I thought that it might be nice to have one place to discuss the character of Reign as we progress through this season. While I'm a bit sad about the character turning evil, I am very eager to see the extent that the writers will go with the villain. She has the possibility of being quite the formidable foe for Supergirl.
Perhaps we can start with some facts about her that we know at the moment and add to the list as we find out more details.
I'll start a list and I can add to it later. Even though the character exists in the comics, I thought that it might be better to keep those facts off the list until they present themselves as we're not sure what aspects the writers will use from her comic book counterpart. But, feel free to discuss any aspect of the character.
Human persona
- Name Samantha
- Adopted
- 12 year old daughter named Ruby (had Ruby when young)
- Father of Ruby unknown
- Known Lena for a long time
- Arrived on Earth when Kal-El did
- Estranged from adopted mother
- Mother found Sam in Krypton pod
- Turned to Reign after a trigger
- Seems to suffer type of split personality (doesn't recall actions as Reign)
- Loses time when Reign
Alien persona
- From Krypton
- Genetically engineered
- Connection with Alura
- World Killer
- Fortress of Sanctuary- in a desert, exact location unknown
- From a time before Fathoming
- Built to cleanse the scourge and deliver the Awakening
- Dispenser of Justice/Vengeance
- Believes that those who stand by and do nothing are guilty of crimes
- Seems to take orders from higher source (hologram)
Powers exhibited
-Super strength
-Invulnerable to bullets
-Super Speed
-Red laser heat
-Super Vision
- Freeze breath
-Powers not dependent on yellow sun
-Not as susceptible to electricity as Supergirl
-Pure form of kryptonite injected into body
-Psi and other telepaths
Interested in seeing how Reign will react to Ruby. Afterall, isn't Reign meant to only destroy evil? Being Ruby isn't evil, and part of Sam/herself...should prove to be an interesting "response." Will motherhood "short circuit" Reign a tad? Will Reign see her as an "abhorrance," the reason for her delay?
Yeah Ive said this before but I'm interested in seeing this reaction too.... As long as Ruby is around Reign can't take over completely I dont think. I hope we see Reign interacting with Ruby in the next episode just to get a glimpse of what their dynamics are like. At the least Ruby being smart enough to realize Reign isn't her mom, etc.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 41
Relevant article from this week's spoiler room, it seems both Kara's reaction AND Sam's reaction to finding the truth about Reign will be interesting. Also Kara might be on the line of 'Can Reign be saved'
Relevant article from this week's spoiler room, it seems both Kara's reaction AND Sam's reaction to finding the truth about Reign will be interesting. Also Kara might be on the line of 'Can Reign be saved'
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 42
I don't think they are cognitive of each other at all, at least not at the moment...and it seems that seeing enemies, or people that need to be taken care of triggers Reign, whereas it looks like it is Ruby that triggers Sam.
However, with that theory... somehow Reign knows to get dressed in Sam's clothes, again...as well as, hide her costume underneath. And, as was the case this past Monday, knew to pick up Ruby from Alex's. Or, as has been the case in previous episodes, knows to drive/fly back home after being "done" with her Reigny tasks.
The Reign outfit under Sam's clothes at work bothers me a lot. So are we expected to believe that every time Sam changes clothes/goes to the bathroom Reign erases her mind about seeing the Reign outfit under her clothes? Maybe I'm over thinking this.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 43
People perform all kinds of complex actions under hypnosis, and then have no memory of doing them.
I think that's what the Fortress AI is for, to induce "post-hypnotic suggestions" that cover up Reign's activities while Sam is in control, allowing her a "hiding place" till all the pieces are in place for conquering Earth.
I think that's what the Fortress AI is for, to induce "post-hypnotic suggestions" that cover up Reign's activities while Sam is in control, allowing her a "hiding place" till all the pieces are in place for conquering Earth.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 44
Something I wonder about Sam and REIGN. In the both sides now Recap , tons of arguing about Lena figuring out Sam...but nobody analyzing what actually happened. Sam slipped into Reign after her fear and anger that she wasnt a good parent to Ruby...hence the "SILENCE" shout from Reign.
Also I wonder...Purity claimed julia was the fake one, would Reign be able to claim Sam never existed or not? Because (Well Id like to see them talking to a captive Sam/Reign like they did for Purity) and it would be very interesting how a captive Reign would interact with Ruby.
Although I hope for Ruby's sake she wouldnt be swayed by appearances as Reign is not her mother-Sam is. (I could easily see Reign tricking Ruby into letting her go if she ever got captured)
Although alternatively , I could also see Reign's attempts to claim she is the real one crumble if Ruby begs her mom to come out. (Since being reminded of Ruby was what caused Sam to take over Reign in fort rozz)
Also I wonder...Purity claimed julia was the fake one, would Reign be able to claim Sam never existed or not? Because (Well Id like to see them talking to a captive Sam/Reign like they did for Purity) and it would be very interesting how a captive Reign would interact with Ruby.
Although I hope for Ruby's sake she wouldnt be swayed by appearances as Reign is not her mother-Sam is. (I could easily see Reign tricking Ruby into letting her go if she ever got captured)
Although alternatively , I could also see Reign's attempts to claim she is the real one crumble if Ruby begs her mom to come out. (Since being reminded of Ruby was what caused Sam to take over Reign in fort rozz)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 45
I think the connection with Alura is that Kara's DAD, was a part of the Science Guild that began this little project and it is Kara's DNA that was used and that is the dream connection.....I think possibly somethings went wrong, and the test tube babies were supposed to have been destroyed before they were fully developed and some one or some people from the Science Guild went rogue (not Kara's father) and we have Reign.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 46
Agreed. Great thread, Sully!
We're all pretty sure the League is actually in the ship. But, seeing the headline on this makes me wonder....what if Sam is able to redeem herself eventually turning "good," if only but at the very end, and helps defeat other worldkillers to save her friends and Ruby?
Are There Other Worldkillers
Yeah I just read that, that article was very instructive. Something Odette says in that article opened my eyes.
"her motives are not to kill everyone.It’s very specific and it’s very pointed and it’s all happening for a reason"
I think Reign is there for a mission, but as Odette said in the article she doesnt know what that is herself.
Remember in an earlier article they said Sam would do anything for Ruby? I think if Kara points out that her actions are going to cause harm to Ruby, Sam would be able to suppress Reign (but still manage to have the powers) and fight against whatever other threat there is, but going out as a powered Sam, not as 'Reign'.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 47
- Powers exhibited
Invisible to bullets
I may be wrong but is that meant to read Invulnerable to bullets?.
Yep! Thanks for the heads-up, Kiwi!
"Invisible to bullets" is a power I'd totally want and go for though.
SSAV - There are many days where I wish I had the power to become invisible

...what if Sam is able to redeem herself eventually turning "good," if only but at the very end, and helps defeat other worldkillers to save her friends and Ruby?
evrafter - I can see this happening as a resolution of ending the character of Reign and I'd be okay with that, IF, as you said it was at the end. I wouldn't want it to be a quick fix to her character though. Ideally, for me, it would be only after she created havoc upon the world for an extended amount of episodes. (That's not too diabolical of me, is it?

I think the connection with Alura is that Kara's DAD, was a part of the Science Guild that began this little project and it is Kara's DNA that was used and that is the dream connection.
Kelly - oh, interesting theory! So, that would make Reign/Sam kind of like an evil genetic clone of Kara in some way? That would certainly make the conflict for Kara a bit higher, wouldn't it!
"her motives are not to kill everyone.It’s very specific and it’s very pointed and it’s all happening for a reason"
I think Reign is there for a mission, but as Odette said in the article she doesnt know what that is herself.
SuperMatt - I wonder if that specific purpose is Supergirl. The article kind of eludes to that in a way, doesn't? If she is connected to Kara, either biologically or just from the same planet, and her mission is to destroy those from Krypton, that would make sense to me.
Question - anyone know who the woman is that appeared to Sam in the bathroom during episode 4, I think? The one with the hood? I don't think that wasn't the same actress that played Alura so, it wouldn't have been her.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 48
Thanks for that evrafter! I hadn't seen that and it makes some sense now.
In the background it looks like Krypton was exploding, doesn't? Which would imply that Sam was put into the pod at the same time that Kara was also put into one. Since both Kara and Sam appear to be close in age, that would mean that Sam's pod must have gotten stuck in the Phantom Zone like Kara....or she has some slow-aging genetics
In the background it looks like Krypton was exploding, doesn't? Which would imply that Sam was put into the pod at the same time that Kara was also put into one. Since both Kara and Sam appear to be close in age, that would mean that Sam's pod must have gotten stuck in the Phantom Zone like Kara....or she has some slow-aging genetics

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 49
Wonderful thread, Sully! Don't have anything to add at this time as much of what I suppose has been expressed.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 50
A few months ago Gavagai asked the question Is Eliza Danvers due for a kidnapping? (https://supergirl.tv/forum/is-eliza-danvers-due-for-a-kidnapping).
In the most recent episode (5) Kara told Samantha about Eliza and it got me to thinking, could Reign in a future Season 3 episode actually kidnap and threaten to kill Eliza to get at Kara?.
Any thoughts on this possibility?.
I wonder if that wouldn't end up being a repeat of the season 1 episode where they captured Alura but Non kidnapped Alex? I think it was?
Anyway in this instance Kara might have to face a bigger dilemma, say whether to use an innocent girl like Ruby as a pawn to free her mother.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 51
There's always the very real possibility that Reign could threaten Eliza. Max basically did the same thing in Season 1 when he disclosed to SG how much he knew about her family. I hope they don't go that route as it is t oo obvious of a cliche in television storytelling. But, it does make me wonder if, when Samantha fully emerges as Reign, will she know that Kara and Supergirl are one in the same? If so, will that stay a secret or will she possibly let Lena know
The writers have gone out of their way to point out some parallels between Samantha and Kara ie., being adopted, both being active in swimming. Will the writers show other commonalities between the two characters?
One last thought, going along with what Kelly proposed about Sam being a genetic clone of Kara's: there's been talk about Alex adopting Ruby at the end but, if it is true that Sam is related to Kara genetically, will Kara feel a sense of obligation to take in Ruby, especially if there is a possibility of Ruby having powers? Maybe Kara and Alex raise Ruby together?
Thanks, Brierrose. She looks closer to Kara's age but, I suppose that is because Melissa and Odette are closer in age. But, you can't always go by appearances as Chyler doesn't look 35, either. That woman has some good genes!
evrafter - I feel for ya!
The fact that I have already began to feel a bit of an attachment for the character says a lot about Odette's acting ability. She's my favorite new addition to the show so far.

The writers have gone out of their way to point out some parallels between Samantha and Kara ie., being adopted, both being active in swimming. Will the writers show other commonalities between the two characters?
One last thought, going along with what Kelly proposed about Sam being a genetic clone of Kara's: there's been talk about Alex adopting Ruby at the end but, if it is true that Sam is related to Kara genetically, will Kara feel a sense of obligation to take in Ruby, especially if there is a possibility of Ruby having powers? Maybe Kara and Alex raise Ruby together?
Thanks, Brierrose. She looks closer to Kara's age but, I suppose that is because Melissa and Odette are closer in age. But, you can't always go by appearances as Chyler doesn't look 35, either. That woman has some good genes!
evrafter - I feel for ya!

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 52
Cccrrrraaaaapppp!! Crap crap crap CRAP!!
I just rewatched this week's episode and.... I... LOVE... SAM!! Like.. I would watch a show entirely based on her character. Odette is really good--smooth, believable dialogue deliverance, good facials, just seems like a solid character.
Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! This is gonna sucketh.
I'm already feeling sad about it......BUT DAMN, THAT IS WHY IT IS SO FREAKING GOOD..........holy crap what a storyline.
Yeah. Part of me wants Sam to be redeemed at the very very end. But then there's the other side that wants the Greek tragedy... like... Full blown, cry it all out Greek tragedy. Lol *hands Kelly an extra box of Kleenex to have on the ready*
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 53
With Reign there is a huge part of me that wants them to go full on scary as heck villain, in that you think she is coming back to Sam, and then BAM.....no she doesn't, with a laugh. Full on fight to the death at some point. I love Odette, but the power of those scenes, and the impact on Kara would be something we have never seen before.
Then there is the part of me that wants at the very last minute for Sam to return, but then....no, because we would miss out on some spectacular drama and acting.
That would be scary if Reign would be the kind of villain to screw with Kara's head like that. By pretending to be Sam for a second just to get a sucker punch in.
Anyway glad to see people want Sam to come in... but with the Middle episode I'm guessing no Sam this week and we have to wait until next week to see how it develops further.
That would be so evil for Reign to pretend to be Sam!
I pictured it like this. If Sam turns into Reign on episode 9 and we have a 22 episode season theres room for them to attempt a cure or fix for her right? Maybe it appears to work and you could get a end credits scene of inside her mind we see Sam imprisoned, and a sinister smile on the face of Reign or something as she pretended to be fixed.
Anyway as for emotionally hurting people...I figure Reign may either kill M'yrnn, Eliza...or perhaps even her own adopted mother. And Sam would be horrified to have been pushed past the point of 'no return' by effectively something she couldn't control.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 54
What IF, there is an episode where someone is killed and there is DNA left at the scene, it is investigated and found that it is Supergirl's DNA and she is arrested for the murder. In jail, how crazy would that be.....oh, and it was actually Reign that did the killing.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 55
Considering the emphasis on sisters, I think it is possible Sam has Alura's genes (and may be both Alura's and Zor El's genes) rather than Kara's. Thematically, then she would be Kara's sister. (Using Kara's genes to create her would make her technically, Kara's daughter).
Agreed, Kara and Sam being “sisters” fits better. I’ll add this to that thought if Lex is Ruby’s father then Lena is Sam’s sister in law. Was it foreshadowing when Kara said the three of them are sisters.
Actually if Sam is Kara's 'Sister' and if Lex is the father of RubyThat would also make Ruby, Lillian Luthor's granddaughter. Imagine that, a half-alien granddaughter for the head of Cadmus. And, if something did happen to Sam, which is probable, then wouldn't Lillian have some legal basis for custody?
Wouldn't that make both Kara and Lena as aunts of Ruby?

Btw, Brierrose, when I read that, I had a moment of, "Wait, what? Did I miss something big here?"

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 56
So, then they would know Reign because they are from the future. Does the Legion not exist in Supergirl's present day?So obviously too early to tell about what their mission is, but the next week teaser for 'wake up' all but confirmed the pod in the ocean is the Legion. Mon el has a beard, and he's back in deo Containment, saying he needs Kara to listen to him.I'm not up to speed with the Legion and their connection to Reign. How are they aware that Reign exists? Also, I have seen references to Mon-El coming back from the future. Where does that idea stem from?
Im calling it. The Legion are here for Sam.
In comics, Mon-El eventually traveled to the future, and wound up working with the superheroes of that time, known as the Legion of Superheroes. Saturn Girl is one of them, and she's part of the cast of next episode.
People have speculated this since Mon-El's ship went into a wormhole at the end of last season, that he wound up in the future with the Legion.
No, as far as we know only Superman and Batman....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 57
So, then they would know Reign because they are from the future. Does the Legion not exist in Supergirl's present day?So obviously too early to tell about what their mission is, but the next week teaser for 'wake up' all but confirmed the pod in the ocean is the Legion. Mon el has a beard, and he's back in deo Containment, saying he needs Kara to listen to him.I'm not up to speed with the Legion and their connection to Reign. How are they aware that Reign exists? Also, I have seen references to Mon-El coming back from the future. Where does that idea stem from?
Im calling it. The Legion are here for Sam.
In comics, Mon-El eventually traveled to the future, and wound up working with the superheroes of that time, known as the Legion of Superheroes. Saturn Girl is one of them, and she's part of the cast of next episode.
People have speculated this since Mon-El's ship went into a wormhole at the end of last season, that he wound up in the future with the Legion.
No. The whole story behind the Legion of Superheroes, from what I recall, is that they are based in the 30th century, and are formed by members from several different planets and alien races.
So no, the Legion has never existed in "present day" in any iteration. It's members visit the present, from time to time, via time travel. But present day has never been their home.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 58
If Mon-El is from the future, it will be interesting to see what, if any, other bits of information are disclosed. In every time travel episode that I have seen, one of the main premises stressed is to always maintain the timeline, even if the events taking place are detrimental to that point of time. If indeed, Mon-El and other Justice League members are back to help stop Reign, then that would be a major interference in historical events. So, I'm curious whether the writers would show any fall-out from that intrusion with the timeline.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 59
Hence, they can't talk to people in this timeline; which would explain his being unable to prove to Kara who he is.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 60
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