Melissa posted a response to George Floyd’s death and talking to Mehcad about what’s going on.
Melissa’s IG
6/2/2020 added Melissa and Chris calling prosecutors office urging that all the officers involved be charged.
Not on this website they're not, totally fine on social media, news websites, political forums etc. but their ought to be just 1 little small place on the internet were one doesn't have read or discuss such things
Anyways I know what I say doesn't really matter as I'm just a lone voice, the majority of posters here want political discussion and I'll leave them to that, it's just not something I'm looking for out of this website.
I agree Kiwi and your not a lone voice. There is an abundance of places already on the internet to discuss these topics and in far more depth. I don't have too much of an issue discussing that kind of stuff but I'd like to get a break every so often and talk about something else which is more relaxing and not controversial. This year has been pretty stressful with everything that's going on and its nice to get some escapism.
I know inevitably this stuff comes up in the show but wish there was less discussion of it. Season 4 of Supergirl for example there were fans who gave up of the series because it got overly political for them. What's kept me watching is Supergirl doing what she does and trying not to think too much about the political elements.
@ Kiwi I've not been here that long but it seems your an invaluable contributor so it would be a shame if you left.
Last week Melissa did her first ever IG Live video, it was with Michelle Saahene one of the founders of From Privilege To Progress. The conversation was about anti-racism, internalized racism, complicity, and gaps in the education system that leave black people out of history. I didn't know Michelle's story and wasn't familiar with From Privilege To Progress so I'm glad Melissa starts the video by asking her to tell the story of why and how the organization started. It's almost 95 minutes so it's quite long but IMO worth the time. Throughout their talk Melissa listens a lot more than she talks but that's appropriate for the conversation they're having. I was aware that Melissa is well read but dang she reads some heavy books. You can actually see a friendship between these two women being formed in a little over an hour and a half.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
This is one of the reasons I love Supergirl and the other Arrowverse shows. They have no fear in discussing and challenging political and social issues. Fedguy you are right, these issues are universal, they affect us in Ireland too along with most if not all other country's around the globe. Included within the fun and escapism of a superhero show is real messages pushing the audience to think hard about who they want to be as individuals to improve the world around us. I hope the show producers, writers, cast etc. keep on doing this in the seasons to come.
It’s why the “off topic” forum exists, which this thread is in.
As a side note, why are people everywhere so averse to talking politics? It directly determines life and how the world is run in a way that impacts everyone. It's probably actually one of the most universally relevant things people can discuss, and in times like these, very important to have dialogue about.
Political discussions are hard, I choose not to get involved. I'll leave this topic up and for those that want to participate go ahead, but if people start accusing folks of things, very much like @RobertAnthony did in his tone for where people get their news, then you can face a ban.
You may not agree with what people are saying but you will respect their view and watch your tone. Robert, consider this a warning, and please, all, respect each other.
"Apparently Fed you get your news from CNN, which like Fox News, MSNBC, the major nets, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, you name it, is propaganda for globalists." It's the "Apparently Fed", specifically calling out another user and demeaning them in tone.
Not ok per our rules:
"Do not put other people down. We are all fans of the same show, lets support each other not bring each other down."
You may not agree with what people are saying but you will respect their view and watch your tone. Robert, consider this a warning, and please, all, respect each other.
"Apparently Fed you get your news from CNN, which like Fox News, MSNBC, the major nets, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, you name it, is propaganda for globalists." It's the "Apparently Fed", specifically calling out another user and demeaning them in tone.
Not ok per our rules:
"Do not put other people down. We are all fans of the same show, lets support each other not bring each other down."
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
WARNING this post is extremely political. Since it’s an interview that Melissa did I believe it has a place in the forum.
I debated for over a week weather to post this and what’s happened in the past two days has made my decision. Over the past couple of days I’ve felt anxious and scared. I’ve never struggled with anxiety before even over the past seven months of this pandemic but the past two days have done me in. Some of the issues discussed in the interview are the ones feeding my anxiety. I feel the need to reach out to my fellow humans in any and all forms.
Melissa interviewed Representative Karen Bass through IG on October 16th. They start by taking about the violence against women act, which was allowed to expire, and move on to have an informed and intelligence talk on other issues.
Not unexpectedly Melissa received some nasty negative comments for this IG live interview. While I don’t believe celebrities political views are more important than the views of us regular people they have the same rights to express their opinions as everyone else. I disagree with those who told her to shut up and entertain. To me if you can’t come up with something better than shut up and entertain it means you can't present a factual and well thought out counter argument.
I debated for over a week weather to post this and what’s happened in the past two days has made my decision. Over the past couple of days I’ve felt anxious and scared. I’ve never struggled with anxiety before even over the past seven months of this pandemic but the past two days have done me in. Some of the issues discussed in the interview are the ones feeding my anxiety. I feel the need to reach out to my fellow humans in any and all forms.
Melissa interviewed Representative Karen Bass through IG on October 16th. They start by taking about the violence against women act, which was allowed to expire, and move on to have an informed and intelligence talk on other issues.
Not unexpectedly Melissa received some nasty negative comments for this IG live interview. While I don’t believe celebrities political views are more important than the views of us regular people they have the same rights to express their opinions as everyone else. I disagree with those who told her to shut up and entertain. To me if you can’t come up with something better than shut up and entertain it means you can't present a factual and well thought out counter argument.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
I understand why some would run far, far away from a thread of this nature. I am proud of Melissa for taking a stand, and though I cannot say that I run as liberal as she does on many issues, it is her right to speak her mind and use the platforms she has to put forth the ideas and thoughts that she has. I know that she probably went through many nights of anxiety making the decision to do the Bass IG interview. I suffer from anxiety and it is truly a heartstopping mental challenge, she did a great job with the interview. I'm glad it was posted here because I missed some of the end because the interview froze on me. I am a proud SJW, and I proudly voted for Biden/Harris....I however have many family members, most in fact that do not hold to the same political ideology that I do. So I understand how some run from any and all political discussions.
I am at the moment, having to deal with family issues because of the political climate. An act of just sending a song to my niece sent her into a fury and let me know that my act of "reaching the across the aisle" was not welcome. That actually wasn't what I was doing, it had nothing political behind the song, simply a song that came up on my podcast while I was thinking of how unhappy I knew my family was on Saturday and how I wished we could all celebrate together but I knew that would not happen. So I sent a song that symbolized my love for them, and the fact that screw politics I loved them. But, in today's political climate, it was not taken that way. My heart breaks for my family my heart breaks for my country....though you could say, my "man/woman" won......I don't feel much like a winner right now. I have argued quite a bit over the past few years here and other places standing as a proud SJW feminist woman. I am still all of that......but with a broken heart. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of debating who is right and who is wrong. I'm tired of conspiracy theories, lies and media being what people follow rather than their hearts and doing what they know is right, and BTW I have to put myself in that category as well. America is broken and I'm tired of the blame game. I truly believe our country has been wounded beyond recognition, but I also believe that EVERYTHING is now out on the table.....all the dirty laundry. So what do we do now?
My hope is that this show, and others will be the light to show us what is truly important and its not a political ideology, it is integrity, honesty, thoughtfulness, kindness and empathy. I have to be very honest, I do not see that in the near future, or even in the next 4 years....I'm not sure that I will see that country again in my lifetime. So though people would say...."well, I hope your won." None of this is about winning, it is about being better people. I can only strive to do that in my own life, so arguing over political ideology, no carrying my SJW banner, just me hoping for a better tomorrow. I will spend the rest of my days hoping for that, and living my life in a way that I am a light for those things, not a bell ringer for the politician I agree with.
A human being, no label, just me.
I am at the moment, having to deal with family issues because of the political climate. An act of just sending a song to my niece sent her into a fury and let me know that my act of "reaching the across the aisle" was not welcome. That actually wasn't what I was doing, it had nothing political behind the song, simply a song that came up on my podcast while I was thinking of how unhappy I knew my family was on Saturday and how I wished we could all celebrate together but I knew that would not happen. So I sent a song that symbolized my love for them, and the fact that screw politics I loved them. But, in today's political climate, it was not taken that way. My heart breaks for my family my heart breaks for my country....though you could say, my "man/woman" won......I don't feel much like a winner right now. I have argued quite a bit over the past few years here and other places standing as a proud SJW feminist woman. I am still all of that......but with a broken heart. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of debating who is right and who is wrong. I'm tired of conspiracy theories, lies and media being what people follow rather than their hearts and doing what they know is right, and BTW I have to put myself in that category as well. America is broken and I'm tired of the blame game. I truly believe our country has been wounded beyond recognition, but I also believe that EVERYTHING is now out on the table.....all the dirty laundry. So what do we do now?
My hope is that this show, and others will be the light to show us what is truly important and its not a political ideology, it is integrity, honesty, thoughtfulness, kindness and empathy. I have to be very honest, I do not see that in the near future, or even in the next 4 years....I'm not sure that I will see that country again in my lifetime. So though people would say...."well, I hope your won." None of this is about winning, it is about being better people. I can only strive to do that in my own life, so arguing over political ideology, no carrying my SJW banner, just me hoping for a better tomorrow. I will spend the rest of my days hoping for that, and living my life in a way that I am a light for those things, not a bell ringer for the politician I agree with.
A human being, no label, just me.
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I think Melissa and many others, myself included, are realizing that we fell under the latin phrase “Qui tacet consentire videtur”, meaning your silence is your consent. I think we are just finding our voice. Sometimes that "voice" in its infancy is very loud. I see it becoming more specific, strong, and much more organized in its delivery.
Some will agree, some will disagree....that is the beauty of this "Republic".
I don't hold Melissa's voice up above anyone else's, but her platform certainly is one that can deliver a strong message. We ALL should speak to our representatives more often. I found this out the hard way. I spoke to my Representatives at the State and Federal level about school's opening. They had not heard from any other teachers, that made me angry and I put it out there......they are hearing from us now, and we saw changes being made... we live in a time where “Qui tacet consentire videtur” cannot be allowed to exist. This is such a time.
This will be my last response on this particular subject. It will be interesting to see how "Supergirl" takes on today's news events. It's kind of funny actually, if you look back over the last few seasons......"Supergirl" has already taken on the events of today.
Some will agree, some will disagree....that is the beauty of this "Republic".
I don't hold Melissa's voice up above anyone else's, but her platform certainly is one that can deliver a strong message. We ALL should speak to our representatives more often. I found this out the hard way. I spoke to my Representatives at the State and Federal level about school's opening. They had not heard from any other teachers, that made me angry and I put it out there......they are hearing from us now, and we saw changes being made... we live in a time where “Qui tacet consentire videtur” cannot be allowed to exist. This is such a time.
This will be my last response on this particular subject. It will be interesting to see how "Supergirl" takes on today's news events. It's kind of funny actually, if you look back over the last few seasons......"Supergirl" has already taken on the events of today.
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Kelly, excellent point and it might be too soon for any pandemic related stories, as that would both hit to close to home and be understandably very upsetting for a lot of people currently suffering through the real one.
I hope all the fans and admin on this site are keeping well and staying safe.
I hope all the fans and admin on this site are keeping well and staying safe.
It will be interesting to see how "Supergirl" takes on today's news events. It's kind of funny actually, if you look back over the last few seasons......"Supergirl" has already taken on the events of today.
...“Qui tacet consentire videtur”, meaning your silence is your consent...I spoke to my Representatives at the State and Federal level about school's opening. They had not heard from any other teachers, that made me angry and I put it out there......they are hearing from us now, and we saw changes being made... we live in a time where “Qui tacet consentire videtur” cannot be allowed to exist. This is such a time.How can a non teacher non parent best support teachers and schools right now,
It will be interesting to see how "Supergirl" takes on today's news events. It's kind of funny actually, if you look back over the last few seasons......"Supergirl" has already taken on the events of today.I’m not sure the most recent current events would be a good fit for the show. A story line with a disease related pandemic where main character would be impervious to the disease IMO isn’t a good fit. Addressing systemic racism I don’t think is a great fit either, while it could be done it wouldn’t be a Kara focused storyline. What could possibly fit is now that the DEO appears to be going away and Kara and Alex etc. are actually full on vigilantes there could be a story there. Alex has in the past violently questioned people, maybe the sisters disagree on where the lines are now that they’re the ones drawing them. That could lead to some meaty sister scenes.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
I wasn't thinking about them doing anything from today's headlines....“Qui tacet consentire videtur”, meaning your silence is your consent...I spoke to my Representatives at the State and Federal level about school's opening. They had not heard from any other teachers, that made me angry and I put it out there......they are hearing from us now, and we saw changes being made... we live in a time where “Qui tacet consentire videtur” cannot be allowed to exist. This is such a time.How can a non teacher non parent best support teachers and schools right now,
It will be interesting to see how "Supergirl" takes on today's news events. It's kind of funny actually, if you look back over the last few seasons......"Supergirl" has already taken on the events of today.I’m not sure the most recent current events would be a good fit for the show. A story line with a disease related pandemic where main character would be impervious to the disease IMO isn’t a good fit. Addressing systemic racism I don’t think is a great fit either, while it could be done it wouldn’t be a Kara focused storyline. What could possibly fit is now that the DEO appears to be going away and Kara and Alex etc. are actually full on vigilantes there could be a story there. Alex has in the past violently questioned people, maybe the sisters disagree on where the lines are now that they’re the ones drawing them. That could lead to some meaty sister scenes.
1. Season 2 talked about a disease infecting other aliens.
2. Season 2 talked about immigration.
3. Season 4 talked about racism and disenfrachising a group of people.
4. Season 5, IMO iud not really have a clear pathway to where ot wanted to go. But did speak on transgender issues.
5. I think Season 6 needs to go the way of Season 3. Choose a STRONG VILLAIN, like Reign and look back to some villains from Season 1 such as Reactron for a few episodes, not just one....and really get back to the comics in a way that Season 3 first half did.
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"Or what if Kara was still impervious but asymptomatic. We saw in 'Childish Things' and 'Bunker Hill' that she can be affected by unusual particles in concentrated doses."
Yes, but if Kara is not really in much serious danger herself, there isn't much dramatic tension. After all, she's the protagonist. That was one of the criticisms that people were making about my early attempts at writing Supergirl fan fiction. Since then, I've been careful not to allow Kara to seem too invulnerable or "overpowered". Actually, I deliberately lowered her power and vulnerability levels to something closer to the Golden Age Superman. (Otherwise, it's hard for human villains to pose much of a real threat to her.)
Anyway, for this story - maybe Lex Luthor (or another major high-tech villain) gets an early look at the new virus, and identifies segments of Kryptonian DNA sequences in it. But Kara doesn't know that, and just figures it's a typical Earth virus, and that it won't affect her. When the villains use it against her, she is clearly taken by surprise. Then it's up to the Supergirl Team - with Kara at the helm - to figure out how to defeat this new threat (both to her and to the human population), and possibly how to turn it against the villains. As Shakespeare put it, "hoist with his own petard" - always an excellent dramatic device!
"It is always a pleasure to communicate with the members of this website, please stay safe."
Same to you!
Yes, but if Kara is not really in much serious danger herself, there isn't much dramatic tension. After all, she's the protagonist. That was one of the criticisms that people were making about my early attempts at writing Supergirl fan fiction. Since then, I've been careful not to allow Kara to seem too invulnerable or "overpowered". Actually, I deliberately lowered her power and vulnerability levels to something closer to the Golden Age Superman. (Otherwise, it's hard for human villains to pose much of a real threat to her.)
Anyway, for this story - maybe Lex Luthor (or another major high-tech villain) gets an early look at the new virus, and identifies segments of Kryptonian DNA sequences in it. But Kara doesn't know that, and just figures it's a typical Earth virus, and that it won't affect her. When the villains use it against her, she is clearly taken by surprise. Then it's up to the Supergirl Team - with Kara at the helm - to figure out how to defeat this new threat (both to her and to the human population), and possibly how to turn it against the villains. As Shakespeare put it, "hoist with his own petard" - always an excellent dramatic device!
"It is always a pleasure to communicate with the members of this website, please stay safe."
Same to you!
Probably not - but what if the lead character is in fact susceptible to the disease (but assumes at first that she isn't)? What if the Earth virus came in contact with a kryptonite meteorite, and picked up some Kryptonian DNA (or RNA), which it incorporated into its own genome?
Hmmm... now *that* might be an intriguing story line!
Or what if Kara was still impervious but asymptomatic. We saw in 'Childish Things' and 'Bunker Hill' that she can be affected by unusual particles in concentrated doses.
- 'Childish Things' she had to clear her throat for a while after inhaling Toyman's gas
- 'Bunker Hill' she was temporarily stunned by Manchester Black's Moondust
What if Kara has to realise the need to wear a mask when rescuing people, especially if the reason she realises this need is due to the after effect on a previous rescue. This would not contradict her opinion on mask wearing in 'The Darkest Place'.
It is a tricky direction for writers to go and they would have to be very sensitive in their writing. On the one hand it may help to educate those that still don't seem to understand how serious the current pandemic situation is. On the other hand if mishandled it could upset people who are directly affected.
It is always a pleasure to communicate with the members of this website, please stay safe.
I think Melissa and many others, myself included, are realizing that we fell under the latin phrase “Qui tacet consentire videtur”, meaning your silence is your consent. I think we are just finding our voice. Sometimes that "voice" in its infancy is very loud. I see it becoming more specific, strong, and much more organized in its delivery.
Regarding “Qui tacet consentire videtur,” recently, the MeToo movement emphasized the importance of positive consent. We are all familiar with "no means no," obviously. But we are made to understand that consent is not given unless you hear a "Yes."
Silence is just that. Silence. Anyone's interpretation of that silence is not the problem of the silent person.
A bit of wisdom attributed to President Lincoln: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

This is a beautiful statement from our Supergirl.
As a life long resident of Minneapolis, I am utterly disgusted by these four police officers. One coldly suffocated an unarmed man who was merely a suspect of a non-violent offense, was handcuffed, and who offered no resistance. That officer has been charged with murder and manslaughter. Meanwhile the other three stood by as George Floyd pleaded for his life and finally died, and they did nothing to help him or stop his torture. They are still free, but I hope they too face charges. It is simply horrible. Where was their humanity?
The actions of these four have triggered demonstrations, rage, and violence in my city and the whole country. The demonstrations and rage I can understand. The violence is inexcusable and has largely been the work of a small group of opportunists who are only out to commit mayhem. I am happy to say it appears to have been quelled tonight, at least in Minneapolis. I hope the same is true in other cities. But unless we all work together to end racism and bigotry, this will happen again. We all have to do so much better. Melissa's message is a great starting point. I am so proud of her!
As a life long resident of Minneapolis, I am utterly disgusted by these four police officers. One coldly suffocated an unarmed man who was merely a suspect of a non-violent offense, was handcuffed, and who offered no resistance. That officer has been charged with murder and manslaughter. Meanwhile the other three stood by as George Floyd pleaded for his life and finally died, and they did nothing to help him or stop his torture. They are still free, but I hope they too face charges. It is simply horrible. Where was their humanity?
The actions of these four have triggered demonstrations, rage, and violence in my city and the whole country. The demonstrations and rage I can understand. The violence is inexcusable and has largely been the work of a small group of opportunists who are only out to commit mayhem. I am happy to say it appears to have been quelled tonight, at least in Minneapolis. I hope the same is true in other cities. But unless we all work together to end racism and bigotry, this will happen again. We all have to do so much better. Melissa's message is a great starting point. I am so proud of her!
. "A story line with a disease related pandemic where main character would be impervious to the disease IMO isn’t a good fit"
Probably not - but what if the lead character is in fact susceptible to the disease (but assumes at first that she isn't)? What if the Earth virus came in contact with a kryptonite meteorite, and picked up some Kryptonian DNA (or RNA), which it incorporated into its own genome?
Hmmm... now *that* might be an intriguing story line!
Stewart, do I sense a new fan story brewing?
As a life long resident of Minneapolis, I am utterly disgusted by these four police officers. One coldly suffocated an unarmed man who was merely a suspect of a non-violent offense, was handcuffed, and who offered no resistance. That officer has been charged with murder and manslaughter. Meanwhile the other three stood by as George Floyd pleaded for his life and finally died, and they did nothing to help him or stop his torture. They are still free, but I hope they too face charges. It is simply horrible. Where was their humanity?
The actions of these four have triggered demonstrations, rage, and violence in my city and the whole country. The demonstrations and rage I can understand. The violence is inexcusable and has largely been the work of a small group of opportunists who are only out to commit mayhem. I am happy to say it appears to have been quelled tonight, at least in Minneapolis. I hope the same is true in other cities. But unless we all work together to end racism and bigotry, this will happen again. We all have to do so much better. Melissa's message is a great starting point. I am so proud of her!
Bill I would just like to know where leadership was...namely the governor, Minneapolis Mayor and even Attorney General Keith Ellison?
As for these opportunists, they belong to the radical group Antifa, which has just been declared domestic terrorists. By the way there is a picture of Ellison with some kind of Antifa booklet that's surfaced on the web. What they do is mix in with the otherwise peaceful protesters and then wait for a moment to strike, sort of akin to what the communists did during the Red Scare in the 1950's in the US.
And also, these provocateurs are financed by leftist billionaire George Soros, who makes even Lex Luthor look like a piker.
As for those four rogue cops, one of them was arrested, but charged only with manslaughter and 3rd degree murder...not enough...that cop should face murder if not capital murder. The other three should be declared accessories before and after the fact.
It's also time to reform training officers, including reinforcing allegiance to their oath to the US Constitution and not training from their time in the armed services, as some to most police officers spent time in them.
In it, among the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments) is number 8...which deals with punishment.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted..
Robert Anthony, As you asked some questions in your post, I thought I should respond. But before I do, I want to emphasize that we keep the focus on Melissa's message and the need for change, and less on what has happened and who is at fault.
Yes, authorities were unprepared for something that blew up very quickly, and there undoubtedly will be an assessment coming. But any determination of fault is premature. Also, Minneapolis was only the first; many other cities have had similar problems even with advanced warning of a day or two. So I think it likely, as you suggest, that some organized groups may move around the country seeking to create chaos.
Regarding Attorney General Ellison and Mr. Soros, I am not going to get into web conspiracies. The web is filled with trash and I want nothing to do with it.
I think we all know that convicting police of crimes has historically been very difficult. This act, horrific as it was, would be very hard to charge at a higher level, due to lack of premeditation. So under the circumstances the charges filed not only seem appropriate but may also have the greatest chance for a successful prosecution. Overcharging could well result in an acquittal. Also, Minnesota does not have capital punishment, so that is not an option.
"It's also time to reform training officers..." I absolutely agree. I think there is a culture in many PDs that needs to be completely overhauled, and it starts with training.
There is much to be done by the authorities, but as Melissa says we all have a role to play to see those changes are made correctly, and that starts by changing our own behaviors. If we all do that, the rest will follow.
Yes, authorities were unprepared for something that blew up very quickly, and there undoubtedly will be an assessment coming. But any determination of fault is premature. Also, Minneapolis was only the first; many other cities have had similar problems even with advanced warning of a day or two. So I think it likely, as you suggest, that some organized groups may move around the country seeking to create chaos.
Regarding Attorney General Ellison and Mr. Soros, I am not going to get into web conspiracies. The web is filled with trash and I want nothing to do with it.
I think we all know that convicting police of crimes has historically been very difficult. This act, horrific as it was, would be very hard to charge at a higher level, due to lack of premeditation. So under the circumstances the charges filed not only seem appropriate but may also have the greatest chance for a successful prosecution. Overcharging could well result in an acquittal. Also, Minnesota does not have capital punishment, so that is not an option.
"It's also time to reform training officers..." I absolutely agree. I think there is a culture in many PDs that needs to be completely overhauled, and it starts with training.
There is much to be done by the authorities, but as Melissa says we all have a role to play to see those changes are made correctly, and that starts by changing our own behaviors. If we all do that, the rest will follow.
Robert Anthony, As you asked some questions in your post, I thought I should respond. But before I do, I want to emphasize that we keep the focus on Melissa's message and the need for change, and less on what has happened and who is at fault.
Yes, authorities were unprepared for something that blew up very quickly, and there undoubtedly will be an assessment coming. But any determination of fault is premature. Also, Minneapolis was only the first; many other cities have had similar problems even with advanced warning of a day or two. So I think it likely, as you suggest, that some organized groups may move around the country seeking to create chaos.
Regarding Attorney General Ellison and Mr. Soros, I am not going to get into web conspiracies. The web is filled with trash and I want nothing to do with it.
I think we all know that convicting police of crimes has historically been very difficult. This act, horrific as it was, would be very hard to charge at a higher level, due to lack of premeditation. So under the circumstances the charges filed not only seem appropriate but may also have the greatest chance for a successful prosecution. Overcharging could well result in an acquittal. Also, Minnesota does not have capital punishment, so that is not an option.
"It's also time to reform training officers..." I absolutely agree. I think there is a culture in many PDs that needs to be completely overhauled, and it starts with training.
There is much to be done by the authorities, but as Melissa says we all have a role to play to see those changes are made correctly, and that starts by changing our own behaviors. If we all do that, the rest will follow.
You're 100% correct @superbill lets focus on what Melissa said, changing our own behavior because things need to change and they won't unless we all take responsibility for our own actions. I agree that the charges are correctly calculated by the prosecution, hard to go higher without any evidence of premeditation. I would like to see the other three former officers charged as accessories but I understand how that may be a hard sell right now. When/If Derek Chauvin is found guilty of murder then Tau Thao, Thomas Lane, and J. Alexander Kueng are IMO accessories anyone of them could've and should've stopped George Floyd's death.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
Melissa appears to be a beautiful person offscreen as well as onscreen. She also showed support for her former Glee costar (Samantha Ware) for the difficulty she had on the show with Lea Michele.
Just a followup: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who was placed in charge of the investigation over the weekend, has raised the charge to second degree murder against the officer already in custody. He has also charged the other three officers with aiding and abetting a homicide. Minnesota's Governor Tim Walz has also ordered a state investigation of the Minneapolis Police Department for evidence of systemic racism, which will look into not just this case but the last 10 years.
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