1. Romulus
  2. Motivator Love Fool Vanity Monster
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 14 July 2017

Since Volume 3 had hit the 1,000 post mark, I though (or Kiwi thought - thanks!) that starting afresh with a new folder might keep things more manageable.

So, without further ado, here is Volume 4 (or Volume IV) for your perusal, contributions and comments. Please note, the same shtick applies to this as the previous 3 - all positive pictures, fan art and comments are most welcome (...but no gratuitous profane language or risqué / off colour / off topic postings, please).

Attachments (17)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
RobertAnthony wrote:

"I wish for my birthday coming up next week I would have my own credit card. "


Ask your local bank about reloadable pre-paid credit cards. Although many banks don't openly advertise them because they don't accrue interest on unpaid balances, most banks offer them. They're also known as travel credit cards. MC and Visa both do 'em. And, there is no credit check.

The good thing about reloadable pre-pay credit cards is that you set the spending limit and if you exceed it with a/any transaction, the transaction is declined. So, say you put $50 on the card, you can't spend more than that until you reload it. It's a good way to have online purchase access and a spending limit rolled into one.

Look into it. It's a smarter way to use credit than the traditional cards.

*** Edit: Robert, I've included a link below for you to understand pre-paid cards. Please note: It isn't an endorsement of any particular card, but just a quick 411 rundown of what they are and what they do.

Rom, I'll see what I can do about that. Most of my banking is through a credit union.
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Chyler in snazzy duds.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Someone's MOC (fan-made) versions of Supergirl and Reign using POP! figures.

Enjoy! :o

From: Facebook

Edit: I believe the actual figures themselves (the bodies and the standing bases) are from the Funko Rock Candy line but the heads are definitely POP!
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Someone's nice 3-pack of Funko POP! figures.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
RobertAnthony wrote:

"I wish for my birthday coming up next week I would have my own credit card. "


Ask your local bank about reloadable pre-paid credit cards. Although many banks don't openly advertise them because they don't accrue interest on unpaid balances, most banks offer them. They're also known as travel credit cards. MC and Visa both do 'em. And, there is no credit check.

The good thing about reloadable pre-pay credit cards is that you set the spending limit and if you exceed it with a/any transaction, the transaction is declined. So, say you put $50 on the card, you can't spend more than that until you reload it. It's a good way to have online purchase access and a spending limit rolled into one.

Look into it. It's a smarter way to use credit than the traditional cards.

*** Edit: Robert, I've included a link below for you to understand pre-paid cards. Please note: It isn't an endorsement of any particular card, but just a quick 411 rundown of what they are and what they do.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Pretty Amazing Artwork from Stanley Lau. Alternative cover to Supergirl # 18.


Yes, a very nice cover. This is really up RobertAnthony's alley. He'll love this for sure!

Personally, I'm more of an '80s SG suit kinda guy (like the one from the '84 film) but the current TV version is right up there with it. ;)

You'd better believe it. But I like the skirt outfit from the film and of course what's on TV just as well. By the way...the outfit on the back to 1972...would last until about 1983 or so. Supergirl would visit the Danvers in L-A and through super crafting, turn that outfit into the skirt...shoulder pads and all...the infamous headband would come later.

The blouse hot pants combo would as we know feature at first slippers to accentuate Kara's legs. Then by 1975, they went to the boots. I wish that outfit was given the live action would be a riot! I have from Figures Toy Company their Mego-like Supergirl doll with that outfit.

As for that comic...I am out of nearby comics shop A Timeless Journey in Stamford CT...went out of business at the end of January. The closest to me is either in Norwalk, or Harrison, NY...about 20 minutes drive either way. And forget about and I have the SAME credit card account number. I wish for my birthday coming up next week I would have my own credit card.
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I found some of J'onn's stash!...

Enjoy! :D

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Pretty Amazing Artwork from Stanley Lau. Alternative cover to Supergirl # 18.


Yes, a very nice cover. This is really up RobertAnthony's alley. He'll love this for sure!

Personally, I'm more of an '80s SG suit kinda guy (like the one from the '84 film) but the current TV version is right up there with it. ;)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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BTS from "Both Sides Now."

Enjoy! :o ;)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Dave being dapper.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Kevin Smith would caption this "Charm city now with capes."

Holy WNUV Baltimore 54!! (The city's CW station)

And I wonder what those two crazy kids were seeing that made them smile? And seeing Supergirl smile...want to see more of if there is a season 4.
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Two more for today.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook

Her eyes...W :o W...I fell under her spell!
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Two more for today.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (2)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Back in Black - Part 2.

Cheers! ;)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Kevin Smith would caption this "Charm city now with capes."
Attachments (1)
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
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....Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, uh, I mean D.E.O....

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The eyes have it.

Enjoy! :o :o :o

From: Facebook
Attachments (2)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Back in black (sung to a well-know AC/DC ditty).

Enjoy! :o

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Good cop - bad cop.

Cheers! :)

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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It's the same reaction you get when disturbing someone who is so immersed in their cell / mobile or headphones and texting, that the person zones out so completely. Either that, or a Lisa Loeb song from the '90s on repeat and shuffle will have the same effect.

Cheers! :D

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)

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