1. Romulus
  2. Motivator Love Fool Vanity Monster
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Monday, 15 July 2019

I found this article. This is the reason for the suit change for Season 5. In the article, Melissa states that it's more "adult" and allows her to have more range of motion. Maybe yes, maybe no. The final results will be seen on screen.

In my opinion, depending on how the fans react, it might be the last season for the show. In all honesty, at this point, I wouldn't mind it if it was. It's had a good run, pushed boundaries and made its point. In my modest view, too much tinkering eventually leads to a show's collapse. This seems to be the case with this one as well.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Just remember to be respectful everyone! Tough topics require care and thoughtful responses
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 21
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@SSAV and @Sully,

Re: Recent posts.

Excellent points and excellent analogies! Very well thought out. Please continue with these lines of thinking. This is what we should be looking at and focusing on. :)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 22
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And yes, we discussed those reasons in the news section. All totally valid reasons to change to pants. And seeing as this is the Crisis season......even better time to change to pants.....hopefully she can get more action in the crossover.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 23
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Why shouldn’t Melissa want to look like the adult she is. Why shouldn’t she have more range of motion.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 24
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Are u kidding me, if it is her last season on her contract then maybe.....but last season because of the suit change????? Seriously?

I didn't like the first half of the season, made that very clear here.....did not like the writing at all....not enough Supergirl in action for me. HOWEVER, places like IGN saw it as the best of all 4 seasons, a website FULL OF though I didn't like it, there were plenty of longtime Supergirl comicbook fans that loved it....I respect that...and respected their opinion, I'm glad they enjoyed it.

So unless Melissa signed a 5 season contract, this won't be the last season.

Why is it that the other shows can go through 4 and 5 suit changes......but OOOOOMMMMGGGGGG Supergirl wants to come off the page into the 21st century and it is heresy.

SMH, I just don't get it.....

Oh well looking forward to SDCC and the trailer, new flying scenes, and if I had my guess far more action from Supergirl....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 25
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@ Kiwi,

Yes indeed! (Also Imho) :)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 26
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Great Rao just when I thought this thread was dead.

*cough cough* Broken Record *cough cough*


Skipping right along. Bless your heart! You graced us with a surprise visit. Thanks for stopping by! I'd suggest a lozenge for that tickle in your throat. It'll put you right.
Hummm I believe the throat irritation started in another thread anyone want to borrow a Ricola. Others have new opinions or information so why shouldn't I be interested in those. If people have something new they want to share then the thread is worthwhile, if all that's happening is people restating their opinions then it's lost it's value.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 27
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Can’t wait to hear the “anti toxic masculinity” comment to explain the suit. You just know it’s coming. Calling it here.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 28
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Great Rao just when I thought this thread was dead.

*cough cough* Broken Record *cough cough*


Skipping right along. Bless your heart! You graced us with a surprise visit. Thanks for stopping by! I'd suggest a lozenge for that tickle in your throat. It'll put you right.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 29
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Kiwi wrote:

"I just hope that if they mention (which I'm sure they will) the costume change on the show that some respect is paid to the S1 to S4 costume, that would be achieved for me if they wrote Kara saying some nice words about it. I just hope that if they mention (which I'm sure they will) the costume change on the show that some respect is paid to the S1 to S4 costume, that would be achieved for me if they wrote Kara saying some nice words about it. "


Unfortunately, don't expect this to happen, especially with the current showrunners they have. The SDCC panel gave a good indication as to where their misguided line of thinking is. They threw shade at the skirt and it was more of a backhanded brush-off to the patriarchy. They have no real, tangible concept of the power of culture, icon status, effective imagery and female power projection.

You included two picture attachments; one is of Wonder Woman and one of the new Supergirl suit. Without getting into the female empowerment brouhaha, which one strikes you like a massive thunderbolt and makes you sit up and take immediate notice? For me, from a culture, image and icon vantage point, the Wonder Woman one wins by a Force 10 tsunami wave. By the way, notice what she is NOT wearing. And, no, there is no sexist connotation implied, assumed or intended in any way, shape or form.

I'm not saying that pants are bad and skirts are good, I'm simply pointing out that the WW version projects power, assurance and femininity more effectively than the, dare I say it, the androgynous, generic and contrived money-grabbing / narrow fanboy interpretation version they're going with on Supergirl in S5. As a woman, Patty Jenkins, the director for the WW project, knew this acutely and she used this to her full advantage and credit. It also helped that Gal Gadot was able to project this on screen accordingly.

The new Supergirl suit is a carbon / photocopy of Tyler Hoechlin's Superman suit. This project was originally intended to distance her from the Superman male-only mythos and tell her story in her own unique way. On some levels the show has succeeded, but the reversion to a Superman-type suit has de-feminised the character, disempowered her and genericised her immediately recognisable look. There is little difference between her generic look (cape notwithstanding), and Captain Marvel's.

All I'm really saying is one of the key pillars of the Supergirl project (the suit with the skirt) has been dislodged and removed and replaced with something that cannot possibly withstand the socio-cultural, iconographic scrutiny. Never mind the already inherent structural problems of the show (story and character development, etc.), the removal of the red motif (the skirt) at the midpoint, in favour of an all-blue suit, regardless of lighting or anticipated power and confidence projection, will do the opposite of what is intended.

If they really needed to go with a pants version, it should have been as a series finale reveal or used from the get-go in the proposed 2021-2022 film. It will work, with drastic modifications to the overall design and colour structure (arrangement), if it is used from the outset in the film. They will be going with a different iteration. New film = new character interpretation and new suit.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 30
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Can’t wait to hear the “anti toxic masculinity” comment to explain the suit. You just know it’s coming. Calling it here.


You're probably quite correct in that assessment. I would expect nothing less but it will be a massive pity when it does show up. Especially on a normally civil Forum board such as this. ;)

People seem to forget that despite the best efforts to freshen up / modernise / make more comfortable the look and to please Melissa and the brass, that it is still a raging dumpster fire. Putting it under different lighting still doesn't polish it any more or make it any more favourable. A dookie is still a dookie.

The look (both the new suit and the hairdo) does not favour her nor does it do the character any justice. It is too generic, androgynous, and exceptionally dull. It is a pseudo-female carbon copy / photocopy of the Superman suit worn by Tyler Hoechlin. It simply does not work for her, nor the character. Nonetheless, with bull-headed blindness, the show will go on with it to its own visibly-evident detriment. It is only a new wrinkle of many structural problems plaguing this series (Others being writing, VFX, story arcs, character development, cast changes, etc.).

What irks me to no end is the show keep doing soft reboot after reboot season after season in hopes of retaining viewer interest and relevancy, but it continually explodes in their faces because they've lost sight of what the show is supposed to be about (I.e. telling a good, cohesive, consistent and compelling story on a weekly basis). The actors can only do so much, but their efforts are being dragged down by too many wonky outside forces that should never have even been issues from the get-go. As the old expression goes: The horse should always go before the cart, but this show has ditched the cart in favour of a massive cinder block that the lead horse cannot realistically be expected to pull.

Melissa claims the suit change is more adult and allows for more range of movement. I'll agree with her second point but her first point is so far off the mark it hurts. The suit (any suit or clothing for that matter), does not make it adult. It is how she comports herself, expresses herself and comes across in her delivery. That's what makes the character an adult. A short-order cook in a silly looking get-up will still be more of an adult if they comport themselves in a certain way than any person in a business or power suit acting like a narcissistic fool. A cool look is desirable, but if it becomes a side-show distraction, it's not a benefit but a detriment.

Again, this is only my two cents.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 31
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you, SSAV, yes that is exactly what I meant, I thought I explained it better in my edit....but sometimes I can miss the And as far as my comments, I'm not mad or upset with anyone here, it's really not about that....I am just one that likes everything out on the table, so really it was just to say "this is my truth" I don't mean it to say anyone else's truth for them is wrong. So if it came off as I'm right, your wrong....and I'm going to say it till you agree with me, then I apologize. I may not agree with people on this or that, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and that is a no-brainer for me. I will however, strongly disagree when I see the need to.....and I will call it as I see it. And once again I apologize for not explaining it better, but I was trying to get my point across in as few words as possible. SSAV your explanation is straight out of one of my gender equality lectures.....loved your explanation, and I LOOOOOVE Ted Talks, I can spend hours watching them on YouTube. Ok done....

Carry on.....?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 32
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 33
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Better look at the S.....It hasn't changed.
That's the only thing I really wanted.

Another picture in good light. You can see red stitching. kara3.5.jpg

Here's another one. kara2.jpg

Here's one with the cape detached. Look how happy she is to have that weight off between takes.
Attachments (3)
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 34
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Be careful on the pics, apparently some of Ken's pics were taken off the Canadagraph site without the watermark, he is not a happy camper.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 35
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The new boots look more reinforced up top....not floppy like the old boots. I hated that about the old boots.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 36
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The new boots look more reinforced up top....not floppy like the old boots. I hated that about the old boots.

So at the knees...maybe a little more padding to do those one knee Cavill landings. As for the cape, I wonder how long it took the designers to change the way the cape gets attached...anything it makes it...a snap.

You're welcome!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 37
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This show and the cast in general deserves a proper, heartfelt send-off before Melissa burns out from the excessively heavy, demanding role workload. This will also allow her to be free to decide to start a family and move on to other things. Release her and the cast from their contractual obligations. Now is an excellent time to do it.

Melissa has showed no indication that she wants to or needs to leave the show. Neither has rest of the cast.

It is disrespectful and sexist to suggest that just because she is getting married some time in the near future, she should now be thinking about family. I am sure you didn't mean it so, but it is.

Besides, Melissa already has a family. Chris is an addition to it. She doesn't have to start a new one from scratch. If "starting a family" is a generic usage, it is a generic usage that can be relooked at and amended when it is seen to not make much sense.

Whatever her future plans are--and this may include having kids, or may be going onto other projects--she can do it and I am sure will do it whenever it feels right for her. Until then, she and the cast and the people behind the show will do whatever feels right for them regarding the show.

It may be after this season; it may be after a few more seasons. She may already even be tired of it although the amount of work she and everyone else has put in to actually make it work suggests to me that they want to work on the show.

Still, I may be wrong. However, she hasn't said or even hinted that she is tired of the show; that she wants a release or anything of the sort. That she needs to be released to consider the decision of "starting a family" whatever that implies.

To suggest otherwise and attribute meanings and point out suggestions for her, especially some that are personal, is not very cool!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 38
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This show and the cast in general deserves a proper, heartfelt send-off before Melissa burns out from the excessively heavy, demanding role workload. This will also allow her to be free to decide to start a family and move on to other things. Release her and the cast from their contractual obligations. Now is an excellent time to do it.

Melissa has showed no indication that she wants to or needs to leave the show. Neither has rest of the cast.

It is disrespectful and sexist to suggest that just because she is getting married some time in the near future, she should now be thinking about family. I am sure you didn't mean it so, but it is.

Besides, Melissa already has a family. Chris is an addition to it. She doesn't have to start a new one from scratch. If "starting a family" is a generic usage, it is a generic usage that can be relooked at and amended when it is seen to not make much sense.

Whatever her future plans are--and this may include having kids, or may be going onto other projects--she can do it and I am sure will do it whenever it feels right for her. Until then, she and the cast and the people behind the show will do whatever feels right for them regarding the show.

It may be after this season; it may be after a few more seasons. She may already even be tired of it although the amount of work she and everyone else has put in to actually make it work suggests to me that they want to work on the show.

Still, I may be wrong. However, she hasn't said or even hinted that she is tired of the show; that she wants a release or anything of the sort. That she needs to be released to consider the decision of "starting a family" whatever that implies.

To suggest otherwise and attribute meanings and point out suggestions for her, especially some that are personal, is not very cool!


Fair points, my friend, but slightly misguided. Sexism or disrespect is not the point. You may not particularly like my choice of words, but they do convey the concern and sentiment quite effectively. Sometimes a dash of cold water to the face is the only way to convey certain things. Whether it is cool or not to express it this way does not matter in this case. Reality and truth does. Once a tolerance level has been breached, mincing words is not my forte.

I did not imply that she should forcibly or otherwise leave the show for family reasons or that getting married or having children has anything to do with it. It is a statement of fact, cold as it may sound, that this project is immensely time consuming and does impact her personal life in many ways, both positive and negative. I simply stated that given her harried, tired look and the workload she is currently carrying, that the contract should be revisited or terminated (namely; for health and well-being reasons).

It is a personal opinion, of which I am entitled to, to state that I think that the show is or has quickly ran / running its course. Cold, hard viewership numbers, the downward spiral from S1 through 4, and consistently poor episode quality from Seasons 2 through 4 are making this show very difficult to remain loyal to and watch on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I still love the show and think the cast and crews are doing exceptional work given everything they're dealing with and I still have a great deal invested in the show as stated in my previous replies to other posters.

What I am implying is that the consistently poor choices made by the PTB over the years regarding direction (and the suit change approval being one of the key ones) is simply part of a growing litany of things that have marred this series. It will be the series' eventual undoing. Whether it happens after Season 5, 6, 7 or thereafter is immaterial. Usually when a show reaches this point - and the show has just crossed that Rubicon - it is better to end it sooner rather than later.

To respond to you point about Melissa and the cast's intentions or feelings regarding continuing the series. It is a fair point that you make, but you must also realise that the actors can't really publicly express their true opinions due to the nature of their contracts and the business they're in. They're all under non-disclosure agreements (gag orders). Melissa and Co. may truly still like their roles, the work and the pay and continued employment, but they're still not really free to express themselves otherwise without major negative studio ramifications that could affect their continued or future employment in the industry.

It is my opinion (and it is simply an opinion), that it would be in the show's interest and for the integrity of the character that the PTB (the brass) end it before it burns itself out or becomes increasingly unwatchable such as Arrow for the past few seasons and The Flash for at least the past two.

And, in closing, what is right for the show may not necessarily be right for the actors. Her opinions, needs and overall position in the show certainly matter, but hers are not the exclusive deciding factor. She is not in the executive cadre (that's Berlanti, Schechter, the showrunners, and the CW / WB top brass), and many of the decisions that have come down since Season 2 have been, quite frankly, damaging and detrimental to the show and the nature and integrity of the character.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 39
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

People seem to forget that despite the best efforts to freshen up / modernise / make more comfortable the look and to please Melissa and the brass, that it is still a raging dumpster fire. Putting it under different lighting still doesn't polish it any more or make it any more favourable. A dookie is still a dookie.

There is no reason to call it a dumpster fire, especially repeatedly, or compare it to a "dookie". And by saying "people seem to forget", you make it seem like your opinions are the objective fact, rather than what they are, which is your subjective opinion. Again, I'm not the biggest fan of the suit. I'd prefer the old suit. But I acknowledge that there are people out there that seem to legitimately love it.

And calling Melissa's appearance "tired an haggard"? Was there really a reason for that? Not to mention that she's probably more rested than she's been in years, because it's the beginning of the season, and this is the first time she hasn't done a film, tv show, or broadway show during her summer hiatus.

I'm not trying to insult you, or anything like that. I'm merely expressing that when you state your opinions in a seemingly disrespectful manner, I can't take the post seriously, and it discredits some of your legitimate points.


Fair enough. People are entitled to their opinions and suit preferences. I will do my best to moderate my comments, but I'm calling them as I see them. Four years of the kid glove treatment is more than enough.

The show has pushed people's tolerances past their limits time and again and I've been conservative in my postings, polite, diplomatic, rational and quiet for four solid years, even as the building has undeniably and self-evidently started to structurally collapse. Yet, I cannot and will not stay quiet for something that is clearly indefensible. They've (the show in general) taken four years of dedicated, careful image work and crumpled it up and tossed it out. And they're seriously not expecting some fierce pushback?! Wow! That's priceless.

Please, face facts: She does look tired - 4 seasons of long, gruelling work will do that. The suit does look like a d####ie, trash bin blaze and is indistinguishable from everything else that's out there. They've taken something that was supposed to be a crowning jewel and positive affirmation for girls and women and mucked it up. For Pete's sake, Henry Cavill's MoS SM-version suit has more panache, vim and flair, and that's not meant as a compliment.

Maybe, just maybe, as I've stated before, I'll be pleasantly surprised at how the look turns out on screen over time but I just do not see it happening at the moment. Once people get over the giddy newness of the suit and see it over the long haul, it will become a millstone for her rather than a series refresher.

As for these posts discrediting my other "more" legitimate/credible posts, that's a matter of interpretation. I have reasoned my responses out and checked them thrice before posting. I have not disrespected Melissa's abilities as a performer or her in general, just the horrendous costume choice and hairdo makeover which she approved, what wardrobe made, and the brass ultimately signed off on. Once you realise (and I mean this with complete respect to you) that people will like and say anything without taking a cold, hard second look at things, you'll be less harsh of my assessment.

I may be mad as a hatter now, but I fear that this reboot / redo they're going with will be the straw that breaks the show. I won't get into other already-hashed out issues (such as writing, direction, plots, storylines, etc.), but the ad-nauseum soft reboots will eventually come back to haunt the production in a huge way.

And, to play nicely with the VIP passers-by who might stumble across said posts (notice - they're not on the News Page), the truth does hurt, especially if this is a decision that should have been made before the series started and not after it moved to another colder climate. If the costume change had been rumoured at be in the works since S2 or S3, it should have been done then.

As for Melissa's health and well-being due to the limitations of the other suit, there are work-arounds. For actors and people in general who have lived and worked in much harsher environments than Vancouver (Toronto, Montreal, etc.), this is almost an automatic given. Unfortunately, this was not carefully thought out despite it being in the hopper for two plus years.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 40
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