I thought this sub-topic fits fine within this forum thread as opposed to starting a new one concerning this article found on cbr...
I totally agree that the Kara/Lena fight lasted too long, but resolving it in the season premiere may have been too soon and undercut the impact considerably. In addition to the season premiere, I think we did get good follow-up on the "fight" with Tremors, Its a Super Life and the penultimate episode, The Missing Link. (Honorable mention to Deus Lex Machina which was the catalyst for Lena's turnabout. ) Now, these three episodes, while spread far apart throught the season, does demonstrate there was good drama to be mined and they got some of the seasons best moments from it. But, It also shows they could have resolved it in 3-4 episodes, pre-Crisis, albeit without Lex.
Do you think it would have been as effective if they went there and resolved it quickly or do you think letting it simmer throught the season made it more impactful?