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  4. Thursday, 11 November 2021
Since Chyler(Alex) is in 'Armageddon',the five episode Flash event.I thought I would open a discussion thread for it.Grant has just done two interviews.One with TV Line and one with previewing the event.He mentiones the end of Supergirl in the EW one.

The Flash's Grant Gustin Previews a 'Leveled-Up' Barry, Surprising Cause of 'Armageddon' Team-Up Event

The Flash star Grant Gustin teases Barry and Black Lightning's 'heavy' reunion in 'Armageddon'

The introduction of the Hall of Justice set was pretty exciting. As a Superman and comics fan, how did it feel to return there?

It was cool. It was also bittersweet because as we were there we were like, "Man, we're not here with everybody." Supergirl is ending. It was sad almost because this was supposed where our squad hooked up, and we haven't done that yet. I'm hoping we get to do that in some capacity, but it was cool just to be back with Cress. We have a lot of action take place on the set. We just have good scenes in general that take place on the set. But it's a cool room to shoot in. It's a real-life functioning hangar for people working on airplanes.


I posted this in the comments section of the TV Line interview.

Very curious about two things.

1)If there is a in story reason for why Superman & Supergirl or others like Martan Manhunter aren’t involved?

The current Legends have their reason.They are trapped in the past.

2)Since Alex/Sentinel is in this event,will Supergirl revealing her identity as Kara Danvers be touched on/mentioned?

I can see Barry asking Alex about it or bringing it up.

TV Line's Matt Webb Mitovich replied back.

Matt Webb Mitovich says:
November 11, 2021 at 2:38 PM
Re No. 1: Stay tuned for the next Inside Line column!
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Armageddon: Eric Wallace Teases 'Bigger, Wilder' Flash Story for 5-Part Event

From the interview.

We've got a whole bunch of Arrowverse heroes guest starring in Armageddon. While I understand a lot of it comes down to scheduling, how did you narrow down which ones you wanted to use? Who were you most excited to use? Was there anyone you wanted but couldn't get?

Wow! They all excited me equally. I know that sounds like a cop out, but literally, when we were putting the story together -- and this is the story of Barry's worst day ever. Literally. It's a very emotional story for Barry himself as he goes through this five-part journey.

But when I looked at what Barry's journey was, I realized there were two characters that had to be in the episode and I started there. The story of "Armageddon" cannot be told about Black Lightning and without Batwoman. They had to be in it. So that's really where we started, right? It turned out better than I even imagined, because now we have these wonderful scenes between Cress [Williams] and Grant, which we saw a little bit of in Season 6, that are taken to a whole new level.

Also, quite frankly, I wanted to see two powerful Black women in the Arrowverse meeting for the first time and interacting. So that meant, "How would Iris West-Allen finally meet Ryan Wilder?" and I'm happy to say -- I won't tell you how, but not only is it just wonderful and their chemistry is incredible, but it's also funny... They're just terrific together. So that's where we started, because Batwoman and Black Lightning were integral to the story.

Then it became a, "What other characters are available?" because unfortunately, a lot of folks weren't because of COVID protocols. Other number ones on their shows could not come over to our shows. They just couldn't. I mean, getting Javicia [Leslie] -- coordinating her schedule -- she left her show in the morning, on Batwoman, filming, and picked up right in the afternoon on our show filming on "Armageddon." It was incredibly challenging. She was really the only lead of a show that we could really afford to -- well, not afford -- but we could really do that with. So that meant, "Okay, that takes people like White Canary, Superman, it just takes them off the table."

Plus, also, the series finale of Supergirl was shooting. It was finishing up right as we were shooting "Armageddon." So we couldn't get Kara, because she physically cannot be in two places at once. But once you take away those practical realities, it goes back to, "Who's best to tell the story we want to tell with Armageddon?"

It became very obvious that we had to have Mia Queen. She was third. Literally, I called up Warner Brothers and I said, "Somebody call Kat [McNamara]." I don't know her. I only met her, I think, once before that, and she's delightful. But this story, she's the third component. It has to be with her. And thank goodness, she agreed to come reprise the role.

Then that left Chyler [Leigh], who -- thank goodness, I didn't know we were gonna get Chyler. God bless her. She's such a trooper. She was so busy shooting the Supergirl finale, that I was very worried we wouldn't be able to make it work. But thank goodness, we barely were able to. She's, again, an integral part of the story.

Then the wildcard was, "Hm! I know we're going to have Ray Palmer here. He is indispensable in 'Part 1,' as you've seen in the photographs. Wouldn't it be cool -- because I like to give the audience surprises. Wouldn't it be cool to have two Atoms instead of one?" [laughs] Well, that led me to Ryan Choi, who I felt had not gotten his due to shine, really. He's just in one episode of our show, and then those three episodes in the crossover. What's he been up to for -- whatever -- two years? So I kind of indulged my inner geek fanboy, and now we have not one Atom, but two.

I think everybody's gonna find it pretty amusing. Even though they're not necessarily together in the same section of the story or the same storyline, they both have their own unique journeys and paths that they're on during "Armageddon," but we get to see two sides of the same kind of power set, and it's really funny and really exciting.
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'Armageddon Part 1 aired.This episode seemed to give the setup for how Alex is brought in later in the event.Team Flash is going to contact Alex in National City to see if she can help discover Despero's(who they know is a alien) kryptonite.I think that's what brings Alex in for part 3 of Armageddon.

Promo for Part 2 next week.

Post Mortem Interviews and stuff after that.


The Flash's Grant Gustin Breaks Down 'Armageddon' Warning, How Barry Will Come to Think 'Maybe This Is Possible'
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Preview for tonight's first part of 'Armageddon',

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‘The Flash’ Showrunner Promises ‘Armageddon’ Has Happy Ending but It Will ‘Almost Kill Everyone’

‘The Flash’: Grant Gustin on the All-Star ‘Armageddon’ Get-Together


Why Supergirl & Superman Aren't In The Flash's Arrowverse 2021 Crossover
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We're ranking all the Arrowverse crossovers ahead of The Flash’s ‘Armageddon’ event

The CWverse Super-Teams, Ranked: Which Crew Saved Everyone and Which One Failed the City?

The Superfriends ranked # 1 on this list

The Flash boss says 'the world will end if Iris doesn't step up' in 'Armageddon
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  3. # 25
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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Ghosts, The Flash, AMLT, Magnum, Blue Bloods, Blacklist, Succession, La Brea and More

By Matt Webb Mitovich / November 16 2021

With The Flash event, “Armageddon,” fast approaching (the five-parter premieres tonight), I was wondering if a reason will be given in the show for why Supergirl and Superman aren’t helping Barry in his time of need, stopping the threat to Earth that Despero poses? –James

Ah, ye olde Why Can’t a Super Simply Intervene? conundrum. I delivered your Q to Grant Gustin, who responded, “That’s a very good question; unfortunately, I think the realistic, boring answer is because of scheduling, life, Supergirl wrapping up….” Meaning, there will be no in-story accounting for the Kryptonian cousins’ absence. “I wish there was,” Gustin said, “but no, there’s no acknowledgement of our [hero] aliens.”

So looks like there is no in story reason for no Supers.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 26
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Timing is everything. It wasn’t just a situation where the Supergirl cast could’ve stayed a bit longer in Vancouver. Flash was already shooting and waiting for Supergirl to finish wasn’t an option. Seem like Chyler went above and beyond to represent the show.

Yeah,in that Eric Wallace interview below,he said they had to do a some tapdancing just to get Chyler.
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Timing is everything. It wasn’t just a situation where the Supergirl cast could’ve stayed a bit longer in Vancouver. Flash was already shooting and waiting for Supergirl to finish wasn’t an option. Seem like Chyler went above and beyond to represent the show.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
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The Flash star Grant Gustin warns Batwoman team-up isn't 'what everybody would expect'
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  3. # 29
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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: The Flash Boss Eric Wallace Previews ARMAGEDDON

In the interview,Eric Wallace explains why Supergirl & Superman aren't in the Armageddon event.

The Flash Podcast: I’m excited for all these guest characters, but I was just wondering, were there any characters that you had on your wish list that you were trying to get, like maybe Superman or Supergirl, but couldn’t maybe for scheduling issues?

Eric Wallace: Yeah, I actually wanted both of them. Obviously, Melissa who I’ve worked with before on the last crossover, she’s such a delight. I already miss her show, I already miss her. I’d love it if she’s ever interested in coming back to play Supergirl. I would love somehow to get her back on The Flash. But it was, as we’re shooting Armageddon, they were shooting the final episodes of Supergirl ever. Chyler [Leigh, who plays Alex Danvers/Sentinel] was talking about what an emotional week it was where she had to go from shooting the series finale right to us. I mean, with no time off, we almost didn’t get her, it was very intense! We had to shoot out of order, we had to do all sorts of tricks to make sure that she was a part of this and we just barely pulled it off.

Same thing with Tyler [Hoechlin, who plays Clark Kent/Superman on Superman & Lois.] I called Tyler up, I’ve known him since my Teen Wolf days, and said ‘Hey, Tyler, can I run a favor past you?’, We tried and he wanted so badly to be on this, but he did say to me, ‘I’ll give you some good news. Eric, I’m so sorry, because of scheduling conflicts and COVID, I can’t do Armageddon. But I owe you one and I’ll be on your show the next time you call’ and I said ‘ I’m going to hold you to that! ’ [laughs] So hopefully we’ll get him because again, I’ve known Tyler for years. He’s such an incredible guy and Bitsie [Tulloch who plays Lois Lane on Superman & Lois] who I met on Crisis on Infinite Earths. She’s just a sweetheart, I can’t wait to have them over on The Flash. Just not this time.

Basically it was timing & scheduling.It sounds like they had to do some tap dancing just to get Chyler.I imagine they were in prep on
Armageddon as Supergirl was finishing.Wallace would love to get Melissa back in the future for a Flash guest appearance . It also sounds like he already has a commitment from Tyler in the future.
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