Now that Mon El had to leave because of the lead dust, Maggie will be scarce in season 3, Megan going back to Mars, Winn's gf was not in the last few eps, etc ... I hope we can we have action packed episodes/stories just focusing on Kara being a hero in season 3. The only relationship should be for Kara but ONLY IF it help develop her character or builds the story.
No more politics and no more soap opera.
I saw that they start filming new episodes in early July. They have about six weeks to get it right.
- jdbop
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Sunday, 28 May 2017
Relationships are part of life, without them included, I feel the show would be missing the realism (about a woman that flies
) it currently portrays. Yes, I would like some more action but I want to see a health balance of the human condition too. Here is my list of things I would like to see:

- Action
- Relationship development (more Sanvers, Winn and Lyra etc.)
- Special effects (I notice in some of Supergirl's flights are still using stock footage from Season 1)
- Politics and Social civics (I like when a show has the courage to stand up and comment on Societal Civics, which they have done very well on Season 2)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Relationships are part of life, without them included, I feel the show would be missing the realism (about a woman that flies) it currently portrays. Yes, I would like some more action but I want to see a health balance of the human condition too. Here is my list of things I would like to see:
- Action
- Relationship development (more Sanvers, Winn and Lyra etc.)
- Special effects (I notice in some of Supergirl's flights are still using stock footage from Season 1)
- Politics and Social civics (I like when a show has the courage to stand up and comment on Societal Civics, which they have done very well on Season 2)
I can buy 1 and 3, and 2 unless it threatens to overwhelm the main plots, but 4 is really problermatic.
The showrunners think it's "cute", or "subversive of the establishment" to drop in ham-handed items like "make Daxim great again", Kara getting into an argument opposing alien ray guns that can destroy buildings as a proxy for gun control, or naming an episode "Nevertheless, She Persisted".
As though Hollywood or it's Vancouver transplants aren't an establishment in their own rights.
If you must try to "teach a lesson" in a comic book-based television show, then connecting it to immediate, complex real world politics is going to make a lot of people just roll their eyes and hit the fast-forward button.
Unlike in superheroic feats and battle scenes, "sending a message" does require a bit of subtlety.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
One of the reasons I like Star Trek and the recent Battlestar Galactica so much was their willingness to use Science fiction to tackle real world politics. With Star Trek it was topics like racism, Battlestar Galactica it was post 9/11 fears.
We all have different perspectives on this, mine is being from a European country (Ireland) known for its neutrality, where guns are illegal, even our Garda Siochana (what you would call Cops) don’t carry them. Watching America’s current issues from an outside perspective.
I know what we see today is a result of how the people voted, but it’s always heathy for the public to continuously question/audit those in power no matter who it is or how they "behave", and due to TV’s ability to reach so many people I like when a show such as Supergirl has the courage to speak up.
The title of the season two finally does not surprise me, Supergirl has taken the Feminist approach since the pilot, its part of what make the show so good.
Now stepping away from an objective neutral position for a moment, I know people will disagree with me and its within their right: Personaly I hate guns, I wish they were never invented and I believe they should absolutely be banned from members of the public, everywhere. If someone argues Constitutional Rights; in a proper Democracy, Constitutional Amendments can be voted on through referenda.
We all have different perspectives on this, mine is being from a European country (Ireland) known for its neutrality, where guns are illegal, even our Garda Siochana (what you would call Cops) don’t carry them. Watching America’s current issues from an outside perspective.
I know what we see today is a result of how the people voted, but it’s always heathy for the public to continuously question/audit those in power no matter who it is or how they "behave", and due to TV’s ability to reach so many people I like when a show such as Supergirl has the courage to speak up.
The title of the season two finally does not surprise me, Supergirl has taken the Feminist approach since the pilot, its part of what make the show so good.
Now stepping away from an objective neutral position for a moment, I know people will disagree with me and its within their right: Personaly I hate guns, I wish they were never invented and I believe they should absolutely be banned from members of the public, everywhere. If someone argues Constitutional Rights; in a proper Democracy, Constitutional Amendments can be voted on through referenda.
- Politics and Social civics (I like when a show has the courage to stand up and comment on Societal Civics, which they have done very well on Season 2)
The showrunners think it's "cute", or "subversive of the establishment" to drop in ham-handed items like "make Daxim great again", Kara getting into an argument opposing alien ray guns that can destroy buildings as a proxy for gun control, or naming an episode "Nevertheless, She Persisted".
If you must try to "teach a lesson" in a comic book-based television show, then connecting it to immediate, complex real world politics is going to make a lot of people just roll their eyes and hit the fast-forward button.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
For me, it is difficult to imagine any meaningful drama that doesn’t involve relationships. I can only fully understand Kara’s acts of heroism against the backdrop of her own development and relationships. I enjoy finding out about her “behind the cape”, and this can best be understood through how she relates to the people close to her, and the world around her. Of course I enjoy seeing her throw a good punch (and she definitely seems to be getting better at that!), but it is why she does it that makes it especially impressive for me.
As a non-American, many of the party-political nuances pass me by I am afraid (we have more than enough of our own party-political nonsense to keep me occupied). But broad political issues (or more properly perhaps fundamental human issues) are surely important for any show that has some purpose. I don’t know the context of the angst over the title of the final episode, but to an objective viewer it might seem absolutely right to describe Supergirl. For me, it would be strange indeed if Supergirl did not support equality, truth and the safety of the whole world, and of course she explained in the first series (was it Martian Manhunter?) the pain she had suffered as a refugee.
But for these to work successfully, the writing is key. I am confident Melissa could make drivel sound like Shakespeare, but the writers have not always made it easy for her and her colleagues. For me, lots more relationships (particularly for Kara) and dealing with important human issues, but subtlety and appropriate depth please. And of lots more punching!
Of course I can have my cake and eat it!!
As a non-American, many of the party-political nuances pass me by I am afraid (we have more than enough of our own party-political nonsense to keep me occupied). But broad political issues (or more properly perhaps fundamental human issues) are surely important for any show that has some purpose. I don’t know the context of the angst over the title of the final episode, but to an objective viewer it might seem absolutely right to describe Supergirl. For me, it would be strange indeed if Supergirl did not support equality, truth and the safety of the whole world, and of course she explained in the first series (was it Martian Manhunter?) the pain she had suffered as a refugee.
But for these to work successfully, the writing is key. I am confident Melissa could make drivel sound like Shakespeare, but the writers have not always made it easy for her and her colleagues. For me, lots more relationships (particularly for Kara) and dealing with important human issues, but subtlety and appropriate depth please. And of lots more punching!
Of course I can have my cake and eat it!!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
This is exactly what I feel too, the relesionships of Kara and those around her are important. It also adds more realism to Earth 38.
I’m not American either, I’m Irish but I’ve always found American History, Politics and Current Affairs including nuances very interesting. I like when these are referenced in a Show as it again adds more realism.
I agree it does describe Supergirl and was particularly appropriate for that end of Season episode. By the way in case of interest, here is the reference: Nevertheless, she persisted’ becomes new battle cry after McConnell silences Elizabeth Warren
For me, it is difficult to imagine any meaningful drama that doesn’t involve relationships. I can only fully understand Kara’s acts of heroism against the backdrop of her own development and relationships. I enjoy finding out about her “behind the cape”, and this can best be understood through how she relates to the people close to her, and the world around her. Of course I enjoy seeing her throw a good punch (and she definitely seems to be getting better at that!), but it is why she does it that makes it especially impressive for me.
I’m not American either, I’m Irish but I’ve always found American History, Politics and Current Affairs including nuances very interesting. I like when these are referenced in a Show as it again adds more realism.
As a non-American, many of the party-political nuances pass me by I am afraid (we have more than enough of our own party-political nonsense to keep me occupied).
I agree it does describe Supergirl and was particularly appropriate for that end of Season episode. By the way in case of interest, here is the reference: Nevertheless, she persisted’ becomes new battle cry after McConnell silences Elizabeth Warren
I don’t know the context of the angst over the title of the final episode, but to an objective viewer it might seem absolutely right to describe Supergirl.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
@Jtardy and @Eire El, yes to everything you both said in this thread. One of the things I enjoy about this site is hearing from people in different countries. @Jtardy the fact that you didn't know about the political context of "nevertheless she persisted" yet thought the title fit the episode says something important. Words are just that and we can choose to view them as political or not. I'm not going to be naive and say the EPs didn't intentionally pick a title with double meaning to some viewers but @Jtardy you proved it was a good choice.
Relationships of all types are important so why should romance relationships be left out just because the shows protagonist is a Superhero and an alien. Not being human Kara needs those relationships to ground her even more than her human and meta human counterparts on other shows. The relationships are one of the things the D.C. movies have failed at. Without the relationships we get a Kryptonian like the current movie Superman.
Relationships of all types are important so why should romance relationships be left out just because the shows protagonist is a Superhero and an alien. Not being human Kara needs those relationships to ground her even more than her human and meta human counterparts on other shows. The relationships are one of the things the D.C. movies have failed at. Without the relationships we get a Kryptonian like the current movie Superman.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
Flash and Arrow and Legends have romantic relationships. Why should Supergirl be the only one who isn't allowed to have romances? That just feeds into weird crap about how female heroes have to be virginal and untouchable so the male viewers can fantasize about being their boyfriend.
I think it's healthy for Kara to have dates and relationships.
It definitely shouldn't overtake everything else, but doing about as much of it as Flash and Arrow do seems fine to me.
I think it's healthy for Kara to have dates and relationships.
It definitely shouldn't overtake everything else, but doing about as much of it as Flash and Arrow do seems fine to me.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I have no problem with relationships in a tv show. But I am not watching any of the CW shows for how the character's love life is going. If I wanted that I would dvr soap operas and watch them Monday nights.
Kara can absolutely have a relationship - as long as it builds/develops the character. Anything that helps move her towards full development as a person/hero is welcomed in the story.
Honestly, once Winn was out of the picture for Kara, his love life is not important to the show. I do not care if he has a girlfriend or not.
The story line around James and Lucy helped Kara understand her loneliness. Once that ended and Kara moved on from James the writers have not spent episodes on his (lack of) relationships. Which is good. The writers are clubbing us over the head with Maggie/Alex storyline to push a political agenda.
In Arrow - Curtis was married to Paul. Well written. Advanced the storyline but did not dominate episodes away the the big story/plot lines. Oliver's loves and lost loves help tell his story. We do not get Laurel or Sara as the Black Canary without that involvement. So that story needed to be told. We don't need Thea getting involved with anyone. Oliver with Felicity would be okay - as long as it helped build their characters but since they have been down that road - it might be overkill. So it's okay if we don't get "Olicity" again.
Someone brought up the Flash and their relationships. Okay - H.R. gets involved with the woman who develops the weapon that will trap Savitar. That helps move the big story along. Joe West is finally involved with someone. Fine. It is a bit part and again does not dominate the story away from Barry. If I remember correctly the Police Chief in The Flash also has a same sex partner. Fine. Only used to help advance the story.Wally and Jesse can happen or not. She is back on her earth so no big deal there. Cisco and Kaitlyn? Maybe ... only if it provides a contrast to Vibe vs. Killer Frost.
It seems that Supergirl is the only DC/CW show that is about 50% or more as soap opera. Let's have more action!
Kara can absolutely have a relationship - as long as it builds/develops the character. Anything that helps move her towards full development as a person/hero is welcomed in the story.
Honestly, once Winn was out of the picture for Kara, his love life is not important to the show. I do not care if he has a girlfriend or not.
The story line around James and Lucy helped Kara understand her loneliness. Once that ended and Kara moved on from James the writers have not spent episodes on his (lack of) relationships. Which is good. The writers are clubbing us over the head with Maggie/Alex storyline to push a political agenda.
In Arrow - Curtis was married to Paul. Well written. Advanced the storyline but did not dominate episodes away the the big story/plot lines. Oliver's loves and lost loves help tell his story. We do not get Laurel or Sara as the Black Canary without that involvement. So that story needed to be told. We don't need Thea getting involved with anyone. Oliver with Felicity would be okay - as long as it helped build their characters but since they have been down that road - it might be overkill. So it's okay if we don't get "Olicity" again.
Someone brought up the Flash and their relationships. Okay - H.R. gets involved with the woman who develops the weapon that will trap Savitar. That helps move the big story along. Joe West is finally involved with someone. Fine. It is a bit part and again does not dominate the story away from Barry. If I remember correctly the Police Chief in The Flash also has a same sex partner. Fine. Only used to help advance the story.Wally and Jesse can happen or not. She is back on her earth so no big deal there. Cisco and Kaitlyn? Maybe ... only if it provides a contrast to Vibe vs. Killer Frost.
It seems that Supergirl is the only DC/CW show that is about 50% or more as soap opera. Let's have more action!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
To me that makes no logical sense. Sarah had a relationship with Nyssa. Joe from flash and Diggle from Arrow have relationships, which is comparable to J'onn having one on Supergirl. The Wally and Jesse relationship served very little purpose, same for Gypsy and Cisco. HR and the smart chick also very pointless, she would have helped them without HR as well. And then there is Caitlin and that kinda rat faced guy. Yes he gives poignancy to her turning evil, but they could have done that also only with her friends.
There hasn't been a single season of Arrow or Flash or Smallville where the main character hasn't been in a romance, often with triangles.
How is what happened on Supergirl this season more soap opera than Ollie is with Laurel, but cheats on her with her sister, but then he is thought to be dead, and when he comes back she is dating his best friend, but his co-worker has a crush on him. Or Ollie dates Felicity, but they break up because he didn't her about his secret child, and she's also in a wheelchair but gets cured, and she dates a handsome millionaire, but still isn't over Ollie. Any one of these could come straight out of a soap opera. If anything Supergirl season 2 could be accused of their romances not being enough like soap operas because the stories were really mostly between two people, no love triangles.
Outside of Maggie and Alex, all love stories this season lead to action scenes, M'gann is involved in the alien fight club and pursued by white martians, Mon-El is pursued by the Daxamites, Winn's girl is a criminal and involved in an art theft.
I think Alex romance was done to address that Alex had no life outside of Kara, like they said in season 1. And to give her a storyline where Kara can be there for Alex rather than it always being about Alex being there for Kara, that way Kara can show her caring side.
There hasn't been a single season of Arrow or Flash or Smallville where the main character hasn't been in a romance, often with triangles.
How is what happened on Supergirl this season more soap opera than Ollie is with Laurel, but cheats on her with her sister, but then he is thought to be dead, and when he comes back she is dating his best friend, but his co-worker has a crush on him. Or Ollie dates Felicity, but they break up because he didn't her about his secret child, and she's also in a wheelchair but gets cured, and she dates a handsome millionaire, but still isn't over Ollie. Any one of these could come straight out of a soap opera. If anything Supergirl season 2 could be accused of their romances not being enough like soap operas because the stories were really mostly between two people, no love triangles.
Outside of Maggie and Alex, all love stories this season lead to action scenes, M'gann is involved in the alien fight club and pursued by white martians, Mon-El is pursued by the Daxamites, Winn's girl is a criminal and involved in an art theft.
I think Alex romance was done to address that Alex had no life outside of Kara, like they said in season 1. And to give her a storyline where Kara can be there for Alex rather than it always being about Alex being there for Kara, that way Kara can show her caring side.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
The relationships exist in all shows - granted.
I have watched every episode of Flash, Arrow, Legends and Supergirl.
IMHO - this season this show has spent too much time on the relationships.
In Flash lots of pairings - granted. Except for Barry and Iris(and this is the one that can be the focus) - they do not dominate the show. They are an aside at best.
In Arrow lots of pairings - granted. Oliver has had his share but all told to further the story.
Once Sara moved on to Legends, Nyssa's love life is not relevant to the show. The forced marriage with her and Oliver is downplayed or ignored. Her story is important and well acted. I enjoy her on the show. But her romances should be non-existent now.
In Legends a few pairings - granted. None dominate the show.
I would be very happy if Winn, James, Hank, Cat and Alex were just supportive of Kara and helped her get the villains. We do not need to have "Days of Our Lives at the DEO" or "As Catco Turns"..
I have watched every episode of Flash, Arrow, Legends and Supergirl.
IMHO - this season this show has spent too much time on the relationships.
In Flash lots of pairings - granted. Except for Barry and Iris(and this is the one that can be the focus) - they do not dominate the show. They are an aside at best.
In Arrow lots of pairings - granted. Oliver has had his share but all told to further the story.
Once Sara moved on to Legends, Nyssa's love life is not relevant to the show. The forced marriage with her and Oliver is downplayed or ignored. Her story is important and well acted. I enjoy her on the show. But her romances should be non-existent now.
In Legends a few pairings - granted. None dominate the show.
I would be very happy if Winn, James, Hank, Cat and Alex were just supportive of Kara and helped her get the villains. We do not need to have "Days of Our Lives at the DEO" or "As Catco Turns"..
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Relationships are a part of any story. Whether they are friendships, romances, family etc. I don't want one and not the other....I would just like a better balance of the 3, and woven better into the story. I didn't mind the Mon-el/Kara relationship because it was woven into the story line, opposed to the Maggie/Alex story that was forced into many episodes except for the "Survivor" and "Alex" episodes. The others you had this wonderful action story line going on, and then it would move to Maggie and Alex talking to Maggie's ex....then back to the action and then suddenly they are at a restaurant waiting for Maggie's ex....and then back to the action and then suddenly they are in Alex's apartment talking. Far too much emo stuff and not enough action for Maggie and Alex this season. The best relationships were those that were woven into the story line. M'gann and Jonn and Mon-el and Kara. We had to wade through all of the Maggie baggage to get to a great character, and it was kind of tiring.
So, I have no problem with relationships that are better woven into the overall story line and not relationships that seem like they should have their own show.
So, I have no problem with relationships that are better woven into the overall story line and not relationships that seem like they should have their own show.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I for one hope they focus more on Kara. Everyone has a different take on what they want to see, but I came to the show in season 1 excited that someone was finally going to do Supergirl. We got a great Supergirl with Melissa. I loved season 1 - yes there were a couple of misses here and there, but I was excited to watch every episode. I even got my wife into the show, although she is not a superhero fan.
Then in season 2, slowly, the magic for both of us begin to fade. The relationships, Guardian, Snapper Carr, the politics, all of which began to sap my interest. Yes, some people liked those aspects, and that's fine. Just not for me. My wife dropped out halfway through the season saying "not enough about Supergirl." I tended to agree. There were some good moments in season 2, but I'll take season 1 anytime.
Then in season 2, slowly, the magic for both of us begin to fade. The relationships, Guardian, Snapper Carr, the politics, all of which began to sap my interest. Yes, some people liked those aspects, and that's fine. Just not for me. My wife dropped out halfway through the season saying "not enough about Supergirl." I tended to agree. There were some good moments in season 2, but I'll take season 1 anytime.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
Well I'm sure for many people Alex and Maggie were their favorite part about season 2 even if they didn't contribute much to the season plot, considering how many people are voting for Alex as their favorite episode even though Maggie actually had more screentime than Kara in that one. Different people like different things, so it's good to try and offer up things for everybody. To me Alex is an important character, second most important behind Supergirl. So it makes sense to me that she would get to have a love life too.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Well I'm sure for many people Alex and Maggie were their favorite part about season 2 even if they didn't contribute much to the season plot, considering how many people are voting for Alex as their favorite episode even though Maggie actually had more screentime than Kara in that one. Different people like different things, so it's good to try and offer up things for everybody. To me Alex is an important character, second most important behind Supergirl. So it makes sense to me that she would get to have a love life too.
Yes, and that is cool, I have loved the growth of their relationship as well.....but that should not be the focus of the show. IMO, each and every episode should have a central point and that should be Kara. They did it very well in the first season. We had a Winn character development episode, and there was action, drama, emotion and Kara was still the central point, yet we found out sooooo much more about Winn. Then we had the Jonn character development episode, and it ended up being one of the strongest episodes of the season....why? because it had all the ingredients of a solid well rounded episode but Kara was still the central point. That has not really been the case this season. The episode to really give Guardian some development was at the expense of Kara onscreen time. Though I have to say in subsequent viewings of "Darkest Places" I have become more favorable in my review of it. But, and I know that many loved these episodes and I totally respect that, "Ace Reporter" and the "Lost Children" episodes were at the bottom of my lists because in order to develop another character it was at the expense of screen time AND action for the main character Supergirl. Just not something that I want to see next season. Since I KNOW that it can be done without sacrificing screen time for "The Girl Of Steel"....that is what my expectations will continue to be as a fan of "Supergirl".
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
I think there was to much relationship stuff also. I enjoyed the Alex/Maggie relationship but it did pull time away from Kara/Supergirl which is what the show should revolve around. It also took a lot of time away from Kara/Alex sister stuff which I missed a lot. To me the Kara/MonEl stuff was mostly about MonEl and had little to do with Kara. She really didn't seem to me to have much growth throughout season 2 except for arguing with MonEl. I know some people like that but it didn't do anything for me. It also took away from the Kara/Alex sister stuff. I also think if they got rid of some of the relationship stuff they could focus some time on Kara and her life on Krypton and how she lost that.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
I think there was to much relationship stuff also. I enjoyed the Alex/Maggie relationship but it did pull time away from Kara/Supergirl which is what the show should revolve around. It also took a lot of time away from Kara/Alex sister stuff which I missed a lot. To me the Kara/MonEl stuff was mostly about MonEl and had little to do with Kara. She really didn't seem to me to have much growth throughout season 2 except for arguing with MonEl. I know some people like that but it didn't do anything for me. It also took away from the Kara/Alex sister stuff. I also think if they got rid of some of the relationship stuff they could focus some time on Kara and her life on Krypton and how she lost that.
I wish they had focused more on the mentorship aspect of their relationship. BUT, I know that they are wanting to move into bring in the Legion story line, so their relationship was fast forwarded a bit. IMO, it was the Guardian story line that took the most away from the Kara/Supergirl time...and even to a point the Maggie/Alex emo portion of their story line. It seemed that they got stuck in a rut of lets go through every bit of baggage Maggie brings with her into this relationship. I didn't mind seeing some of that, but it got redundant to the point of bringing in an ex-girlfriend that did absolutely nothing to further the story line, or build on the Maggie/Alex relationship. "Got over baggage" had been done already....I would have much rather had Maggie working with Kara and kicking some butt rather than more screen time eaten up by Maggie baggage. Totally understood the problem with Valentine's Day, that was just heartbreaking, but the whole ex-girlfriend thing was pure filler. As far as her life on Krypton and what she lost....they did that the first season with "For The Girl Who Has Everything" it was beautifully done in that episode, no way to top it.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
I think there was to much relationship stuff also. I enjoyed the Alex/Maggie relationship but it did pull time away from Kara/Supergirl which is what the show should revolve around. It also took a lot of time away from Kara/Alex sister stuff which I missed a lot. To me the Kara/MonEl stuff was mostly about MonEl and had little to do with Kara. She really didn't seem to me to have much growth throughout season 2 except for arguing with MonEl. I know some people like that but it didn't do anything for me. It also took away from the Kara/Alex sister stuff. I also think if they got rid of some of the relationship stuff they could focus some time on Kara and her life on Krypton and how she lost that.
I wish they had focused more on the mentorship aspect of their relationship. BUT, I know that they are wanting to move into bring in the Legion story line, so their relationship was fast forwarded a bit. IMO, it was the Guardian story line that took the most away from the Kara/Supergirl time...and even to a point the Maggie/Alex emo portion of their story line. It seemed that they got stuck in a rut of lets go through every bit of baggage Maggie brings with her into this relationship. I didn't mind seeing some of that, but it got redundant to the point of bringing in an ex-girlfriend that did absolutely nothing to further the story line, or build on the Maggie/Alex relationship. "Got over baggage" had been done already....I would have much rather had Maggie working with Kara and kicking some butt rather than more screen time eaten up by Maggie baggage. Totally understood the problem with Valentine's Day, that was just heartbreaking, but the whole ex-girlfriend thing was pure filler. As far as her life on Krypton and what she lost....they did that the first season with "For The Girl Who Has Everything" it was beautifully done in that episode, no way to top it.
I think I would have liked the storyline more also if they would have made Kara and Monels relationship more about mentoring and less romance. It seemed very forced to me. To me it seemed Kara had no point in the storyline to grow as a hero or a reporter because she had to be the girlfriend to Monel. It was also very repetitive. Monel does something dumb, they fight, Kara forgives him. That seems like it happened every episode. I didn't see that at all in her relationship with James last year even though that didn't last either.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I think there was to much relationship stuff also. I enjoyed the Alex/Maggie relationship but it did pull time away from Kara/Supergirl which is what the show should revolve around. It also took a lot of time away from Kara/Alex sister stuff which I missed a lot. To me the Kara/MonEl stuff was mostly about MonEl and had little to do with Kara. She really didn't seem to me to have much growth throughout season 2 except for arguing with MonEl. I know some people like that but it didn't do anything for me. It also took away from the Kara/Alex sister stuff. I also think if they got rid of some of the relationship stuff they could focus some time on Kara and her life on Krypton and how she lost that.
I wish they had focused more on the mentorship aspect of their relationship. BUT, I know that they are wanting to move into bring in the Legion story line, so their relationship was fast forwarded a bit. IMO, it was the Guardian story line that took the most away from the Kara/Supergirl time...and even to a point the Maggie/Alex emo portion of their story line. It seemed that they got stuck in a rut of lets go through every bit of baggage Maggie brings with her into this relationship. I didn't mind seeing some of that, but it got redundant to the point of bringing in an ex-girlfriend that did absolutely nothing to further the story line, or build on the Maggie/Alex relationship. "Got over baggage" had been done already....I would have much rather had Maggie working with Kara and kicking some butt rather than more screen time eaten up by Maggie baggage. Totally understood the problem with Valentine's Day, that was just heartbreaking, but the whole ex-girlfriend thing was pure filler. As far as her life on Krypton and what she lost....they did that the first season with "For The Girl Who Has Everything" it was beautifully done in that episode, no way to top it.
I think I would have liked the storyline more also if they would have made Kara and Monels relationship more about mentoring and less romance. It seemed very forced to me. To me it seemed Kara had no point in the storyline to grow as a hero or a reporter because she had to be the girlfriend to Monel. It was also very repetitive. Monel does something dumb, they fight, Kara forgives him. That seems like it happened every episode. I didn't see that at all in her relationship with James last year even though that didn't last either.
As far as their romance, I didn't see it forced at all, in fact I thought the pace was very well done. HOWEVER, I would have much rather had scenes like in Ace Reporter when they team up and would have loved a more "Thin Man" vibe (for those who don't know this reference: )from the couple....along with the mentoring aspect. I was fine with their relationship, I would have just enjoyed it just as much with less of it.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
More action would be good. I saw a reference claiming that for a few episodes the show had had to import one of the American Super Stunt Doubles, because the Canadian Super Stunt Double was already giving 100%. That's a good direction for the show.
The Supergirl-Monel relationship is a given. One might propose that Wynn's girlfriend gets to go home, and Wynn and Lena interact well. James did better as the moral inspirer than as the Guardian. There was, of course, the point where Cat discussed a past relationship with Clark, incidentally giving away that she knows (those eyes; I can see your eyes) that Clark is Superman, leading Kara to say to herself 'I hope Rhea kills me'.
The Supergirl-Monel relationship is a given. One might propose that Wynn's girlfriend gets to go home, and Wynn and Lena interact well. James did better as the moral inspirer than as the Guardian. There was, of course, the point where Cat discussed a past relationship with Clark, incidentally giving away that she knows (those eyes; I can see your eyes) that Clark is Superman, leading Kara to say to herself 'I hope Rhea kills me'.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
I got sick and tired of all the romances going on. I don't mind romance but it shouldn't take over the show. I initially liked Alex/Maggie but began to resent it after the sister relationship pretty much got dumped for most of the second half of the season. The Kara/Mon-El relationship, well I have other issues with that. It didn't help develop Kara or do anything for her really so I don't know what the purpose actually was other than to give her a love interest just for the sake of it. It was pretty pointless. I hope they learn some lessons next season. Cut back on the romance. start developing Kara again. Bring season 1 Alex back, not that imposter we got in season 2. Actually give James something to do that isn't stupid
Anywho all I can say is thank goodness for Lena Luthor this season. She made it worth watching when I was almost ready to give up
Anywho all I can say is thank goodness for Lena Luthor this season. She made it worth watching when I was almost ready to give up
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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