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  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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Quoting comic fan: "I wouldn't be surprised if this where Cress Williams will appear.And I won't lie,it would be so great if Melissa appears in it and other Supergirl characters.Almost like a final farwell to her fellow Arrowverse heroes."

It would be fabulous if this would happen!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 61
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Re: The Flash 5 crossover episodes.

It would be great if Melissa could appear in one if those Flash episodes. Logistically, based on the preseumed scheduling, Stargirl should complete its run at the end if October and Supergirl will have two episodes left. It would be awesome if The Flash could start its new season with an appearance by Melissa to air before the Supergirl finale. Too much to hope for... but I am anyway... lol!

Having Cress and Melissa will make up for the missed crossover this season.

It is like we are getting two abbreviated seasons of Supergirl, as the finale will air in November sweeps if the 2021-22 season unless they plan to double up on episodes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 62
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Re: The Flash 5 crossover episodes.

It would be great if Melissa could appear in one if those Flash episodes. Logistically, based on the preseumed scheduling, Stargirl should complete its run at the end if October and Supergirl will have two episodes left. It would be awesome if The Flash could start its new season with an appearance by Melissa to air before the Supergirl finale. Too much to hope for... but I am anyway... lol!

Having Cress and Melissa will make up for the missed crossover this season.

It is like we are getting two abbreviated seasons of Supergirl, as the finale will air in November sweeps if the 2021-22 season unless they plan to double up on episodes.

That's what I was thinking. Supergirl's final season wraps filming on August 6th, according to the schedule. The Flash is due to start it's 8th season filming in September. It obviously depends on the showrunners and Melissa's willingness to return. People still need to quarantine for 2 weeks when they come to B.C. from the States. BUT...if Melissa and any Supergirl cast members were willing to live in Vancouver just a month longer, until The Flash starts filming, it's entirely feasible for Supergirl to be part of one of those "Event" episodes.

Honestly, Barry has more of a connection to Kara than Superman, Batwoman (either one), the current Legends cast, or Black Lightning. So I REALLY hope she can be part of one of these episodes. These characters deserve to have one more adventure, together.

I'm imagining Stargirl may be likely to be part of one of these crossovers. The fact that Jay Garrick is appearing in both The Flash season 7 and Stargirl season 2 makes me think these shows have a strong chance of connecting.

There is the possible scenario that they will try to use one of these "Event Episodes" to introduce Naomi, as well. But I honestly hope not. Lets let that character get introduced in her own show, first, and see if the show can support itself, before taking a precious crossover slot.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 63
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"So it sounds like Flash Season 8 will premiere in November with this five episode crossover Flash event after Stsrgirl Season 2/Supergirl Season 6 wraps airing.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is where Cress Williams will appear.And I won't lie,it would be so great if Melissa appears in it and other Supergirl characters. Almost like a final farwell to her fellow Arrowverse heroes."

Gonna rain on this fan-baiting parade of nostalgia here.

Melissa's currently not under contract to The Flash in any capacity, so the probability of her being available to do this "Hail Mary" stunt for another EP's aging show seems remote, since she's got her YA book series launch happening in October (not to mention her own production development deal with WB-TV). Supergirl wraps filming well before The Flash will even set up before their Season 8 gets underway, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions in place due to COVID19. The Supergirl writers room has allegedly already closed down.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 64
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Gonna rain on this fan-baiting parade of nostalgia here.

Melissa's currently not under contract to The Flash in any capacity, so the probability of her being available to do this "Hail Mary" stunt for another EP's aging show seems remote, since she's got her YA book series launch happening in October (not to mention her own production development deal with WB-TV). Supergirl wraps filming well before The Flash will even set up before their Season 8 gets underway, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions in place due to COVID19. The Supergirl writers room has allegedly already closed down.

Okay, I can hear where you're coming from. But please hear me out.

I'm not saying it's going to happen. But this is definitely not a "hail mary".

1) NOBODY from other shows is under contract with The Flash. Not a single person. But these 5 event episodes are happening, and they are kicking off the season. That is established. All that takes, contract wise, is negotiating a one-off appearance. No matter who they get for these crossovers, that is the type of negotiation that is going to need to happen.

2) Yes, Melissa has her book launch in October, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions. BUT, as I previously mentioned, Supergirl wraps in August and Flash is starting production on season 8 in September. Melissa, Chris, and their child already have a place in Vancouver. All it takes is staying for an extra 4-6 weeks at a place they already live. (Side note, there is the possibility that, by then, fully vaccinated people, who can show documentation, may be able to bypass quarantine restriction requirements. This is an ongoing process.)

3) There are 5 "Event Episodes". But there are only 3 Arrowverse shows, other than The Flash, still filming in BC. Legends, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois. The other crossover options are Supergirl, which is based in BC but ending, Black Lightning, which was based in Georgia and has ended, and Stargirl, which is also based in Georgia, and has it's own new season order. It is high probability that, to fill out these "Event Episodes", they will bring in characters from at least 2 out of these 3 properties. So no matter what, SOMEBODY is going to have to come to BC from the outside and quarantine. But as previously explained, it would not be as big a hurdle for Melissa, who is already here, and already has housing. No matter who comes to do the crossover from the States, they will still likely have to arrive in late August to start their quarantines.

4) Melissa's book launch isn't until October 19th. If The Flash starts filming these "Event Episodes" in September, that's plenty of time to get her back to the States for her launch. And that's with the extremely generous assumption that she needs to physically be there. Maybe she'll do physical book tours, maybe she wont. But with how private she is, and the ongoing caution regarding COVID, despite vaccine rollout, it's actually probable they may not do any sort of physical touring book launch with Melissa and her sister.

5) Melissa's production company has a contract with WB. While her work on Supergirl pre-dates that contract and does not have ties to it, agreeing to do a one-episode crossover would help continue to foster her good relations with Warner.

Again, I'm not saying Melissa will participate in these event episodes. I just wanted to illustrate why I wouldn't classify it as a "hail mary". Honestly, of all the crossover options, The Flash, as a show, has the most history with Supergirl, and narratively, makes much more sense than crossovers with Legends, Batwoman, Superman & Lois, or Stargirl. Am I being hopeful? Yes, absolutely. Largely because the COVID restrictions, this past season, have robbed us of one last crossover involving Supergirl. I can acknowledge that I am being a bit of an optimist with this.

If I'm being totally honest, I personally wish that one Event Episode would involve both Supergirl and Superman, to give them one last interaction, as well, before Melissa hangs up the cape. But I'll admit that is wishful thinking.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 65
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Okay, I can hear where you're coming from. But please hear me out.

I'm not saying it's going to happen. But this is definitely not a "hail mary".

1) NOBODY from other shows is under contract with The Flash. Not a single person. But these 5 event episodes are happening, and they are kicking off the season. That is established. All that takes, contract wise, is negotiating a one-off appearance. No matter who they get for these crossovers, that is the type of negotiation that is going to need to happen.

2) Yes, Melissa has her book launch in October, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions. BUT, as I previously mentioned, Supergirl wraps in August and Flash is starting production on season 8 in September. Melissa, Chris, and their child already have a place in Vancouver. All it takes is staying for an extra 4-6 weeks at a place they already live. (Side note, there is the possibility that, by then, fully vaccinated people, who can show documentation, may be able to bypass quarantine restriction requirements. This is an ongoing process.)

3) There are 5 "Event Episodes". But there are only 3 Arrowverse shows, other than The Flash, still filming in BC. Legends, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois. The other crossover options are Supergirl, which is based in BC but ending, Black Lightning, which was based in Georgia and has ended, and Stargirl, which is also based in Georgia, and has it's own new season order. It is high probability that, to fill out these "Event Episodes", they will bring in characters from at least 2 out of these 3 properties. So no matter what, SOMEBODY is going to have to come to BC from the outside and quarantine. But as previously explained, it would not be as big a hurdle for Melissa, who is already here, and already has housing. No matter who comes to do the crossover from the States, they will still likely have to arrive in late August to start their quarantines.

4) Melissa's book launch isn't until October 19th. If The Flash starts filming these "Event Episodes" in September, that's plenty of time to get her back to the States for her launch. And that's with the extremely generous assumption that she needs to physically be there. Maybe she'll do physical book tours, maybe she wont. But with how private she is, and the ongoing caution regarding COVID, despite vaccine rollout, it's actually probable they may not do any sort of physical touring book launch with Melissa and her sister.

5) Melissa's production company has a contract with WB. While her work on Supergirl pre-dates that contract and does not have ties to it, agreeing to do a one-episode crossover would help continue to foster her good relations with Warner.

Again, I'm not saying Melissa will participate in these event episodes. I just wanted to illustrate why I wouldn't classify it as a "hail mary". Honestly, of all the crossover options, The Flash, as a show, has the most history with Supergirl, and narratively, makes much more sense than crossovers with Legends, Batwoman, Superman & Lois, or Stargirl. Am I being hopeful? Yes, absolutely. Largely because the COVID restrictions, this past season, have robbed us of one last crossover involving Supergirl. I can acknowledge that I am being a bit of an optimist with this.

If I'm being totally honest, I personally wish that one Event Episode would involve both Supergirl and Superman, to give them one last interaction, as well, before Melissa hangs up the cape. But I'll admit that is wishful thinking.

Nicely put Kdogg and most of us would love to see Supergirl as a guest star. However, based on what I've seen these past 3 seasons, in my opinion, when Melissa's contract obligations are fulfilled she will not walk away but freaking run away.
Of course her starring role in Supergirl launched her career and as an actress and singer she has honed and expanded her talent. She has grown while the show has been stagnant. I think we will see her again but not in these type of shows.

July 20,1969 "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Bob Dylan - My Back Pages (From the 30th Anniversary Concert) (Version 2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 66
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Gonna rain on this fan-baiting parade of nostalgia here.

Melissa's currently not under contract to The Flash in any capacity, so the probability of her being available to do this "Hail Mary" stunt for another EP's aging show seems remote, since she's got her YA book series launch happening in October (not to mention her own production development deal with WB-TV). Supergirl wraps filming well before The Flash will even set up before their Season 8 gets underway, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions in place due to COVID19. The Supergirl writers room has allegedly already closed down.

Okay, I can hear where you're coming from. But please hear me out.

I'm not saying it's going to happen. But this is definitely not a "hail mary".

1) NOBODY from other shows is under contract with The Flash. Not a single person. But these 5 event episodes are happening, and they are kicking off the season. That is established. All that takes, contract wise, is negotiating a one-off appearance. No matter who they get for these crossovers, that is the type of negotiation that is going to need to happen.

2) Yes, Melissa has her book launch in October, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions. BUT, as I previously mentioned, Supergirl wraps in August and Flash is starting production on season 8 in September. Melissa, Chris, and their child already have a place in Vancouver. All it takes is staying for an extra 4-6 weeks at a place they already live. (Side note, there is the possibility that, by then, fully vaccinated people, who can show documentation, may be able to bypass quarantine restriction requirements. This is an ongoing process.)

3) There are 5 "Event Episodes". But there are only 3 Arrowverse shows, other than The Flash, still filming in BC. Legends, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois. The other crossover options are Supergirl, which is based in BC but ending, Black Lightning, which was based in Georgia and has ended, and Stargirl, which is also based in Georgia, and has it's own new season order. It is high probability that, to fill out these "Event Episodes", they will bring in characters from at least 2 out of these 3 properties. So no matter what, SOMEBODY is going to have to come to BC from the outside and quarantine. But as previously explained, it would not be as big a hurdle for Melissa, who is already here, and already has housing. No matter who comes to do the crossover from the States, they will still likely have to arrive in late August to start their quarantines.

4) Melissa's book launch isn't until October 19th. If The Flash starts filming these "Event Episodes" in September, that's plenty of time to get her back to the States for her launch. And that's with the extremely generous assumption that she needs to physically be there. Maybe she'll do physical book tours, maybe she wont. But with how private she is, and the ongoing caution regarding COVID, despite vaccine rollout, it's actually probable they may not do any sort of physical touring book launch with Melissa and her sister.

5) Melissa's production company has a contract with WB. While her work on Supergirl pre-dates that contract and does not have ties to it, agreeing to do a one-episode crossover would help continue to foster her good relations with Warner.

Again, I'm not saying Melissa will participate in these event episodes. I just wanted to illustrate why I wouldn't classify it as a "hail mary". Honestly, of all the crossover options, The Flash, as a show, has the most history with Supergirl, and narratively, makes much more sense than crossovers with Legends, Batwoman, Superman & Lois, or Stargirl. Am I being hopeful? Yes, absolutely. Largely because the COVID restrictions, this past season, have robbed us of one last crossover involving Supergirl. I can acknowledge that I am being a bit of an optimist with this.

If I'm being totally honest, I personally wish that one Event Episode would involve both Supergirl and Superman, to give them one last interaction, as well, before Melissa hangs up the cape. But I'll admit that is wishful thinking.

Pretty much nailed my hopes and thoughts.Couple of added points.

1)Cress Williams said he was approached back in the Fall.He was then approached again,two months ago.He confirmed that he's not signed on yet.These are still just talks.So nobody is signed on yet for this event,it sounds like.As he said in the interview,now that Black Lightning is finished,he's moving/moved back to California making a trip up to Vancouver easier for any guest spot vs being based in Atlanta when the show was filming.It's amazing they even got him for Crisis.

2)There are rumors that Stargirl may be moving filming to Canada and possibly taking over Supergirl's space in Vancouver for season 3.If that pans out,having Stargirl appear will become a lot easier.

3)This just wild speculation that I've posted elsewhere but it goes along with what you and muckle9999 bring up.Supergirl wraps in August while Flash starts filming in September.Melissa & Chris have a place already in Vancouver.What do you think about the idea of Melissa being offered the opportunity to direct one of these 5 episodes in addition to appearing?It may be worth her while to stay in Vancouver a few extra weeks if she's appearing and directing.Sort of like how David Ramsey directed this weeks Superman & Lois but is appearing in episode 12.Same with MAJOR! spoiler alert for The Flash
Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
Tom Cavanagh.He's returned to Canada to appear in the season finale of The Flash and then is going over to direct the season finale of Superman & Lois.
.I got the impression that Melissa enjoyed directing last year(and she did a great job with her episode),and since I'm sure her maternity leave prevented her directing again this year,maybe the chance to direct one of the event episodes could entice her creatively to sign on and stick around a few extra weeks.She could direct one of the five and appear in one of the other four .What do you think of my idea/speculation?Probably won't happen but it is a idea that popped into my head a few days ago.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 67
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
However, based on what I've seen these past 3 seasons, in my opinion, when Melissa's contract obligations are fulfilled she will not walk away but freaking run away.
Of course her starring role in Supergirl launched her career and as an actress and singer she has honed and expanded her talent. She has grown while the show has been stagnant. I think we will see her again but not in these type of shows.

Okay, admins, please forgive me, as I'm about to make a post that doesn't really speculate about the show, but rather how the show has likely impacted an actor's life. The things I'm about to mention are public information, and are not due to prying or digging into their private life.

I mean...yeah, the show has problems narratively. That's not in doubt, but I have heard nothing about Melissa personally having problems with the production, cast members, or crew members. I think "running away" is an extreme interpretation. It's her work with THIS show that gave her not only her first directing opportunity, but an entire workshop on HOW to direct with Warner. It's no doubt that her work with THIS show that built her relationship with Warner and allowed her new production company to cement a contract with them.

It gave her a dear friendship with Kevin Smith, a filmmaker who's films she loved, growing up, and they were close enough for him to attend her wedding. She's also incredibly close to Chyler, which has been stated publicly, many times.

The cast and crew members of this show have been there for her as she dealt with and exited an abusive relationship, went through a divorce, introduced her to her new husband, adjusted her return date to filming so she could make her Broadway debut, and worked around her schedule for her maternity leave, despite an already absurdly long hiatus due to COVID.

Yeah...a large percentage of us have problems with the writing and some creative decisions. But I feel like this show has treated Melissa, as a person, with love and respect, and has given her many opportunities she wouldn't have had, otherwise. For all of these reasons, I don't think she's running away with the intensity you suggest, when the show wraps.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 68
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 69
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CBR has a great article arguing why Supergirl should/needs to be a part of The Flash Season 8 five episode opening event as a final team-up between Kara & Barry.

I agree with many of their points.We'll see if it happens.I'm not getting my hopes up.I rather prepare for it to not happen and be surprised if it does.Sort of like with Cress Williams.I thought there was no way in hell we would see Black Lightning post series in a crossover/event and was pleasantly surprised right after the series finale aired that he revealed he has been in talks for a while to guest star on The Flash next season(I assume probably for this five episode event).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 70
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@comic fan

I had just read that CBR article and was checking to see if anyone posted the link to it yet on this site.

I think Kara could and should get a proper ending to her show on Supergirl proper. But, yes she could return for the Flash crossover event. I'd love it to be the Superfriends, as Barry set up Arrowverse's Hall of Justice in Central City... and Gleek is running around their someplace.

I personally hope Kara will join the Legion. That was a big part of her story in the comics. They could still do that at the end of Supergirl but have one last mission in present day Earth Prime before she goes!

Best of both!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 71
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Canadagraph has a blog up for episode 16.

The title of episode 16 is,"Nightmare In National City"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 72
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Canadagraph has a blog up for episode 16.

The title of episode 16 is,"Nightmare In National City"

A great set of photos, thanks for sharing. BTS photos demonstrate how much effort and detail goes into creating just one scene: the rehearsals (in masks), the many takes (without masks), and the acting skill involved in reacting to an imaginary object or person in a convincing manner. I like the obvious enjoyment this cast has in working together, especially photos 35, 54-56, 64, 68, and 71. Also impressive athleticism shown by Melissa in 25, 30, and 31.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 73
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Great pics from episode 16.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 74
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Hmmm... Flash and Riverdale have fall premieres set for November 16. I wonder if Supergirl's finale will be 11/2 or 11/9. As Stargirl gets a slight jump over Supergirl 's back 13, I also wonder if Supergirl ends with a two episode back-to-back finale?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 75
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Hmmm... Flash and Riverdale have fall premieres set for November 16. I wonder if Supergirl's finale will be 11/2 or 11/9. As Stargirl gets a slight jump over Supergirl 's back 13, I also wonder if Supergirl ends with a two episode back-to-back finale?
Yah, that doesn’t add up by my calculations if they go straight through episode 20 would be on 11/16. I hope Supergirl gets a retrospective hour like Arrow did but the next season primer dates kinda dashes that.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 76
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Hmmm... Flash and Riverdale have fall premieres set for November 16. I wonder if Supergirl's finale will be 11/2 or 11/9. As Stargirl gets a slight jump over Supergirl 's back 13, I also wonder if Supergirl ends with a two episode back-to-back finale?
Yah, that doesn’t add up by my calculations if they go straight through episode 20 would be on 11/16. I hope Supergirl gets a retrospective hour like Arrow did but the next season primer dates kinda dashes that.

I mean, are we surprised it's not getting a retrospective? That's not really a normal thing. I think Arrow got it because it was the start of this big interconnected universe.

If Flash gets one, when it eventually ends, I'll complain. But lets be real, Supergirl has been the red-headed step child of the Arrowverse for some time, now. It's own spinoff wont acknowledge it's existence (which is frustrating as hell).

As for the dates...IF Supergirl is included in one of the five "Event Episodes" for The Flash (which has been a topic of debate here on the forum), her finale could lead nicely into these Flash episodes.

As for Supergirl's schedule...if we got a new episode, every week, starting on August 24th, the show would conclude on November 16th. However, the 16th is already completely booked with the season premieres for both The Flash and Riverdale.

So, I'm anticipating that we will get a new episode, every week, and then get the final two episodes, airing together, on November 9th. It's the only scheduling set up that makes sense, in my head, to get the final 13 episodes out before the other "Tuesday" shows take over.

I think I might be right on this. Because Stargirl, the Tuesday show that will be paired with Supergirl, starts it's 13 episode run on August 10th. If Stargirl airs every week, it will end it's season on November 2nd.

So, August 10th: Stargirl begins it's 13 episode second season.
August 24th-November 2nd: Stargirl & Supergirl are paired together. Stargirl airs it's finale (episode 13)
November 9th: Two-Hour Series Finale of Supergirl
November 16th: The Flash and Riverdale premiere, taking the place of Stargirl & Supergirl.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 77
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Yeah... that's my thinking, episodes will air without interruption, leaving episodes 19 and 20 paired on 11/9, with no retrospect special. Stargirl should conclude its season prior to 11/9, leaving both hours?available for the SG sign-off.

It would be great if Melissa is part of the 5 episode Flash crossover, depending how they decide to end Supergirl.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 78
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I also think Supergirl will air its final two episodes the same night as a two hour series finale the week before the Flash & Riverdale premieres.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 79
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I’m resigned to no retrospective, Black Lightning didn’t get one and yes I’ll be pissed if Flash does. I agree having two episodes of Supergirl one night is the only way the scheduling works, having it be the last two episodes makes the most sense. If Supergirl is part of the planned “events” at the beginning of Flash season eight I don’t want the Supergirl finale to story wise in any lead into it. Kara and everyone else should have endings on Supergirl and those endings should stand on their own. Black Lightning ended with conclusions to all the characters storylines and in a way that I think it’s possible for Jefferson to appear say on Flash without undoing his ending on his show. It’s possible to do something similar for Kara and others on Supergirl. The difference is if Kara appears in one of these “event” episodes it will be very close possibly only a week after the Supergirl finale which does feel kinda weird. We’ll have to see how Supergirl ends and the big if, logistically will Melissa or any other cast member be able to do one of these Flash “event” episodes. Personally I don’t think Melissa will say she’ll never put on the cape again it will be about timing. Somebody mentioned having Melissa direct one of these “event” episodes. I agree that’s something that could entice her or David or Chyler to possibly stick around or go back to Vancouver when Flash starts filming season eight in September.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 80

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