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  4. Friday, 14 May 2021
He will be taking the lead of Seymour this fall.
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He's sure to do a fine job.
  1. more than a month ago
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I’m sure he’ll be great. I’m having a bit of trouble picturing him as Seymour Krelborn, he’s too handsome for the role. Seymour isn’t supposed to so good looking.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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He's always been one of my favorite character's in the show. I may go see him around Thanksgiving time. Things should be back to normal in the city by then. Front row orchestra is around 250 a seat. On second thought maybe I'll wait till Christmas to see if one of my dear friend's surprise me with tickets.;)

July 20,1969 "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Bob Dylan - My Back Pages (From the 30th Anniversary Concert) (Version 2)
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