I hope someone who writes or helps produce the show visits this site, listens to the viewers and will knock some sense into whoever keeps putting politics in the show. Stop it already!!!
An alien who is President still has to be a "democrat"? References to "resist" and "make" things "great again".? and the rest of the not so subtle inserts over the past several episodes. The show would still have told a good story without such lines.
I know they must think it is "trendy" to do, but have you seen what has happened to ESPN? They are hemorrhaging viewers, losing profits and just let go 100 on air talents because people turned off politics and sports. ESPN is sagging. If I wanted politics on Monday night at 8pm there are plenty of other shows I can tune in to watch.
I want this show to succeed but this idea of putting politics in is not the way to go. It takes away from the fun of the escapism and putting aside the problems of the real world - even for just an hour. The shelf life of some of those political references won't last too long, but good writing and Superheroics will last forever.
How about just focusing on good story telling that grows Kara as a person and a hero for everybody, fighting the "bad guys" and moving the show forward.
I am hoping part two elevates beyond tonight's episode.
- jdbop
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Monday, 15 May 2017
I agree with your comment. I groaned during some of the scenes tonight. I got a feeling this was filmed right after the election. Look, I love this show but the blatant jabs ruin it for me. Cat Grant has been missed this season, and finally when she comes back she has a speech that was just so ham-handed about "Girl Power" that I nearly stopped watching the episode. Enough already! My message to the producers of the show is to leave the politics out of it. There are great characters on this show. Concentrate on developing stories with these great characters.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
I got a feeling this was filmed right after the election.
Not true, the show wrapped three weeks ago, the last two episodes were filmed late March/early April. The writers weren't even finished with the season until early February.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I hope someone who writes or helps produce the show visits this site, listens to the viewers and will knock some sense into whoever keeps putting politics in the show. Stop it already!!!
An alien who is President still has to be a "democrat"? References to "resist" and "make" things "great again".? and the rest of the not so subtle inserts over the past several episodes. The show would still have told a good story without such lines.
I know they must think it is "trendy" to do, but have you seen what has happened to ESPN? They are hemorrhaging viewers, losing profits and just let go 100 on air talents because people turned off politics and sports. ESPN is sagging. If I wanted politics on Monday night at 8pm there are plenty of other shows I can tune in to watch.
I want this show to succeed but this idea of putting politics in is not the way to go. It takes away from the fun of the escapism and putting aside the problems of the real world - even for just an hour. The shelf life of some of those political references won't last too long, but good writing and Superheroics will last forever.
How about just focusing on good story telling that grows Kara as a person and a hero for everybody, fighting the "bad guys" and moving the show forward.
I am hoping part two elevates beyond tonight's episode.
jdbop, If it were humanly possible to shake your hand one BILLION times, I'd take up the challenge and risk tearing my arm out of the socket! And I like the ESPN reference. And also about ABC, which owns ESPN, they canceled Last Man Standing starring Tim Allen despite pretty good ratings. There's more than meets the eye here!
But to put things in a comic book perspective, the "M" company admits it's losing readers because of politics and even canceled one book about Black Lives Matter; why? NOBODY WANTED TO BUY IT. THE FREE MARKET HAS SPOKEN!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Cat's speech to National City was almost word for word RECENT Democrat talking points And "they want to make this city great again"?..."resist resist resist", etc etc etc. Made me wonder if the writers weren't up there during filming (which they do go up on set during their episodes), and rewriting some of Cat's lines.
But, as I stated in the comments section under the admins recap, I just rolled my eyes and smiled at Cat. Perhaps I got most of my "frustrations" with the show politics out in our recent Political Thread Fedguy started last week that the admins generously allowed us to discuss. Felt most of us were able to shake hands, learn from each other, and move on to focusing on the good in the show.
But REALLY hoping the writers bring it down a notch or two...or three...or four next season
But, as I stated in the comments section under the admins recap, I just rolled my eyes and smiled at Cat. Perhaps I got most of my "frustrations" with the show politics out in our recent Political Thread Fedguy started last week that the admins generously allowed us to discuss. Felt most of us were able to shake hands, learn from each other, and move on to focusing on the good in the show.
But REALLY hoping the writers bring it down a notch or two...or three...or four next season

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I have no problem with the show including these kind of references. That is not to say I agree with all of them, but if the ptb want to use their pulpit to make a statement I have no problem with it. There is nothing more American than that! Political references appear now and then at appropriate times during the show and then the story moves on. If you don't like it, shrug it off as an opinion that you disagree with, but do respect that there are other people who agree with the message and are happy to see its inclusion.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I concur completely. If there were actually clever writing in handling their view via allegory or the like, like how Star Trek in all its incarnations used to do, it would be one thing, but this is just full out and in your face. They spoonfeed the rhetoric and don't leave the viewers any means to come to their own conclusions and think for themselves. They need to understand that this approach potentially may alienate as many potential viewers as they want to attract (or keep).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I thought long and hard about responding to this thread but after reading this article decided to put in my two cents. I like my entertainment with with added relevant social commentary. It's one of the reasons I get more from this show than others I watch. I agree with article it's just as integral to the show as Kara flying.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I do not mind politics in a show when...its two sided...when its a true mirror of society, not a skewed one sided vision, attacking half their viewership. That's the issue I believe people are having.
Let me turn the mirror for a moment. Suppose the writers and directors were engrossed in the views of the alt right, and wrote the show as such. I think we'd ALL take issue with that, including those who are arguing they are fine with the current messaging.
Let me turn the mirror for a moment. Suppose the writers and directors were engrossed in the views of the alt right, and wrote the show as such. I think we'd ALL take issue with that, including those who are arguing they are fine with the current messaging.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Cat Grant has as part of her character 'aggressive Democrat', going back to Kara Danvers tagging all the Republican applicants and Cat repeatedly complaining about have to sit near O'Reilly (well, there could have been another reference less well known at the time).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Cat Grant has as part of her character 'aggressive Democrat', going back to Kara Danvers tagging all the Republican applicants and Cat repeatedly complaining about have to sit near O'Reilly (well, there could have been another reference less well known at the time).
See? Cat grant is so over the top with it, its funny. But, her character is also one of the few that will also poke fun at democrats and everyone else.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Brierrose: I have absolutely no problem with the female empowerment angle Supergirl should be the focus. Having a female lead is awesome especially when there is Flash and Arrow on the same network. She should be strong, in thought and action. She should be everything that Superman is - except female. She should also be kind and helpful but at the same time able to kick butt - which she is all of that and more. The show is called "Supergirl". It is not called "Political Girl". If they handled the political angles like they did in the original Star Trek - it would be more palatable. I don't care what party the President is in the show and the way it was presented that she still has to be a "democrat" is demeaning to anyone who does not share that political belief. Alienating half of your potential viewers is not a smart way to keep a show on TV. Lines like that, and others, are unnecessary in driving the story or developing Kara, or in that case Kat, as a character. They are cheap shots. If the lines were reversed and liberals were targeted - the furor would be loud and long. Look what happened to "Last Man Standing". It is the third highest rated show on ABC, but leans right and was cancelled.
I just want good stories with the hero being awesome. Leave the politics out.
I just want good stories with the hero being awesome. Leave the politics out.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
Although it's true this is America and you can say basically anything you want on TV these days, there is still the fact that there are consequences to saying anything you want whether they be good or bad. I really think by being so left leaning, there is, ultimately, going to be consequences in lower ratings because more and more people may become less forgiving of stilted, one dimensional writing and because people who don't agree with the show's platform will tune out rather than feel preached to or insulted. If this last election proves anything, it is that there are a lot of people who don't see eye to eye with the left. Pretty sure many of these folk like comic books and superheroes too.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
I'm curious, the current season of Agents of Shield has woven a lot of 'political' speak into its episodes this season, e.g. "fake news", "nevertheless, she persisted", and a rousing speech against rising up against a fascist government. Has it received the same level of backlash that Supergirl has? Or, does it get a pass because white men are the ones saying it, and/or the stories are good enough that nobody cares?
Side note:
Agents of Shield has been excellent this season, particularly the second half. I highly recommend watching/catching up on it if you haven't. It has tight writing, an interesting story, good acting, and chilling plot twists. It borrows from what feels like nearly every sci-fi trope out there, but somehow it all works. Compared to past seasons that were rather campy and the villains pushovers, I actually found myself worried about the characters on many occasions this season.
To put it another way, every episode this season has rated between 8.3 and 9.6 on IMDB, with the last 8(!) episodes all 9.0 or higher. Simply for comparison (not a dig at Supergirl by any means), Supergirl's highest ever rated episode "Falling" got a 9.0.
Side note:
Agents of Shield has been excellent this season, particularly the second half. I highly recommend watching/catching up on it if you haven't. It has tight writing, an interesting story, good acting, and chilling plot twists. It borrows from what feels like nearly every sci-fi trope out there, but somehow it all works. Compared to past seasons that were rather campy and the villains pushovers, I actually found myself worried about the characters on many occasions this season.
To put it another way, every episode this season has rated between 8.3 and 9.6 on IMDB, with the last 8(!) episodes all 9.0 or higher. Simply for comparison (not a dig at Supergirl by any means), Supergirl's highest ever rated episode "Falling" got a 9.0.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Knightsabre7 : I do not watch Agents of Shield so I have no opinion or input towards that show or your comments about the show.
My point is simply to drop the politics from Supergirl. It is unnecessary in advancing the storyline or building Kara as a hero. If I want one sided political rhetoric there are plenty of choices to tune in on a Monday night at 8pm to find it. I would rather have an hour of Super- entertaining escapism than politics at that time. The writers should really learn from the election and what is happening to ESPN. The country is just about evenly divided about political viewpoints. It is not smart to think insulting or alienating(pun intended) half of your perspective audience will help the ratings increase.
Keep in mind I am not advocating for political jabs and insults directed at the left or to promote right side views. I am saying NO POLITICS at all. Just write good stories with kick-ass action that make the viewers want more!
My point is simply to drop the politics from Supergirl. It is unnecessary in advancing the storyline or building Kara as a hero. If I want one sided political rhetoric there are plenty of choices to tune in on a Monday night at 8pm to find it. I would rather have an hour of Super- entertaining escapism than politics at that time. The writers should really learn from the election and what is happening to ESPN. The country is just about evenly divided about political viewpoints. It is not smart to think insulting or alienating(pun intended) half of your perspective audience will help the ratings increase.
Keep in mind I am not advocating for political jabs and insults directed at the left or to promote right side views. I am saying NO POLITICS at all. Just write good stories with kick-ass action that make the viewers want more!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Knightsabre7 : I do not watch Agents of Shield so I have no opinion or input towards that show or your comments about the show.
My point is simply to drop the politics from Supergirl. It is unnecessary in advancing the storyline or building Kara as a hero. If I want one sided political rhetoric there are plenty of choices to tune in on a Monday night at 8pm to find it. I would rather have an hour of Super- entertaining escapism than politics at that time. The writers should really learn from the election and what is happening to ESPN. The country is just about evenly divided about political viewpoints. It is not smart to think insulting or alienating(pun intended) half of your perspective audience will help the ratings increase.
Keep in mind I am not advocating for political jabs and insults directed at the left or to promote right side views. I am saying NO POLITICS at all. Just write good stories with kick-ass action that make the viewers want more!
Exactly so. Well put!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
My point is simply to drop the politics from Supergirl. It is unnecessary in advancing the storyline or building Kara as a hero. If I want one sided political rhetoric there are plenty of choices to tune in on a Monday night at 8pm to find it. I would rather have an hour of Super- entertaining escapism than politics at that time. The writers should really learn from the election and what is happening to ESPN. The country is just about evenly divided about political viewpoints. It is not smart to think insulting or alienating(pun intended) half of your perspective audience will help the ratings increase.
While I generally agree with you, I'd like to be sure I understand what specifically you're referring to when we talk about the show being "political". Is it just the occasional jabs/quotes like you mentioned? Or is it other things too that people see as promoting the Democratic Party agenda, like the Alex + Maggie relationship (promoting gay rights), James being black (political correctness), alien refugees (immigration), all the feminist stuff from Cat Grant, etc.?
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Knightsabre7: I guess I should go back/re-watch the episodes for more specific comments. But in general they are beating us over the head with some of what you suggest. Jimmy Olsen was definitely cast for PC reasons. Portrayed as a nerdy white kid from every other incarnation transformed into a muscular afr/amer. man who is physically larger than the actor they picked to play Superman. Someone was definitely miscast there. It is fine Alex has a girlfriend but again they focus too much on that. I could be happy with no dating relationships in the show. I don't need to see Winn or Hank or anyone else but maybe Kara have a relationship - but only if it advanced the story or development of her character. The show after all is called Supergirl, not "Romances at CatCo" or "Days of Our Lives at the DEO".
The "alien" stories this season were definitely for political reasons. The Fort Rozz bad guys in season 1 were the only aliens on earth, other than MM and SG, and this tied into the story very well in how she got to earth and what her mission was. And now we have dozens of alien species portrayed as innocent targets pursued by a government hostile towards them. ... and on and on ....
Everyone is entitled to wherever they stand on those political issues. Everyone has a vote. Everyone can have an opinion. Just take the politics out of the show.
The "alien" stories this season were definitely for political reasons. The Fort Rozz bad guys in season 1 were the only aliens on earth, other than MM and SG, and this tied into the story very well in how she got to earth and what her mission was. And now we have dozens of alien species portrayed as innocent targets pursued by a government hostile towards them. ... and on and on ....
Everyone is entitled to wherever they stand on those political issues. Everyone has a vote. Everyone can have an opinion. Just take the politics out of the show.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
Knightsabre7: "Or, does it get a pass because white men are the ones saying it..."
In my case, the only reason it "gets a pass" is simply because I don't watch it, so I am unaware of its political dialogue. And, thus, have never brought it up. Plus, being we aren't on an Agent of Shields forum, the discussion is centered on the politics in Supergirl--none of it, having to do with the color of skin. Makes me sad anyone would infere that, to begin with. Much divisivness in this nation right now.
But, since you mentioned the show, I did just read up on it in multiple articles. All one needs to do is Google "Agent of Shield, politics." From what I gather, up until a recent episode, "No Regrets," the show wasn't as politically blatant as Supergirl. That, to me, sounds more like the reason it has received more of a pass, not because it was said by "white guys." Excerpt from one article, "And the moment that Fitz, when describing Daisy’s refusal to bend to Hydra’s will, utters the phrase “Nevertheless, she persisted,” it became clear the show was leaving behind its former tactic of satisfying itself with coy allusions and nods to the contemporary political reality in the U.S. The Framework is giving this series an opportunity to express its displeasure with the current administration, for better or worse, and “No Regrets” unapologetically dives into that oppositional stance."
The Supergirl writers shuve in their politics much to the detriment of the dialogue. Example: Cat's "rousing" speech, much of didn't even fit the situation.
"They come with empty promises and closed fists..." ummm they came down with lasers destroying cars and buildings and soldiers shooting people.
"They promise to make our world great again......" ummm...they just arrived, how would they know how the world once was?
"They think they can con us..." ummmm what? How have they "conned" anyone? Refer back to quote one. Pretty sure Earthlings picked up on the Daximite agenda loud and clear.
Bbbuuttt... It was Cat Grant who said it. So, I'm willing to overlook it
In my case, the only reason it "gets a pass" is simply because I don't watch it, so I am unaware of its political dialogue. And, thus, have never brought it up. Plus, being we aren't on an Agent of Shields forum, the discussion is centered on the politics in Supergirl--none of it, having to do with the color of skin. Makes me sad anyone would infere that, to begin with. Much divisivness in this nation right now.
But, since you mentioned the show, I did just read up on it in multiple articles. All one needs to do is Google "Agent of Shield, politics." From what I gather, up until a recent episode, "No Regrets," the show wasn't as politically blatant as Supergirl. That, to me, sounds more like the reason it has received more of a pass, not because it was said by "white guys." Excerpt from one article, "And the moment that Fitz, when describing Daisy’s refusal to bend to Hydra’s will, utters the phrase “Nevertheless, she persisted,” it became clear the show was leaving behind its former tactic of satisfying itself with coy allusions and nods to the contemporary political reality in the U.S. The Framework is giving this series an opportunity to express its displeasure with the current administration, for better or worse, and “No Regrets” unapologetically dives into that oppositional stance."
The Supergirl writers shuve in their politics much to the detriment of the dialogue. Example: Cat's "rousing" speech, much of didn't even fit the situation.
"They come with empty promises and closed fists..." ummm they came down with lasers destroying cars and buildings and soldiers shooting people.
"They promise to make our world great again......" ummm...they just arrived, how would they know how the world once was?
"They think they can con us..." ummmm what? How have they "conned" anyone? Refer back to quote one. Pretty sure Earthlings picked up on the Daximite agenda loud and clear.
Bbbuuttt... It was Cat Grant who said it. So, I'm willing to overlook it

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
The Supergirl writers shuve in their politics much to the detriment of the dialogue. Example: Cat's "rousing" speech, much of didn't even fit the situation.
"They come with empty promises and closed fists..." ummm they came down with lasers destroying cars and buildings and soldiers shooting people.
"They promise to make our world great again......" ummm...they just arrived, how would they know how the world once was?
"They think they can con us..." ummmm what? How have they "conned" anyone? Refer back to quote one. Pretty sure Earthlings picked up on the Daximite agenda loud and clear.
Bbbuuttt... It was Cat Grant who said it. So, I'm willing to overlook it![]()
Exactly. It did nothing to drive the story. Totally a means of soapboxing the show writers agenda.
Attachments (1)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
Thank you so much for this post, I 100% agree with you! WE GET IT people where upset with the outcome with the election! If I wanted to listen to people badmouth OUR president, I would listen/ watch any of the many news outlets that do just that. I am also Sick and tired of all the shows AND TV NEXTWORKS (am looking at you ABC) >:O that think it's OK or COOL to just badmouth our president, just because they don't like his politics. If this was 8 years ago, no one would be able to get away with that. But just because a few people where upset that Trump won they think that everyone in the world hate him, or those that DID vote for him are dumb.
you would be called and label as a racist 8 years ago if you dare say something bad about the "oh grate one". PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND LEAVE POLITICS OUT! It serves NO point in a DC comic book tv show other then of the creators to push there politics on the viewers. You don't see LOT, Arrow, The Flash siting around talking about politics, Supergirl should be no different!
you would be called and label as a racist 8 years ago if you dare say something bad about the "oh grate one". PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND LEAVE POLITICS OUT! It serves NO point in a DC comic book tv show other then of the creators to push there politics on the viewers. You don't see LOT, Arrow, The Flash siting around talking about politics, Supergirl should be no different!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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