1. Rschick
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice Notable Answerer
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Sunday, 24 December 2017
12 days of christmas

give this a read. post thoughts and comments below
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Ah Smallville Doomsday!

In my opinion that was one big build-up of a 20+ episode TV season to nothingness. :D In other words - very underwhelming.

The "epic" fight was not more than 3 minutes (if I remember correctly).

with the story arc of Reign....we are getting a Supergirl villain, but it seems with a Doomsday of Smallville feel to it. I only know that because people have stated it. I know that Reign was a Supergirl villain which I have been very happy about, as far as the other....have no idea, I was never able to get through more than a few episodes a season of Smallville. Just was never my cup of tea.

I think they are saying Doomsday in the "redemption" part of that story line on Smallville. We definitely got one hell of an epic fight in the "Reign" episode....FOR SURE. "Reign" pretty much shot to my #1 for this season.
If I remember correctly, I watched about the first two seasons of Smallville. It was okay but, the lack of action turned me off to the show. What happened in the redemption part of Smallsville Doomsday? Did it run as a redemption arc like everyone is predicting for Sam?

For me, the Reign episode was great one of the best of the seasons but, the only reason was because of the fight scene at the end. If that hadn't been included, I probably would have placed it close to the bottom of this season's episodes in ranking - most of the rest was too slow and contriving for me.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 21
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Ah Smallville Doomsday!

In my opinion that was one big build-up of a 20+ episode TV season to nothingness. :D In other words - very underwhelming.

The "epic" fight was not more than 3 minutes (if I remember correctly).

with the story arc of Reign....we are getting a Supergirl villain, but it seems with a Doomsday of Smallville feel to it. I only know that because people have stated it. I know that Reign was a Supergirl villain which I have been very happy about, as far as the other....have no idea, I was never able to get through more than a few episodes a season of Smallville. Just was never my cup of tea.

I think they are saying Doomsday in the "redemption" part of that story line on Smallville. We definitely got one hell of an epic fight in the "Reign" episode....FOR SURE. "Reign" pretty much shot to my #1 for this season.
If I remember correctly, I watched about the first two seasons of Smallville. It was okay but, the lack of action turned me off to the show. What happened in the redemption part of Smallsville Doomsday? Did it run as a redemption arc like everyone is predicting for Sam?

For me, the Reign episode was great one of the best of the seasons but, the only reason was because of the fight scene at the end. If that hadn't been included, I probably would have placed it close to the bottom of this season's episodes in ranking - most of the rest was too slow and contriving for me.

I really liked most of it, except the James/Lena stuff.....big eye roll with that stuff. But the scenes with Rudy and Sam were great, the whole scene with Reign and Edge was creepy, creepy, take out the James and Lena stuff and the rest was great, and topped off with a fantastic epic fight at the end.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 22
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really liked most of it, except the James/Lena stuff.....big eye roll with that stuff. But the scenes with Rudy and Sam were great, the whole scene with Reign and Edge was creepy, creepy, take out the James and Lena stuff and the rest was great, and topped off with a fantastic epic fight at the end.
I've liked the Sam and Ruby scenes but, at this point, the bonding scenes are starting to lose their umph with me. I suppose, in part, that is because it's pretty obvious what the writers are trying to do and I don't need to be guided in that direction anymore. I know that there is a strong connection between Ruby and Sam and I'm fairly certain that connection is going to be an influence on Reign down the road. Time to move on :D

I would much rather have seen more scenes showing us about Reign. Instead of all the Ruby/Sam, James/Lena and Mon-El/Imra/Kara contrived angst scenes, they could have spent more time showing us Reign's development of strength, power and skill rather than just sticking a blurb of it on a National City news program.

Right now, the James/Lena and Edge stuff just seems in the way. I don't have a problem with the two as a couple but, trying to feed two big villains and their story lines at the same time in a season doesn't usually turn out too well.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 23
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really liked most of it, except the James/Lena stuff.....big eye roll with that stuff. But the scenes with Rudy and Sam were great, the whole scene with Reign and Edge was creepy, creepy, take out the James and Lena stuff and the rest was great, and topped off with a fantastic epic fight at the end.
I've liked the Sam and Ruby scenes but, at this point, the bonding scenes are starting to lose their umph with me. I suppose, in part, that is because it's pretty obvious what the writers are trying to do and I don't need to be guided in that direction anymore. I know that there is a strong connection between Ruby and Sam and I'm fairly certain that connection is going to be an influence on Reign down the road. Time to move on :D

I would much rather have seen more scenes showing us about Reign. Instead of all the Ruby/Sam, James/Lena and Mon-El/Imra/Kara contrived angst scenes, they could have spent more time showing us Reign's development of strength, power and skill rather than just sticking a blurb of it on a National City news program.

Right now, the James/Lena and Edge stuff just seems in the way. I don't have a problem with the two as a couple but, trying to feed two big villains and their story lines at the same time in a season doesn't usually turn out too well.

I know the evil hologram said 'you will forget about your offspring' but I wonder if in practice this might be more difficult then it appears. I guess we won't know for two weeks what the situation with Ruby in the house is going to be... I have a feeling if Reign tried anything against Ruby given that bond, that Sam would be strong enough to subconsciously stop her.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 24
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I know it likely won't happen, at least not anytime soon. But I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I get the purpose in keeping one friend who Kara can just be Kara with. But I feel like Lena deserves to know what happened to her best friend.

I can just imagine Alex and Winn feeling completely shattered by Kara's condition. Even J'onn, the most composed of the group, could be hit hard by this. Not to mention Mon-El, no matter how long he's been gone.

It just feels like Lena should know that her best friend is in critical condition, so she can be there for her.

I'm not a Supercorp guy, or anything. In fact, the only relationship on the show I'm a fan of is Mon-El and Imra. But if Kara and Lena are at the level of friendship they are trying to portray, it feels like Lena should be able to be there for her.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 25
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 26
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 27
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.

Fair, but Lillian, the FAR more dangerous Luthor, has known Supergirl's identity for months. And while the people around her may still have suspicions of Lena, Kara has made it incredibly clear that she has faith in Lena.

From a writing standpoint, I get why they don't want her to know. It lets there be tension by still having SOMEBODY on the main cast who isn't in on the secret. It used to be Cat, and now it's Lena. And as Katie McGrath has said in multiple interviews, it's important for Kara to have someone who she can just be Kara around, not Supergirl.

My comments were merely a personal desire for Lena to find out.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 28
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I know it likely won't happen, at least not anytime soon. But I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse

James can now distract Lena with a well timed kiss
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 29
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.

Fair, but Lillian, the FAR more dangerous Luthor, has known Supergirl's identity for months. And while the people around her may still have suspicions of Lena, Kara has made it incredibly clear that she has faith in Lena.

From a writing standpoint, I get why they don't want her to know. It lets there be tension by still having SOMEBODY on the main cast who isn't in on the secret. It used to be Cat, and now it's Lena. And as Katie McGrath has said in multiple interviews, it's important for Kara to have someone who she can just be Kara around, not Supergirl.

My comments were merely a personal desire for Lena to find out.
There are so many people in National City that, realistically, at this point should be able to put two and two together and know that Kara and Supergirl are one in the same. I mean after all, how does one leave a purse with ID in an elevator that has a huge hole in the ceiling from Supergirl and people NOT find out ;). And the whole concept of using glasses for a secret identity? :D I just avoid thinking too much about Supergirl's secret identity and who should and shouldn't know based on events/actions. And Lena isn't the only apparently best friend of Kara's who doesn't know. Sam doesn't know either.

I'm sure that it's not a popular opinion but, I personally want Lena to pull to the dark side in the future. Not necessarily now but, down the road. It would make her character more interesting and I think that it would be at that point that it would be more beneficial to the story line for her to find out about Kara's identity. Right now, her knowing does nothing to add to the plot.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 30
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I really wish Kara's secret would be revealed to Lena. Not because Lena NEEDS to deduce it, and not to cause friction between the characters. But because Lena is literally the only one of Kara's long-term friends who doesn't know that she was just beaten nearly to death. Everyone else will be heartbroken and trying to deal, and Lena just gets to be like "Where's Kara?", and we have to listen to another lame excuse.

I agree, Kdogg. Lena is not only Kara's best friend but is also a brilliant scientist and a successful businesswoman. It strains plausibility to have her accept excuses about Kara's whereabouts. Kara will not be at the office, she will not be answering her phone, etc. Lena is not a fool; she will have to find out, whether she deduces it herself or is told the secret. I'd prefer that Lena visits Supergirl to see how she is recovering and Kara takes that opportunity to tell her.
Lena is a Luthor unlike the rest rest of Kara's close friends a huge difference.

Fair, but Lillian, the FAR more dangerous Luthor, has known Supergirl's identity for months. And while the people around her may still have suspicions of Lena, Kara has made it incredibly clear that she has faith in Lena.

From a writing standpoint, I get why they don't want her to know. It lets there be tension by still having SOMEBODY on the main cast who isn't in on the secret. It used to be Cat, and now it's Lena. And as Katie McGrath has said in multiple interviews, it's important for Kara to have someone who she can just be Kara around, not Supergirl.

My comments were merely a personal desire for Lena to find out.

And that is a secret that that shows why she doesn't want more Luthor's to know. AND the fact that it has now been a year and she hasn't told Lena, she's kind of past the point of no return without major consequences to their friendship.

I don't buy the "she just needs someone she can be around as Kara, not Supergirl". She can be that way with Alex, Eliza, Winn, James....all of them. And they have made that clear from the start. Even in "Midvale" with Kenny, who she thought didn't even know, yet liked "all of her". If that is the reasoning she uses, that is weak....and if I were Lena I would be pissed beyond measure.

As long as their is a strong fall out from it with Lena, one that doesn't just "fix itself" fine....but if she ends up...."oh that's ok, thanks for telling me"?, then that is weak writing. There has to be a substantial fallout.....she is a Luthor, no matter how many want her to be sweet little Lena, she is a Luthor.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 31
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Agree to disagree, on this one. Supergirl, nor Kara, has ever been Lena's enemy, so I don't see why her finding out should change that.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 32
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Agree to disagree, on this one. Supergirl, nor Kara, has ever been Lena's enemy, so I don't see why her finding out should change that.

"Holy read a lot into a reply, Batman"

Where in my reply did I say she would turn into Supergirl or Kara's enemy? I simply said there needed to be some fallout. You can't expect someone who sees you as her sister, pretty much only friend (save Sam) in the world, family etc and then you suddenly reveal this HUGE, HUGE, HUGE revelation that you've been (at some points lying to her) for the past year, and there not be some kind of fall out from that. How UNREAL would that be? Seriously....

I didn't say she has to go fact, I've never said that, but you cannot be a Luthor and simply be ok that someone has lied to you for over a year and not have at least some push back on that.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 33
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