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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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Another preview clip for tonight's episode.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 241
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OK...this BTS picture is from season 5...but it has some on social media buzzing. This is from the director of tonight's episode Simon Burnett on his Instagram. It has one of Melissa's favorite things in life; a dog. A dog with an appropriate name.

Been interesting posting so much about this episode on Instagram . I can tell you that I’ve got a million messages about these two. Mel and Katie have a couple of great scenes together in this episode . . Both are very grounded, down to Earth, and helped me as friends would directing my first episode of TV. As you can see Hero enjoys hanging out with them too .

See it here.

BOLD...yes, that's the dog's name.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 242
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This suggests we may see [spoiler] again...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 243
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Saw some quick Supergirl flashes in there.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 244
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 245
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Preview of DC Fandome Supergirl farewell panel.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 246
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Preview of DC Fandome Supergirl farewell panel.

LOL Melissa throwing a little shade at Tyler’s, at that time, inexperience in the flying harness. She knew not to just hang around in it.

I’ve actually had the chance to be in a film flying harness and it’s super fun, pun intended, but it did leave a bruise. We sometimes forget that actor do work through physical pain for our entertainment.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 247
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Kind of seems like the gloves are off in regards to Melissa making it clear how much she does not appreciate doing the flying scenes :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 248
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LOL Melissa throwing a little shade at Tyler’s, at that time, inexperience in the flying harness. She knew not to just hang around in it.

I’ve actually had the chance to be in a film flying harness and it’s super fun, pun intended, but it did leave a bruise. We sometimes forget that actor do work through physical pain for our entertainment.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all

LOL Where I come from that's more of a Boo Boo than a painful injury. With respect of course.;)

July 20,1969 "OH MY God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 249
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LOL Melissa throwing a little shade at Tyler’s, at that time, inexperience in the flying harness. She knew not to just hang around in it.

I’ve actually had the chance to be in a film flying harness and it’s super fun, pun intended, but it did leave a bruise. We sometimes forget that actor do work through physical pain for our entertainment.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all

LOL Where I come from that's more of a Boo Boo than a painful injury. With respect of course.;)

July 20,1969 "OH MY God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London
with respect of course I chose not to go into detail the about bruises I got in the flying harness. Melissa has said the flying harness was painful for her, would you tell her to her face it’s a Boo Boo? I don’t get the lack of caring about actors physical comfort as if because their job is to entertain means it doesn’t matter if they get hurt or should have to tough it out. Where I come from I don’t want anyone to tough it out when they hurt.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 250
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LOL Melissa throwing a little shade at Tyler’s, at that time, inexperience in the flying harness. She knew not to just hang around in it.

I’ve actually had the chance to be in a film flying harness and it’s super fun, pun intended, but it did leave a bruise. We sometimes forget that actor do work through physical pain for our entertainment.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all

LOL Where I come from that's more of a Boo Boo than a painful injury. With respect of course.;)

July 20,1969 "OH MY God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London

with respect of course I chose not to go into detail the about bruises I got in the flying harness. Melissa has said the flying harness was painful for her, would you tell her to her face it’s a Boo Boo? I don’t get the lack of caring about actors physical comfort as if because their job is to entertain means it doesn’t matter if they get hurt or should have to tough it out. Where I come from I don’t want anyone to tough it out when they hurt.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all

With respect, I grew up in a different generation. When we got hurt you would just rub some dirt on it and continue on.:o

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Rita Hayworth: Higher And Higher
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 251
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Being from a different generation isn’t an excuse for maintaining outdated attitudes. There’s many things that were acceptable in the past that aren’t now. I know people in their 80s who were raised with certain views who continue to learn, grow, and change. There’s a saying if you know better now then be better. With respect you can teach an old dog new tricks if the dog is willing.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 252
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Gotta agree with Brierrose.

Unless you know what it's like to be in that position, then don't judge. Melissa wasn't just in that rig for a few minutes at a time. She was up there sometimes for hours. He'll, I know they would set days aside just to get these flying green screen effects. When you are in that position for an extended amount of time, it's more than an inconvenience.

You say "rub some dirt on it and move on". She didn't once complain publicly until the show ended. She powered through, despite the pain and/or discomfort, and did the job.

Point being, don't judge unless you've been in their position.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 253
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Preview for tonight's episode.


Second clip from tonight's episode.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 254
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 255
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Preview for tomorrow's episode.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 256
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I find Lena totally insufferable since she became the main squint. I miss Winn. Lena's position just feels completely unearned to me, she and Kara never had a proper conversation about what happened in season 5. And she's just totally obnoxious. And why is she suddenly back to the creepy makeup again? I miss when Kara actually got to have meaningful scenes with Alex and when the show wasn't constantly obsessively propping up Lena.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 257
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I find Lena totally insufferable since she became the main squint. I miss Winn. Lena's position just feels completely unearned to me, she and Kara never had a proper conversation about what happened in season 5. And she's just totally obnoxious. And why is she suddenly back to the creepy makeup again? I miss when Kara actually got to have meaningful scenes with Alex and when the show wasn't constantly obsessively propping up Lena.

What did you have for breakfast....Nails? Lena has been with the show since season 2 so she has earned her position. Whereas the nightmare and the toy soldier have earned nothing. I also miss Winn. Brainy couldn't hold his laptop.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon: Werewolves Of London: Official Video
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 258
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Lena spent an entire season trying to brainwash the world and yet rather than the show adressing this and having her work properly on repairing the trust between her and Kara the show just gives them lame and shallow scenes and turns Kara into an idiot who needs to get moral lectures from a person who shot at her.

Every time she has a scene with Kara all I can think of these days how much more meaningful it would be if the scene was between her and Alex instead.

And this is the case especially because the writers refuse to write Lena with any depth. Ever since she came back from her magical trip she might just as well be a new character named Luna who just happens to be played by Katie McGrath as well for how little they make use of Lena’s actual past.

I'm just sick how the writers are throwing Kara and Kara&Alex under the bus for the poorly written and overexposed Lena character. I'm also annoyed that half of the time this later part of the season it feels like the show is more interested in telling us stuff about Nyxly than actually celebrating their main character. It genuinely feels like the show was more reverent of Supergirl and what she means in those episodes where she was barely on screen.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 259
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The first Flash,,"Armageddon" trailer is out.I didn't see any of Alex/Sentinel in it but here it is.Not sure why they didn't put this out at DC Fandome

I can't lie,I'm really missing Supergir lfrom this.This is the first big event without Supergirl and it's sticking out like a sore thumb for me.Stil looking forward to it but without Supergirl and Superman,I'm just not as excited.I can't help it.

Also the stills for,"I Believe In Thing Called Love" are out.I'm sure they will be posted here soon.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 260

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