BONUS: Cool opening angle (0.5), sweep to SG title (0.5)
SCORE: 16/20
Supergirl must now take on all three Worldkillers in the first of many battles where team Supergirl is bound to lose. Still reeling after learning about Lena’s secret, Supergirl asks Guardian for a favor that could alter his relationship with Lena forever. Meanwhile, with all three Worldkillers united, Supergirl and the team brace for an epic battle, which will be one of many before the finale.
And one of the things the terrible trio does is cut off Supergirl’s power supply, namely, the sun. And that in the comment section of the trailer for the show, led our resident science expert Stewart Tick to write the following…
“Yes, but there's no ultraviolet radiation from the sun at night, either UV rays travel "line of sight", just like visible light - so that can't be the explanation. I always thought it was supposed to be like the yellow sun radiation "charged up" the Kryptonians (and Daxamites)- like charging up a battery.
And then they were able to store the energy, and keep it in reserve. Isn't that why the DEO put Kara under yellow-sun lamps to charge her up after she was knocked out by Max Lord's "big bomb" and fell in the ocean? If you get rid of the sun's rays, then at some point they're going to lose their powers.
But of course, it's all science fiction (or "fiction science"

anyway, so who really knows?”
And of course it’s what the writers Caitlin Parrish & Derek Simon did in the script.
The story starts in the DEO where Lena is cross-examined by the team. And Lena drops what we all knew, Sam is Reign. But Lena did everything herself for the last three weeks. Lena then drops her brother’s name and everything with it…INCLUDING KRYPTONITE!
At the fortress of Sanctuary, the evil ones are readying their plans. All three Worldkillers must lose their humanity. Pestilence starts first, but Purity and Reign will soon follow.
During one of the big dream-like sequences, Sam and Julia meet up in the forest. But, Julia sees someone, a young child, she killed. Sam doesn’t because it was Julia or Purity, who killed him.
Back at the Tribune, James, after sending the troops to Nat City Hospital to talk to the mayor, gets a call from Lena and she and James need to know about their secrets.
Lena says she gambled everything, and lost. Then Kara and Lena have the most intense conversation they had. Lena says the last of the Kryptonite is gone. But then…A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. Supergirl then ends up at first in the dark zone where she says she saw Sam. The overlord now says the major change has begun. Dr. Death is beyond gone. PREDICTION...She's the first to die in the war in the finale.
This also gives the Supercorp shippers and shippers in general, a major case of what we American-Italians call agita, you know, heartburn, by challenging Lena and Kara’s friendship far more than it has ever been. But when James/Guardian is thrown into the mix it could put an end to their relationship.
Now the trio of Sam, Lena and Alex have a chat. In two hours, the sun goes.
There is some great dialogue here in the scene at the DEO. Kara calls on Brainy to zap her into an alternate world. Lena is losing Kara’s trust, but Lena says she knows Sam.
Back in the Reign forest, Sam and Julia are lost…but then, Julia sees the people she killed in HER head only. Sam goes after her to try and convince her she is not Purity. Julia then goes back into her life…and then tries to remember a tune from her past. But as Sam thinks about her daughter, she can’t remember Ruby’s name. Then all these voices are going inside Sam’s head. This psychological warfare is getting intense. Sam wants Julia to write down as much as they know on nearby rocks.
Supergirl flies to James at Catco and the two of them need to confide in each other. But, Kara calls on James to become Guardian and risk it all.
At the Legion Cruiser, Alex and Lena have a talk. Lena knows Alex works for them. After all, Lillian is DEO enemy numero uno. Lena is asked about Ruby and she says Ruby is safe. We also find out that Lena has a middle name, Karen. What it does to the story, is beyond me.
Kara and Mon-El have a talk. She says if this goes wrong, the chance is to add Lena and Alex though adding those two could really weaken her further
There is a 50-50 chance of injury. Then Brainy sends the trio to the Reign forest. Alex finds some twigs and each use as sticks. But then Alex makes a shocking discovery. Grace…dead as she permanently became Pestilince.
With less than an hour to go, back at the DEO, Kara has convulsions, causing Mon-el and Jonn to leave. The two men have a talk Mon-El wants to get her out, but it could mean damage to Kara. But at the same time he can’t hurt Imra.
Leave it to Winn to add humor to a dark scene as Guardian enters LCorp to look for Kryptonite.
Back in the forest Kara is losing her strength and further is losing her faith in Lena. The two have secrets. Then Kryptonian Demons attack. Team Supergirl continues their trek. And Supergirl is left wondering "Is this what its like when humans exercise? Why would anyone exercise?” Kara, we are not “Faster than a…OH YOU KNOW!”
Then they enter the fortress of Sanctuary, and find Julia and Sam. Julia’s human side is fading, but Sam is hanging on for everything.
Back at the DEO, Winn has disabled the LCorp cameras. The buddies are having their talk. James has a bomb that will blow open the door to the vault. But James lies about going in the vault saying Lena has no K-Rock. Then Winn and Brainy are about to have at it.
Back in the forest, Sam is scared for her life.
With 10 minutes left, Mon-El decides to keep Kara in, but she is fading. Sam is running fearing her life. But then during the witch incantation, Reign goes back to Sam…AND VICE VERSA! Reign in the forest is going to fight all three of team Supergirl, but Supergirl is VERY WEAK. Sam inserts a crystal into a chamber which sets off an alarm. It’s time for them to go home. Then the Legion Cruiser arrives.
But then Winn gives Alex a surprise…A SUIT OF HER OWN! With magnets, and a couple of badass guns. Alex goes to suit up. The legion ship arrives…AND THEN IT’S ON. The ship is damaged, but quickly repaired. Alex tries her new suit out…and it works.
Then Supergirl and Reign have a blast-off, which Supergirl loses as the eclipse has reached its peak. AS Alex grabs her gun, Reign is about to choke her but throws her like a ragdoll. Alex and Kara call on Purity to leave and Julia to come out And Julia GOES AFTER HER SISTERS. Then Pesitlence stabs Julia, killing her. RIP Julia and Dr. Death. But then, Reign gathers their powers to become three times as powerful…as the FORTRESS OF SANCTUARY IS DESTROYED!
Two of the three Worldkillers are gone, but Reign has THEIR POWERS AND IS A TRIPLE THREAT. And Winn relays what James said to him. And Kara and Lena start to repair their friendship. Back at Catco, Lena and James have a little chat. He tells Lena he is Guardian and confesses breaking into the lab. He was the one who took the mission, but decided to not go into the vault. He could trust Lena, but could she trust him? Lena then tells James it wasn’t Lex’s k-rock…SHE KNEW HOW TO MAKE IT. Uh oh, this could spell heel turn and that would make me very uncomfortable. Because it would become the same old Super/Luthor war. Like a Road Runner cartoon, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all
But now, Ruby Arias, YOUR MOM IS COMING FOR YOU! What will happen next week? Find out as Ruby tries to take “Shelter from the Storm.”
I was NOT expecting Purity and Pestilence to take the eternal dirt bath until the finale, so I was kind of shocked by it, but predictably Reign powers up and is now an even bigger threat.
Also, with Lena knowing how to make kryptonite thanks to brother Lex, this could spell future disaster for Kara. On the other hand if we still have the grey Lena, then she could use the synthetic K-rock to attack any other Kryptonian invader to Earth.
Odette Annable has been incredible this season as Sam and Reign channeling the mental anguish and fury of both characters, though I think as Reign she tends to go over the top a bit.
I also liked a couple of camera angles early in the show, including one that blended in to the Supergirl title card.
Special effects, though cheapened by the budget (it’s not on CBS anymore, and this IS the CW we are talking about here), still stand out including the implosion of the fortress of sanctuary and the beam battle between Kara and Reign.
This was another episode that fits into the intense category. And when the show can bring intensity, it is at its finest even in this very dark a season.