Hi, everyone! I finally got to re-watch Bizarro today. It's one of my favorite SG S1 episodes, and I think it shows us what the series can do in S6 to get back to the "heart" of the matter, so to speak. Here are some thoughts.
1. The sisters are the focal point of this episode and I would say even of S1 in general. I just can't stress enough how they and their relationship are the true heart of the series, and I think in subsequent seasons, their relationship has been relegated to just a few scenes on the couch. There is so much more to their relationship than that, though. In this episode, we have so many fantastic moments where Alex defends Kara/Supergirl, and those moments are great. The episode titled
Alex was an attempt to get back to the sisters' relationship, but to me, it felt more like a Supergirl vs. Maggie plot. I hope in S6 we get more episodes that focus on the relationship of Kara/Supergirl and Alex and how protective they are of each other.
2. How I miss Maxwell Lord! He was indeed the perfect villain, I think. I wonder if we might get him back for one or two episodes in S6. That brings me to another idea--how about bringing Bizarro back? At the end of this episode, it's implied that folks at the DEO are going to try to help her while she's back in a coma.
3. This episode has great lines! "The skirt was surprisingly comfortable" from Hank made me laugh, as did Supergirl's remark, "Except for the fact that she talks like Cookie Monster...." That's good writing!
4. I miss the relationship between Cat and Kara, but that's different than just missing Cat. Cat in S1 is such a good role model for Kara. Now that Kara has won a Pulitzer (which happened too fast, I think, and I'm a former journalist), does she no longer need role models? There hasn't been a good one for her since S1.
5. One of the most tingling moments was when Supergirl comes face-to-face with Bizarro for the first time, saving the cable car. I could feel the energy, shock, etc. in that moment. It would be fascinating to actually come face-fo-face with a mirror image of ourselves--or very frightening. It's a play off the legend of the doppelganger.
6. I love the focus Alex and the DEO put on science in S1. I always enjoy seeing Alex the Scientist. Now that she's away from the DEO and there is no "lab" of sorts, have we lost that? Maybe. Could we get it back? Absolutely.
7. Regarding music, the theme song to the Supergirl series is played at various times throughout this episode, and I really miss that in future seasons. That music is extremely powerful. I hope they use it a lot in S6.
8. When Kara tells Adam about her parents, it reminded me how much of the story of Kara's and Alura's reunion was overlooked, and that's a virtual gold mine for writing and acting. Their reunion has been portrayed too quickly and way too happily. Does Kara not hold any resentment toward her mother for sending her away to Earth without even knowing what might happen to her? If you were Kara, after you saw your mom and realized she was alive and hugged and kissed her, wouldn't you be a little angry? We see anger from Kara in various parts of S1, and that's good--that helps make a well-rounded character. Maybe in S6, the relationship between Kara and Alura can be explored further. Let's see something real between them this time.
9. I love it when the "secret identity" is at risk. It seems to bring out the best in the characters. I never tire of seeing this.
10. I absolutely love it when Alex slams Maxwell's head on the desk after he whispers to her that he knows Supergirl's identity! THAT is emotion that makes acting great! Also, he had it coming.

11. Supergirl's landings are one of the bright spots in the series, I think. I never tire of seeing her land after flying.
12. There was such great acting in the Bizarro scene at the end, when Hank and Alex put Bizarro back into her coma. I'm curious why they had to do that, though.
13. Kara's loneliness at the end just breaks my heart. James is off to see Lucy, and Kara flies home alone. Good job of having her go to the frig when she flies through her window; that's very realistic. The loneliness reminds me of the scene where Non has Astra's funeral, and after all of the Kryptonians fly away, Kara is left alone floating in the sky. Such a symbolic and heart-breaking scene! Of course, loneliness is the price of being a superhero.
The next episode, "For the Girl Who Has Everything," is one of my all-time favorites!