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  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Saturday, 05 August 2023
Melissa Benoist is now on Cameo. Here's a video where she announces her Launch

?melissa benoist is now on cameo!

you can purchase a personal video or message from her here:

In a second video, she talks Supergirl. She snuck a suit away when the show ended and she has it in her attic. She would love to wear it again. She would love to play Supergirl again,"so we'll see what happens."

best of melissa benoist


melissa benoist talking about supergirl and putting the suit on again in a new cameo

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I didn’t know this site existed and wouldn’t pay for a message myself but it’s cool that it exists.

Melissa all but admitted she took a suit on Jimmy Kimmel in October 2021 and now she confirmed it. I hope all the actors got to keep their suits if they wanted to. I get that they’re WB property but realistically what are the multiple copies of supersuits that can’t be reused going to do but sit in a warehouse.

It doesn’t surprise me that she didn’t shoot down playing Supergirl again. She’s smart enough to know that’s what the fans want to hear and at the same time what she said isn’t a commitment. The fact is it’s probably not in her hands anyway. IMO even if it’s not Sasha WB will want a younger actress for Kara than Melissa is now.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I didn’t know this site existed and wouldn’t pay for a message myself but it’s cool that it exists.

I think she's taking a break from it right now.

Melissa all but admitted she took a suit on Jimmy Kimmel in October 2021 and now she confirmed it. I hope all the actors got to keep their suits if they wanted to. I get that they’re WB property but realistically what are the multiple copies of supersuits that can’t be reused going to do but sit in a warehouse.

I do know they use some of the extra suits for museum and convention display.

The question I have, is what version of the suit she took? The seasons 1-4 version with the skirt or the seasons 5-6 ones with pants? I'm guessing the latter since it was the currant version she was wearing at the end of the series.

Grant admitted he took a Flash ring. lol

It doesn’t surprise me that she didn’t shoot down playing Supergirl again. She’s smart enough to know that’s what the fans want to hear and at the same time what she said isn’t a commitment. The fact is it’s probably not in her hands anyway. IMO even if it’s not Sasha WB will want a younger actress for Kara than Melissa is now.

It's nice to hear even if realistically it's not going to happen. James Gunn is focused on the new DCU and an occasional Elseworld project like The Batman films or Joker sequel.I don't see him going back to anything Arrowverse related Superman & Lois is the last Arrowverse connected show and The Flash was the last Arrowverse Earth Prime show.

I'm pulling for Sasha to get to play Supergirl in Woman of Tomorrow. The Flash's box office was failure not on her(and all DC movies are bombing right now). She also was the only major actor that could even do promotion for the film since Ezra couldn't for obvious reasons and Keaton was in the U.K. shooting Beetlejuice 2.The promotion really fell on her and the director & producer. And most seemed to like her performance.

The question is what ties to the old DCEU is Gunn keeping in regards to actors. Some roles are being recast like Superman, Batman and such. Others are being kept like Amanda Waller and Peacemaker. I mean they couldn't even bother to have Grant make a cameo in The Flash movie which was a multiverse story and Ezra appeared in the Arrowverse. Earth Prime Barry even named movie Barry The Flash.

They could include various previous actors as Superman & Batman(Helen Slater appears as Supergirl in new footage she shot) and even Nicolas Cage who only die-hards would get the significance. But you couldn't use Grant? The guy who has been playing The Flash in live action for a decade on a series that was ending a few weeks before the film came out? Not even archived footage? Even Titans was able to do that in their final season a few months before. You are doing a multiverse set Flash movie with no previous actors that played The Flash?No Grant and no John Wesley Shipp.

They had a look alike Teddy Sears effects guy play Jay Garrrick but couldn't get John Wesley Shipp? The first actor to play The Flash in live action and who has actually been playing Jay Garrick since the end of season 2 of the T.V. show and just played him again in the final season.

Also, how loose of the adaptation Woman Of Tomorrow will be. In the comic miniseries, Kara had just turned 21.The story starts with her going off-world to an alien bar to get her first legal drink and get drunk. .It depends on what they want to carry over. Civil War the movie is very different from the comic. Same with Secret invasion or Days Of Future Past. They keep the core concept of the story but change all the details around them.

The only realistic place I could see Melissa appear as Supergirl/Kara again is Superman & Lois But it would probably be a different version of Kara since it's a different Earth. I of course wouldn't say no to an appearance but that doesn't excite me. That is an aspect of Superman & Lois that really annoyed me, that sloppy retcon. If Melissa did appear, I would prefer Earth Prime Kara ending up on the S & L earth. They have a setup for that thanks to Oliver's return on The Flash. Barry and everyone now knows there is a new multiverse.

But honestly, I don't see Melissa appearing at this point. Season 4 of Superman & Lois is only going to have 10 episodes and their budget was slashed. They had to get rid most of the core cast. The only returning series regulars will be Tyler, Bitsy, the two boys and Michael Cudlitz as Lex (who was very good at the end of season 4 and very different from Jon Cryer who I also like).

I don't see anywhere else Melissa could appear in live action. I wish they could do an animated Arrowverse film as a part of the DC Universe animated movie line. I think most of the actors would be open to voicing their characters again. But I think that's unlikely too. Next year the Tomorrow Verse is doing a Crisis On Infinite Earths animated movie. There's is speculation we could see previous animated versions of DC characters. Maybe Arrowverse actors like Melissa and Grant could voice animated versions of their characters there. They've done Arrowverse animated projects before like Vixen and The Ray. Again ,I think a lot of them would be down for doing something in animation since it wouldn't require wearing costumes and being on a set. Just a recording booth.
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