dive into Twitter and Tumblr to see what all was being said. Yikes!
Covering the news side of the show, we kind of missed some of the gossipy side of it. It's sad. Just sad to see. I dont know what can be done. It seems like actors and staff are removing themselves from it as best as they can but interacting with the fanbase is such a great thing to do, normally.
Our site here has a large community, and one that we are proud of. You guys inspire us to keep going. Saying that, we can't help but wonder if there was something Supergirl.tv could do? Should we just stay out of it? (Probably for the best). It's a difficult problem with no clear answers. Each "side" is still of the same coin. It's too bad both can't see that. Ultimately in the end, I don't want the actors and staff to take it personally. It's true what they say, you need thick skin to be in Hollywood.
Covering the news side of the show, we kind of missed some of the gossipy side of it. It's sad. Just sad to see. I dont know what can be done. It seems like actors and staff are removing themselves from it as best as they can but interacting with the fanbase is such a great thing to do, normally.
Our site here has a large community, and one that we are proud of. You guys inspire us to keep going. Saying that, we can't help but wonder if there was something Supergirl.tv could do? Should we just stay out of it? (Probably for the best). It's a difficult problem with no clear answers. Each "side" is still of the same coin. It's too bad both can't see that. Ultimately in the end, I don't want the actors and staff to take it personally. It's true what they say, you need thick skin to be in Hollywood.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 23
I don't see any reason why Karamels would instigate any attacks. Their ship is already canon so what's there to complain about?
Exactly. So why are there a select few of them out there attacking the supercorp ship when their ship was canon? I never understood that.
Supercorps, on the other hand, are mostly Katie fans first and foremost and they want her to have the best ship/storyline/etc. I believe that some are not even Supergirl fans at all. So they have no qualms pushing their agenda since once Katie gets another project, they just jump on that bandwagon and the cycle continues.
This can be said of the karamel fans too as they are mostly Chris fans first and foremost. A lot of the karamel fans are former TVD/Kai fans who followed Chris to Supergirl. May I ask, what agenda are they pushing? I don't understand what you mean by that.
"I'm not judging any character on the sins of their fathers, instead I'm judging characters based on the character itself. The way I see it, most characters are trying to make up for the sins of their past/sins of their family except for Mon-El."
And yet, the Mon-El character himself did not own slaves; his family did. He wasn't the ruler of Daxam but rather was within the purview of his parents. And you don't perceive the relevance? We must be watching wildly different shows if you don't see his tt arc. To me, his was the most fleshed out of all the characters in S2. But let's agree to disagree.
His mother literally used the words "your servants" to him. Whether we like it or not, he owned slaves. As part of the royal family he held ownership of slaves; he benifted from slavery. He could have very well refused servants, but as far as we know he didn't. I see no signs of a redemption arc from him. All we ever get are blanket statements that 'he's changed' but we've never really gotten to see how. They don't give him scenes to show his character growth that don't involve his relationship with Kara. I'd like to see character growth outside of his love life. Shall we make a separate thread for this conversation or just end it here at agreeing to disagree?
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 24
Our site here has a large community, and one that we are proud of. You guys inspire us to keep going. Saying that, we can't help but wonder if there was something Supergirl.tv could do? Should we just stay out of it? (Probably for the best). It's a difficult problem with no clear answers. Each "side" is still of the same coin. It's too bad both can't see that. Ultimately in the end, I don't want the actors and staff to take it personally. It's true what they say, you need thick skin to be in Hollywood.
Oh gosh, you guys are better off staying out of it. Shippers are a wild unpredictable bunch. My advice is to steer clear of it all. I highly doubt there would be anything you could do anyways.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 25
I don't see any reason why Karamels would instigate any attacks. Their ship is already canon so what's there to complain about?
Exactly. So why are there a select few of them out there attacking the supercorp ship when their ship was canon? I never understood that.
Supercorps, on the other hand, are mostly Katie fans first and foremost and they want her to have the best ship/storyline/etc. I believe that some are not even Supergirl fans at all. So they have no qualms pushing their agenda since once Katie gets another project, they just jump on that bandwagon and the cycle continues.
This can be said of the karamel fans too as they are mostly Chris fans first and foremost. A lot of the karamel fans are former TVD/Kai fans who followed Chris to Supergirl. May I ask, what agenda are they pushing? I don't understand what you mean by that.
"I'm not judging any character on the sins of their fathers, instead I'm judging characters based on the character itself. The way I see it, most characters are trying to make up for the sins of their past/sins of their family except for Mon-El."
And yet, the Mon-El character himself did not own slaves; his family did. He wasn't the ruler of Daxam but rather was within the purview of his parents. And you don't perceive the relevance? We must be watching wildly different shows if you don't see his tt arc. To me, his was the most fleshed out of all the characters in S2. But let's agree to disagree.
His mother literally used the words "your servants" to him. Whether we like it or not, he owned slaves. As part of the royal family he held ownership of slaves; he benifted from slavery. He could have very well refused servants, but as far as we know he didn't. I see no signs of a redemption arc from him. All we ever get are blanket statements that 'he's changed' but we've never really gotten to see how. They don't give him scenes to show his character growth that don't involve his relationship with Kara. I'd like to see character growth outside of his love life. Shall we make a separate thread for this conversation or just end it here at agreeing to disagree?
I would prefer to see this thread be more about toxicity within the supergirl fandom and bringing awareness to it. I'd be happy to engage in a spirited debate about Mon-el in another thread. Start 1 up, I will post my best character analysis I can of him.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 26
Again, let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. Start a separate thread/dialogue if you wish and I'm sure others more eloquent than me can continue your discussion. I only joined this thread to throw in my 2 cents about Rahul responding to the toxic Supercorp ship, not to try to convince anyone to accept the Mon-El storyline, which you've made clear you have an issue with.
Ok we can do that. We obviously do not see eye to eye on this. But thank you for the civil conversation, it's a breath of fresh air compared to some of my social media interactions in this fandom.
I might start a new topic/thread later today. Yeah I definitely have some issues with him (as you can clearly see), but I digress. I'm glad you shared your opinion. It's great to get dialogue flowing between fans, even when we don't all agree.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 27
I am on twitter, I will say this is a stark difference between KM fans and SC fans. I have friends over on twitter from each ship, but I find the nastiness tends to come from the SC side
you dont see KM fans posting stuff like this. SC fans are actually asking each other to ambush and trap cast/producers into making them feel bad about working on the show at cons.
I'm on twitter (and tumblr) too. And the amount of vitriol that I see coming out of BOTH sides of the fandom is alarming. I'm sorry that you find more hate from the SC side but (as I don't care for Mon-El as a character) I find the disgusting childish behavior comes from the KM side.
I don't understand how those questions, if asked, would be an ambush/trap? Cons, although meant to be fun, are also meant to allow dialogue and interaction between fans and cast/crew. I'm sure the producers/writers are at least a bit aware of the opinions surrounding certain characters. If fans have legitimate concerns about their favorite show, wouldn't a convention be a great place for q&a as it affords a non-shipper biased audience?
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 29
Again we are going on personal experiences here, as said. So to say that one fandom polices themselves better than another is pure speculation. You are basing that off of the interactions you've had. I would have to disagree on the idea that SCs are 'condoning' disgusting behavior (like sending Rahul hate). When the hate started, I witnessed plenty of SCs, KMs and others alike stepping up to call those people out and send Rahul some love and support. It's unfortunate that you've only had poor experiences with SC. I on the other hand have had poor experiences with all 3 of the shipping fandoms.
This is where we disagree. Karamel vitriol doesn't just end at Supercorp. It reaches to everyone and anyone who doesn't favor Mon-El. They've gone after cast members and their families too. Just because you haven't taken notice to it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Yes, SC has done it too, I'm not denying they haven't. But to think that KM hasn't is just not true. From what I've seen so far:
SC -- gone after Chris and Rahul, catfished Katie's brother, harassed the sdcc panel moderator
KM -- gone after Katie, Mehcad, Melissa's sister, and harassed David and Odette
Agreed, it is a touchy subject and in all reality, the writers should have NEVER introduced slavery to the narrative. It has brought nothing but problems. That being said, I certainly do not respect anyone who has owned slaves, founding fathers or not. I can appreciate their contributions to modern society but I do not owe respect to people who thought it was justified to own other people. People back then knew it was wrong thus the birth of early antislavery.
This is a whole other topic of conversation but, as far as M'gann, there is no outcry because she has shown actual remorse for her past. Her scenes with J'onn were so emotionally heavy (on a personal note I loved those scenes). She has been given an actual redemption arc by returning to Mars to change things for the better. Mon-El is still lacking in that department. Yes he's said that he wasn't a fan of slavery, but that's as far as his redemption has gone. The writers seemed to have glossed over this part of his past. I'm not judging any character on the sins of their fathers, instead I'm judging characters based on the character itself. The way I see it, most characters are trying to make up for the sins of their past/sins of their family except for Mon-El.
True, Supercorp was called out. There's no denying it, how could anybody deny it? What they did was gross on so many levels. But for us to blame an entire group for the actions of the few isn't the right way to approach this. We can't judge entire subsets of the fandom based on the bad eggs can we? And I highly doubt anyone will be spewing hate at SDCC, I just don't see that happening.
This is where we disagree. Karamel vitriol doesn't just end at Supercorp. It reaches to everyone and anyone who doesn't favor Mon-El. They've gone after cast members and their families too. Just because you haven't taken notice to it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Yes, SC has done it too, I'm not denying they haven't. But to think that KM hasn't is just not true. From what I've seen so far:
SC -- gone after Chris and Rahul, catfished Katie's brother, harassed the sdcc panel moderator
KM -- gone after Katie, Mehcad, Melissa's sister, and harassed David and Odette
Agreed, it is a touchy subject and in all reality, the writers should have NEVER introduced slavery to the narrative. It has brought nothing but problems. That being said, I certainly do not respect anyone who has owned slaves, founding fathers or not. I can appreciate their contributions to modern society but I do not owe respect to people who thought it was justified to own other people. People back then knew it was wrong thus the birth of early antislavery.
This is a whole other topic of conversation but, as far as M'gann, there is no outcry because she has shown actual remorse for her past. Her scenes with J'onn were so emotionally heavy (on a personal note I loved those scenes). She has been given an actual redemption arc by returning to Mars to change things for the better. Mon-El is still lacking in that department. Yes he's said that he wasn't a fan of slavery, but that's as far as his redemption has gone. The writers seemed to have glossed over this part of his past. I'm not judging any character on the sins of their fathers, instead I'm judging characters based on the character itself. The way I see it, most characters are trying to make up for the sins of their past/sins of their family except for Mon-El.
True, Supercorp was called out. There's no denying it, how could anybody deny it? What they did was gross on so many levels. But for us to blame an entire group for the actions of the few isn't the right way to approach this. We can't judge entire subsets of the fandom based on the bad eggs can we? And I highly doubt anyone will be spewing hate at SDCC, I just don't see that happening.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 30
I have seen plenty of #Karamel vitriol towards #Supercorp AND actors and their families (and vice versa). Let's please not act like there aren't bad eggs within the KM fandom who, like SC, take things way too far.
That's just it though, your social media experiences do not speak for everyone else's twitter/tumblr experiences. It appears you've had your fair share of awful SC interactions, whereas I've had my fair share of awful KM interactions. I think our experiences all depends on which side of the 'shipping spectrum' we fall closer to.
I agree, ships in fandoms really make it hard to fully enjoy a show/movie/etc. As for the "one is at least actually happening on the show", although true, it doesn't mean people can't ship non-canon ships. Non-canon shipping has been around for ages and fans invest their time into pairings ('real' or not) that they can relate to.
#Karamel -- annoying, homophobic, racist, childish
#Supercorp -- annoying, childish, quick to name-calling, broken records
(btw I don't find this to be true of the entire fandoms, just some of the shippers within them)
As far as the abuse stuff, there are abuse survivors who have spoken out about how the character's actions/certain scenes remind them of the awful things they themselves went through. Not everyone's experience of abuse is the same. Abuse comes in many shapes and forms (as I'm certain you're aware of as per your internship). And to discredit those survivors who have spoken out against some of the karamel scenes is disrespectful on your part.
As for the slavery bit, does that mean people who owned slaves in the past get a free pass because, as you said, they "came from a society where that was ok"? So as long as society accepts something that makes it ok? That's nonsense and you know it. The character himself said he never agreed with slavery, but yet the writers decided to have him do nothing about it (personally that's the part that bothers me).
The mute and block buttons are you best friends when it comes to social media. I have some SCs muted alongside KMs and even some Sanvers fans. Like you, I hope my opinion and views of the fandoms doesn't offend anyone too much (I'm sure I've ticked off someone somewhere lol). The entirety of our fandom is being narrowed down to the actions of these two groups and it's shameful.
I don't see why our posts should be deleted (or be banned), we're being respectful towards each other and only exchanging opinions on the topic of the video.
I have seen plenty of #Karamel vitriol towards #Supercorp AND actors and their families (and vice versa). Let's please not act like there aren't bad eggs within the KM fandom who, like SC, take things way too far.
That's just it though, your social media experiences do not speak for everyone else's twitter/tumblr experiences. It appears you've had your fair share of awful SC interactions, whereas I've had my fair share of awful KM interactions. I think our experiences all depends on which side of the 'shipping spectrum' we fall closer to.
I agree, ships in fandoms really make it hard to fully enjoy a show/movie/etc. As for the "one is at least actually happening on the show", although true, it doesn't mean people can't ship non-canon ships. Non-canon shipping has been around for ages and fans invest their time into pairings ('real' or not) that they can relate to.
#Karamel -- annoying, homophobic, racist, childish
#Supercorp -- annoying, childish, quick to name-calling, broken records
(btw I don't find this to be true of the entire fandoms, just some of the shippers within them)
As far as the abuse stuff, there are abuse survivors who have spoken out about how the character's actions/certain scenes remind them of the awful things they themselves went through. Not everyone's experience of abuse is the same. Abuse comes in many shapes and forms (as I'm certain you're aware of as per your internship). And to discredit those survivors who have spoken out against some of the karamel scenes is disrespectful on your part.
As for the slavery bit, does that mean people who owned slaves in the past get a free pass because, as you said, they "came from a society where that was ok"? So as long as society accepts something that makes it ok? That's nonsense and you know it. The character himself said he never agreed with slavery, but yet the writers decided to have him do nothing about it (personally that's the part that bothers me).
The mute and block buttons are you best friends when it comes to social media. I have some SCs muted alongside KMs and even some Sanvers fans. Like you, I hope my opinion and views of the fandoms doesn't offend anyone too much (I'm sure I've ticked off someone somewhere lol). The entirety of our fandom is being narrowed down to the actions of these two groups and it's shameful.
I don't see why our posts should be deleted (or be banned), we're being respectful towards each other and only exchanging opinions on the topic of the video.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 31
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