1. Meadows
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Hi, everyone! Let's re-watch Supergirl Season 1 together. We can watch one episode of Season 1 every Sunday. Let's start on Sunday, May 31, with S1E1. That's one of my favorites. Then, we can talk about the episode in relation to what we know through Season 5. After Season 1, we can move on to Season 2 if we like. That will give us our Supergirl "fix" until we get Season 6! :)
After watching S1E1 on Sunday, May 31, post any interesting ideas that come to mind. We will do the same for the next 20 weeks through the end of Season 1.
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Boy, am I way behind! I will do my best to catch up ASAP.

Same here Meadows. Look forward to reading your next posts.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 21
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Boy, am I way behind! I will do my best to catch up ASAP. The colleges where I teach have started back for Fall, and things are hectic once again! :)

First things first, Meadows! Good luck to you and your students. Stay safe!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 22
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Boy, am I way behind! I will do my best to catch up ASAP. The colleges where I teach have started back for Fall, and things are hectic once again! :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 23
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Episode 115, Solitude

You nailed it, Kiwi! I remember you writing last week about anticipating a favorite scene and thinking at that time that it would be the missile save. It really is an awesome scene. I love how Supergirl "climbs" the missile by making hand-holds along the way. Very cool!

There were other good effects in this episode: Indigo "pixallating" in and out of computers, doing her Elastigirl impression in the missile bunker, and the whole Fortress of Solitude set.

Supergirl's giddiness when entering the Fortress was perfectly captured by Melissa. Really charming.

Alex saying proudly "That's my sister" as the DEO tracks her chasing the missile.

Good job by Jeremy in his battle of wits with Indigo, and his triumph as he brings her down.

Then the last scene, also one of my favorites, when Alex confesses that it was she who killed Astra, not Hank. Perfectly written and perfectly played by Melissa, Chyler, and David. It encapsulates much of what makes this a great show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 24
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Episode 15 'Solitude' gets a 10 for just one scene alone, a scene which comfortably sits in my Top 10 Supergirl moments from the entire series. The scene in question is nearly 3 minutes of awesomeness as Supergirl chases after and disables a nuclear missile thereby saving her city from obliteration, go Supergirl !!!!! :) . In fact after watching the episode tonight I went and re-watched the scene 5 times. I love the drama, the tension, the Blake Neely music, Supergirl's determination and her heroism plus the fact she put aside her beef with J'onn in the moment to get his assistance with stopping the missile. Just an ultimate Supergirl fantasy.

Earlier in the episode there was a really nice Supergirl save when she saves the lives of a family by lifting and flying away their car just before it was going to get totaled by a truck. Nice one Supergirl :) .

I enjoyed the Fortress of Solitude scenes and Kara's excitement at being there. It was funny when James was telling Kara about her sharp turns while flying and she replied "Hey, nobody likes a back seat flier" :) .

Nice to see Laura Vandervoort (Smallville Supergirl) in the episode. I appreciated them having both previous Supergirls (Helen and Laura) on the show in Season 1.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 25
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Episode 14 Truth, Justice & The American Way was one of the few Season 1 Episodes that for me didn't have high re-watch value.

Kiwi, I agree with your assessment. The big problem for me was that in their first battle with the chains, Supergirl has the upper hand over the Master Jailer. Likewise, in their final battle (after Alex shoots out the skylight to allow sunlight in) Supergirl defeats him easily. Yet somehow he inexplicably manages to capture her in the second encounter, which we do not see. Huh? Also, we are to believe that his prison is set up with red light technology on the off-chance he may need it to disable a Kryptonian? Double huh?? So that inconsistency was my biggest issue with this episode.

Apart from that, I agree with the positives you've noted. I also liked James' talk with Supergirl at the DEO, telling her of the importance not to abandon her values regardless of the provocation. Very timely.

A bit off topic, but this was the first time I have re-watched this episode in a long time, since well before Melissa's video about IPV last November. So when Cat related to James the story about failing to report about an actress being abused by her husband it struck me as being too close to home to be coincidental. Purely speculative, but I had to wonder if Melissa's makeup person had noticed bruises.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 26
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Episode 14 Truth, Justice & The American Way was one of the few Season 1 Episodes that for me didn't have high re-watch value. There were 3 things though from the episode that I enjoyed a lot:

1) Supergirl's fight with Master Jailer, this was cool with some really sweet moves from Supergirl (especially using the chains). I also liked Supergirl escaping being tied up in chains by using her heat vision.

2) Supergirl and the Professor, I did thoroughly enjoy watching their scenes and felt they made a nice connection with each other (credit to the actors). I loved Supergirl's response to the Professor when he said he was glad that flying wasn't an ability he acquired on Earth and Supergirl smiled and said she loved it (flying) :) :) :) . I also liked Supergirl saying to the Professor to call her Kara i/o Supergirl.

3) Kara and Siobhan. Fun scenes and funny as. Great performances by Melissa and Italia.

Next comes Episode 15 which contained one of my Top 10 Supergirl moments from the series so far.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 27
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I hadn't watched For the Girl Who Has Everything for some time but after my re-watch tonight I should re-visit it a little more often as there is some seriously good stuff here.

My favourite scenes were the ones of Kara on Krypton, visually it looked great (credit to the work of Encore VFX), I liked the look of Kara's bedroom and Kara's white dress, so so beautiful :) . None of it would mean anything without a really nice performance from Melissa and she certainly delivered.

The recurring theme of this episode was the importance of family and I particularly liked Alex referring to James and Winn as Kara's family and not just as Kara's friends or work colleagues. Nice work from Mehcad and Jeremy to display their characters strong concern and care for Kara.

Not too much in the way of Superheroics of course but I did enjoy Supergirl stopping the satellite from collapsing to the ground.

Most enjoyable scene was the one the closed the episode with Kara, Winn, Alex and James gathering at Kara's place for a party. I love the way Melissa brings a child-like wonderment to Kara's love of her favourite foods (pot-stickers and ice-cream). I also really liked Kara and Winn affirming their friendship.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 28
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superbill, you covered just about everything I was thinking! :D

I miss Max as well. I wouldn't mind hearing a little about what he's up to, even in passing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 29
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For the Girl Who Has Everything (113)

One of the best episodes of the series. Melissa and Chyler were brilliant.

Chyler was great in the scene where she pleaded with Alura to help her save her sister, but she then topped that in her desperation to convince Kara to reject the fantasy and return with her to Earth. Her agony was written on her face and in her voice. Chyler has given us many great moments, but this was her finest.

Up to this point in Season 1, I had been delighted with Melissa's portrayal as Kara/Supergirl. After viewing this episode I stopped seeing her only as a perfect casting for this role, and recognized her extraordinary talent which places her in the top tier of actors I have seen. Her confusion immediately after awaking in a dream state on Krypton was totally convincing, and her stony expression as Alex fought to reach her was a perfect complement to Chyler's performance. Her face after awaking, when she asked "who did this to me?" was chilling. But it was a sequence from 33:40 to 39:00 of the episode that really hooked me as a fan of Melissa. Her utter ferocity as she confronts and battles Non is followed moments later by a tender moment of sorrow as she kneels over the dying Astra. These two scenes demonstrate tremendous range as an actor, and I do not believe anyone could have done them better.

With all the drama of this episode, there were some humorous moments:

J'onn, as "Kara," stumbling while walking in high heels.

Cat calling her "Karla," perhaps a subtle hint that she recognized that something wasn't quite right with "Kara."

Cat accusing "Kara" of a "Catskill summer stock performance" after she tearfully apologized.

Last but not least, Peter Facinelli giving another nice portrayal as Max Lord, not only saving the day by creating a helmet enabling Alex to access Kara's dream state, but by the great line "that was one messed-up daffodil." Yeah, I do miss Max Lord. Of the cast members who have left, I miss Peter and Calista the most.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 30
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Bizarro is a great episode simply because I love seeing the main character having to go up against a villainous doppelgänger.

As Meadows mentioned the lines from Hank "The skirt was surprisingly comfortable" and Supergirl's "Except for the fact that she talks like Cookie Monster...." are classic.

We finally got to see Adam and Kara kiss *woooooooo* but who should swoop in out of the night sky and whisk Kara away? Bizarro! Depending how you view this event either Kara's relationship could have gone somewhere with this guy and Biz messed that up or if you or a Karamel fan Biz saved the day. I'm not giving away what I thought (of course I mean with reference to the characters and not with events going on in real life)

Then came the main event for me seeing Good Kara Danvers vs Evil Supergirl. Loved the fire breath. I liked the part where Kara hits Bizarro and she spins round in the air.

When Adam rhetorically asked Cat why did she take Kara, I again have to wonder what Cat was thinking

As superbill mentioned the scene where James is expressing his love for Supergirl was quite meaningful and when Biz says "Ugly" and James says about how we can all feel ugly at times. Sadly true.

Attached are pic 1 After seeing the DEO's sleeping arrangements for Max Lord I will never take my bed for granted ever again. Pic 2 Truer words have never been spoken.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 31
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Hi, everyone! I finally got to re-watch Bizarro today. It's one of my favorite SG S1 episodes, and I think it shows us what the series can do in S6 to get back to the "heart" of the matter, so to speak. Here are some thoughts.

1. The sisters are the focal point of this episode and I would say even of S1 in general. I just can't stress enough how they and their relationship are the true heart of the series, and I think in subsequent seasons, their relationship has been relegated to just a few scenes on the couch. There is so much more to their relationship than that, though. In this episode, we have so many fantastic moments where Alex defends Kara/Supergirl, and those moments are great. The episode titled Alex was an attempt to get back to the sisters' relationship, but to me, it felt more like a Supergirl vs. Maggie plot. I hope in S6 we get more episodes that focus on the relationship of Kara/Supergirl and Alex and how protective they are of each other.
2. How I miss Maxwell Lord! He was indeed the perfect villain, I think. I wonder if we might get him back for one or two episodes in S6. That brings me to another idea--how about bringing Bizarro back? At the end of this episode, it's implied that folks at the DEO are going to try to help her while she's back in a coma.
3. This episode has great lines! "The skirt was surprisingly comfortable" from Hank made me laugh, as did Supergirl's remark, "Except for the fact that she talks like Cookie Monster...." That's good writing!
4. I miss the relationship between Cat and Kara, but that's different than just missing Cat. Cat in S1 is such a good role model for Kara. Now that Kara has won a Pulitzer (which happened too fast, I think, and I'm a former journalist), does she no longer need role models? There hasn't been a good one for her since S1.
5. One of the most tingling moments was when Supergirl comes face-to-face with Bizarro for the first time, saving the cable car. I could feel the energy, shock, etc. in that moment. It would be fascinating to actually come face-fo-face with a mirror image of ourselves--or very frightening. It's a play off the legend of the doppelganger.
6. I love the focus Alex and the DEO put on science in S1. I always enjoy seeing Alex the Scientist. Now that she's away from the DEO and there is no "lab" of sorts, have we lost that? Maybe. Could we get it back? Absolutely.
7. Regarding music, the theme song to the Supergirl series is played at various times throughout this episode, and I really miss that in future seasons. That music is extremely powerful. I hope they use it a lot in S6.
8. When Kara tells Adam about her parents, it reminded me how much of the story of Kara's and Alura's reunion was overlooked, and that's a virtual gold mine for writing and acting. Their reunion has been portrayed too quickly and way too happily. Does Kara not hold any resentment toward her mother for sending her away to Earth without even knowing what might happen to her? If you were Kara, after you saw your mom and realized she was alive and hugged and kissed her, wouldn't you be a little angry? We see anger from Kara in various parts of S1, and that's good--that helps make a well-rounded character. Maybe in S6, the relationship between Kara and Alura can be explored further. Let's see something real between them this time.
9. I love it when the "secret identity" is at risk. It seems to bring out the best in the characters. I never tire of seeing this.
10. I absolutely love it when Alex slams Maxwell's head on the desk after he whispers to her that he knows Supergirl's identity! THAT is emotion that makes acting great! Also, he had it coming. :)
11. Supergirl's landings are one of the bright spots in the series, I think. I never tire of seeing her land after flying.
12. There was such great acting in the Bizarro scene at the end, when Hank and Alex put Bizarro back into her coma. I'm curious why they had to do that, though.
13. Kara's loneliness at the end just breaks my heart. James is off to see Lucy, and Kara flies home alone. Good job of having her go to the frig when she flies through her window; that's very realistic. The loneliness reminds me of the scene where Non has Astra's funeral, and after all of the Kryptonians fly away, Kara is left alone floating in the sky. Such a symbolic and heart-breaking scene! Of course, loneliness is the price of being a superhero.

The next episode, "For the Girl Who Has Everything," is one of my all-time favorites!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 32
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The main enjoyment from Episode 12 'Bizarro' was Melissa's performance, not only as Kara/Supergirl but for the 1st half of the episode as Bizarro. There were a couple of times she had to fight herself which can't be easy to film but Mel's talents certainly make it look like it is.

My favourite scene was Supergirl saving all the people in the gondola (tramway) and how Bizarro took notice of that to know that Supergirl is a good person and not the bad person that Maxwell Lord had told her she was.

This week's beautiful Kara work clothes look comes by way of the red skirt paired with the patterned brown sweater, see attached photo. Looking good Kara :) .
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 33
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Hi all! I have been vacationing a lot recently, so I am late on episode 111 and a tad early on 112. I'll cover them both in one post.

These two episodes featured some stellar performances. David, Chyler, Calista, and Mehcad were all excellent. I'll discuss Melissa's performance a bit later. My favorite scenes in these two episodes were:

- Kara's assertiveness toward Cat when Cat threatened to fire her for writing to Adam. The way she snapped her fingers in Cat's face really startled Cat, and her firm stance convinced Cat to follow up with Adam.

- Kara's meeting with Cat on the balcony after Cat's disastrous dinner with Adam. Kara vows to fix the problem, and as she departs, Cat shakes her head and whispers "oh Kara (not Kira)."

- Kara acting as mediator between Cat and Adam over coffee. This was beautifully acted by Calista.

- Supergirl talking down J'onn to stop him from killing the White Martian epitomizes her character.

- James confessing his love for Supergirl to Bizarro, and describing her inner beauty and strength.

- The final scene of 112, where Bizarro is sedated. She and Supergirl have a tender conversation. It would be nice if the Bizarro story could be brought to a happy conclusion before the end of the series.

There were also some great Supergirl action sequences in these episodes. Supergirl saving the family from the wildfire is a favorite. The battles with the White Martian and also with Bizarro were great. Supergirl saving the people in the tramway was also great. A couple of specific scenes stood out. In the battle in the desert, the White Martian hurls Supergirl into the ground, but Supergirl gets up and rejoins the battle without hesitation or help. In the fight with Bizarro to save James, she is thrown down but flies up before hitting the floor. A very cool scene; it reminded me of those videos of fighter aircraft diving close to the earth before pulling up.

Now about Melissa's performance. When these episodes first aired, there was considerable buzz about her then-husband Blake Jenner playing Adam Foster. I remember feeling, after viewing the episodes, that something didn't seem quite right. For a couple in love IRL, there didn't seem to be much passion. Jenner's acting consisted mostly of a baleful, rather creepy stare. Their kiss in Ep. 112 lacked passion. In this latest viewing, Kara, Winn, and James are discussing her date with Adam and James says that Adam seems like "good people." I noticed that Kara's (or perhaps Melissa's) reaction betrays wariness as she bites her lip. Well, with what we know now, this makes sense. What is extraordinary is how well Melissa sold the scenes with Jenner. I cannot begin to imagine how painful it must have been to portray a romantic interest in a person who was physically and mentally abusive IRL. She is 100 times the actor Jenner is (or was). Brava!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 34
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Episode 11

I find Kara Danvers, Supergirl's alter ego quite entertaining in her own right and she really shines in this episode.

Agree, I actually enjoyed Kara's involvement in the Adam and Cat story (which was just as much a Kara and Cat story) more than Supergirl's involvement in the Martian story in the episode.

I did enjoy a cute and funny Kara and J'onn moment though when Kara hugged him but J'onn felt it went on a little too long :) . J'onn has certainly mellowed as the series has gone on. I have liked how Kara and J'onn's relationship has developed through the years, their scenes were a shining light for me during a somewhat disappointing Season 4.

Cat mentioned to Kara about her "Sunny Danvers sentimentality" and I think that's captured visually in the attached episode photo, especially those yellow sunshine flowers on her desk.

One thing I enjoyed during Season 1 was Kara's work clothes especially her skirts and Episode 11 featured a really nice red shirt/patterned skirt combination.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 35
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Episode 11 has quite a beautiful opening where as Kiwi mentioned Supergirl saves a family in a caravan surrounded by a forest fire from certain death. At the same time we hear Kara Danvers thoughts where she has written a letter which purportedly will appear to have been sent by Cat. This sets the viewer up that BOTH Kara Zor-el's identities will play a part in the plot.

I find Kara Danvers, Supergirl's alter ego quite entertaining in her own right and she really shines in this episode. When Cat finds out what her assistant did, she is incensed and tells Kara she is fired but changes her mind when Kara talks her around. It seems to me that Cat likely is still not sure about whether Kara and Supergirl are one and the same which is why she is ready to fire her.
When it appears that things won't work out with Cat and her son, Kara comes clean to Adam that she wrote the letter and really sticks up for her boss with such great charm and the fact she acts as a mediator between mother and son also shows she is driving the plot.

The white Martian has quite a vitriolic mouth and it appears as if it is the senator who is speaking these words calling Supergirl an "insect" If I had been there I would have said who are you calling an insect you beeeEEEEP!

I like when Alex asks J'onn how the search is going and he says "I'm in the sewer Danvers"! "Everything is just peachy"

Our heroine although rendered powerless by kryptonite handcuffs stills saves the day by her words affecting MM's heart.

One thing I keep meaning to mention is that it would seem more convincing for Kara to wear her hair up all the time as Ms Danvers and only down as Supergirl.
A girl I know has worn her hair up wearing glasses and worn it down without glasses and sometimes it seemed like I was looking at two different people.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 36
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I watch the show to see Supergirl using her powers effectively, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I never get tired of seeing Supergirl swoop in at the last minute to save the day; it thrills me the same each time.

You are definitely not alone, watching Supergirl save a life or lives using her awesome superpowers is the reason I still watch the show. I will never tire of it. I like your choice of the word thrills to describe one's feelings. I will personally add excites, brings joy, brings a smile to one's face and is a fantastic fantasy to watch Supergirl save a life or save the day. :) :) :)

Episode 11 had a lot of good scenes but the only 1 I want to mention is at the start where we see Supergirl flying, maybe out looking if anyone needs her help and she comes across the forest fire and sees a caravan there right in the middle of the flames. I liked Supergirl using her Super-hearing to establish if anyone was inside the caravan and upon hearing the family's cries for help flies in and carries them away to "a very nice lake where there was no fire" while monologuing about the importance of family. Always so nice to watch Supergirl rescue ordinary folk from peril. I really liked the front page headline that we saw on the National City Tribune 'Supergirl Rescue: Flames to Flight'.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 37
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Childish Things

I really like this episode from Season 1, and I remember when I first watched it that I wanted even more Supergirl in it. Looking back, it actually has quite a bit of Supergirl in it, especially in light of subsequent seasons.

1. I didn't mind the Winn crush. I actually thought it was quite entertaining through Season 1 to this point, and I adore Winn as a sidekick. I've missed him. Now, with that in mind and knowing how this is addressed in future episodes in Season 1, I think the writers drew out too long Winn's reaction to Kara's rejection. She wasn't mean to him, after all.

2. Supergirl showcases all of her powers in this episode (or very close to all of them). When Toyman traps her, she saves herself. She isn't immediately rendered powerless and needs saving by the sidekicks. Instead, she comes through for the sidekicks, and I think that's how it should continue to be. It's as if the writers think fans will become tired of seeing Supergirl using her powers to save others. It's OK to render her powerless a few times, but not in every episode, and that's the trend I've been seeing in subsequent seasons. I watch the show to see Supergirl using her powers effectively, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I never get tired of seeing Supergirl swoop in at the last minute to save the day; it thrills me the same each time.

3. Toyman isn't my favorite villain (I think that's LiveWire), but I don't mind him. The toys he makes are fascinating. :)

See you all next week!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 38
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Childish Things is a pretty good episode. As superbill mentioned Toyman is different because of how he's driven by pure crazyness! He may as well have come from Arkham Asylum.

I have to say the incarnation of Toyman I like the best comes from Smallville where he's more enegetic and views everything like a game. Having said this I like the fact that in this series he is related to one of the main characters so that makes it a little more personal. Winn has to deal with the shame and embarrassment of it all.

We also saw Winn finally confessing his feelings for Kara but being rebuffed. Things are going to be awkward for a while. I have seen someone say they thought Winn's crash on Kara was creeepy which seems kinda unfair.

While Winn is in the limelight, our Supergirl remains fully in the picture. She uses her powers to save Winn and the police. She falls into a trap but saves herself. Towards the end there are few awesome scenes with the bullets ricocheting off her. Also setting the sprinklers off and using freeze breathe on the water. Oh and of course bringing Toyman to justice.

In contrast the sequel to this episode in season 3 was poor. Winn was in the limelight and Supergirl herself well .. wasn't. Instead she was more of a passenger. The villainess was able to catch SG quite easily although I thought the trap was creative but she needed to be rescued and Winn saved the day.

There are similarities too. Toyman in this episode and his female apprentice in the season 3 episode both try to exploit one of Kara's vulnerabilities which has been explored in the series that is she needs to breathe like everyone else. Both times this happened in a factory.

Max saying to Alex that she worked for her powers and SG didn't I thought was a noteworthy statement. It made me think of Wonder woman's origin story which I find more interesting than Supergirl's. As Diana had to work for her powers to become Wonder Woman.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 39
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Childish Things

This episode has really grown on me over the years, and I appreciate it much more now than I did when I first saw it. Maybe I had a bad day back then, or was distracted. Whatever.

It starts with a great scene of Supergirl and Martian flying, and Melissa flashes that awesome smile, pure joy and exhilaration.

As Kiwi noted, a variety of Supergirl's powers are on display, including the ability to inhale the poison gas, saving Winn and the FBI agents. Followed by the great comic line: "I don't normally inhale." A flashback to the 1990s. LOL.

Saving Winn from the hail of bullets at the convention was also very cool.

The scenes between Kara and Winn were excellent, especially the final one where Winn confesses his love to Kara. Great, emotive work by Jeremy and Melissa, but it was the heartbreak and pain on Melissa's face which really made the scene special to me. Probably the best scene between those two actors in the entire series.

Last point. Supergirl has battled many villains, most of which have had a more-or-less understandable motive, whether it be revenge, greed, harsh "justice," intolerance, or world domination. Toyman is different. He's just bat s**t crazy. Creepy, diabolical, manipulative. He stands apart from all the other villains, in my judgment.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 40

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