1. Romulus
  2. Motivator Love Fool Vanity Monster
  3. Supergirl Season 5
  4. Monday, 18 May 2020

I just opened this thread so that our board members can post their thoughts, feelings, analyses and impressions of the Season 5 that just was. Mention the highs, lows and everything in-between. What worked, what didn't, and where (ideally) should the show go from here.

As always, please be respectful of others' opinions and points of view. You may disagree with one-another, but kindly agree to be agreeable and keep it civil. :)

1, 2, 3...GO!
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The Kara/William relationship may continue into season 6... see Melissa's recent comments.

Very nice, I (as seemingly one of the few) enjoyed Kara and William in Season 5 and look forward to what's in store for them in Season 6.

Hopefully it's part of nice balanced story for Kara/Supergirl next year, something along the lines of 50% Supergirl, 30% Kara working life and 20% Kara personal life.

I figured that storyline would continue into season 6 so not surprised.I don't really have a opinion on it.I think William is fine and since I don't ship(not after the Buffyverse),I just go along where they want on ship fronts.There hasn't been a ship I hated on the series and I've enjoyed elements of the various ships as they happened.For example,I thought the karaoke duet this season was cute as well as William making food for Kara.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 21
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I agree with jacksc101.
I have loved the show from the first episode! I know it has its faults, but it is still my favorite show I have ever watched in my life and I will watch it until it ends or until Melissa leaves it. She has outstanding talent and outshines the rest of the excellent cast.
I would like to see more of her, both as Kara and as Supergirl, and more times when she saves the day rather than being saved by others. I know she can't always be the one, and they are stronger together, but my favorite parts revolve around her prevailing. I have been rewatching earlier seasons and I do get the feeling she has less screen time per episode than in seasons past.
And I love all the little humorous elements; and when she inspires and uplifts us all.
Mine too!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 22
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
@ superbill,

Re: Your last post.

Fair points. You are certainly entitled to your views and I am entitled to mine (and others are to theirs). To each their own.

How I critique it and how you critique it differs. Not a big deal. You may not appreciate my style or generalisations (many people don't) and that's perfectly fine. I have valid reasons for being as harsh as I am at times and using the terms that I do. You are most welcome to use whatever terms you wish in your assessments as well. I am very well aware that I do not represent the "entire" fanbase or SG community. The choice of words may have been inaccurate in my post. It happens. Such is life. This is not a scholarly dissertation, merely a forum for opinions.

Truth be told, I used to be an apologist for the show and let things slide by the wayside for four consecutive seasons but there came a point when it became impossible to be so any longer. Apparently you have a higher threshold for things than I do. Again, not a big deal. You can enjoy it and view it and critique it any way you wish and I will do the same. We agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

Side note: I have made it a point in my postings to give praise where praise is due (esp. the actors and various crews), and to not sugar-coat my feelings where I believe the show could improve. To date - and from my personal perspective only - I have not seen the needed improvements from the people that need to make the improvements and from those who have the ability to elevate their "game" and the end product, so to speak. That is why I am as stark in my assessments as I am.

Final point: You stated: "It is possible to critique the show without tearing it down."

My rebuttal: Yes it is. But the PTB do such a wonderful job of tearing it down unwittingly. They're extremely busy doing it on so many levels for so many viewers. Irrespective of the amount of times the show is automatically renewed, or the increasingly seemingly irrelevant viewership numbers, or the praise (faint or or genuine) heaped upon it by various outlets, it still manages to miss the mark for many viewers on a regular basis.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 23
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I thought this sub-topic fits fine within this forum thread as opposed to starting a new one concerning this article found on cbr...

I totally agree that the Kara/Lena fight lasted too long, but resolving it in the season premiere may have been too soon and undercut the impact considerably. In addition to the season premiere, I think we did get good follow-up on the "fight" with Tremors, Its a Super Life and the penultimate episode, The Missing Link. (Honorable mention to Deus Lex Machina which was the catalyst for Lena's turnabout. ) Now, these three episodes, while spread far apart throught the season, does demonstrate there was good drama to be mined and they got some of the seasons best moments from it. But, It also shows they could have resolved it in 3-4 episodes, pre-Crisis, albeit without Lex.

Do you think it would have been as effective if they went there and resolved it quickly or do you think letting it simmer throught the season made it more impactful?

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 24
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

While I think the Kara/Lena "fight" plot was dragged out too long and understandably alienated Lena and Supercorp fans and I would have like it resolved pre-Crisis, I do think post Crisis episodes, It's a Wonderful Life, Deus Lex Machina and Missing Link really gave us exactly what we needed and were amongst the very best of Season 5. I definitely would not give those up. I think there were just too many episode inbetween that really didn't move the needle in regards to the Kara/Lena arc.
So your preference would've been for the relationship to have been resolved pre CoIE I can understand that. That certainly would've changed the post CoIE storyline. I think there was value in the reaction we saw from Lena when Lex returned. For me pre CoIE would've been too fast perhaps episode 16 or 17 would've made more people happy.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 25
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