Melissa posted a response to George Floyd’s death and talking to Mehcad about what’s going on.
Melissa’s IG
6/2/2020 added Melissa and Chris calling prosecutors office urging that all the officers involved be charged.
Stewart, inspiration comes from all kinds of sources, viruses and plagues included. There are plenty out their, just look at season 3's 'Of Two Minds' for example. Admittedly timing might be a problem, instead of completely dismissing the idea, maybe file it until we are all hopefully out of the woods.
I see you are considering sending Kara over here to Ireland. I'll love to see that. In Season 5's 'Blurred Lines' Lena make a reference to Dublin after Kara buys her lunch, unfortunately we don't get to see it. If you do send Kara over here, please do me a favor: no stereotypes like leprechauns and we actually do not say things like "Begorrah" or "Top o'dee mornin tee ya".
I see you are considering sending Kara over here to Ireland. I'll love to see that. In Season 5's 'Blurred Lines' Lena make a reference to Dublin after Kara buys her lunch, unfortunately we don't get to see it. If you do send Kara over here, please do me a favor: no stereotypes like leprechauns and we actually do not say things like "Begorrah" or "Top o'dee mornin tee ya".

I'm going to start on my next Supergirl story this week. And I was toying with these sorts of ideas about a new virus in National City, but it seems like that's hitting too close to home now. I was also thinking about something dealing with street demonstrations in the City, but I'd say that's become too politicized for me to touch at this point. I think I'll go back to my "travelogue" type of stories, and send Kara to Ireland this time (probably for a space rescue mission). Of course, I want to get Kara's musical talents in the mix, too. I'm planning to have her meet up with Allie Sherlock and join her onstage in Dublin with her guitar (as Kara Danvers, of course).
How does that sound?
Oh, I already wrote and posted that story. And no, there are no Irish stereotypes in it. ( I try quite hard to avoid any type of stereotyping in my stories.) No, noobdy says anything like "Begorrah!" In fact, Allie Sherlock speaks the same sort of homogenized "Gen Z English" as English-speaking teens anywhere in the world today. When Allie says "Bye, guys!" at the end of her videos, she sounds like a California "Valley Girl".
From my original posting of the story:
Here's a link to my new Supergirl fan fiction story on my Facebook page, "The Crew Dragon Rescue Mission". Yes, it's based on the recent Crew Dragon landing in the Gulf of Mexico. But I changed the location to Ireland, and got the real-life musician Allie Sherlock involved in the story, too.
I hope you like it!
From my original posting of the story:
Here's a link to my new Supergirl fan fiction story on my Facebook page, "The Crew Dragon Rescue Mission". Yes, it's based on the recent Crew Dragon landing in the Gulf of Mexico. But I changed the location to Ireland, and got the real-life musician Allie Sherlock involved in the story, too.
I hope you like it!
"And also, these provocateurs are financed by leftist billionaire George Soros, who makes even Lex Luthor look like a piker."
Leftist billionaire is an oxymoron.
Antifa is not a terrorist group (or even one group), nor is it in the interest of any billionaire to fund them. Fundamentally people such as Soros have reason to fear left-wing politics.
Leftist billionaire is an oxymoron.
Antifa is not a terrorist group (or even one group), nor is it in the interest of any billionaire to fund them. Fundamentally people such as Soros have reason to fear left-wing politics.
"And also, these provocateurs are financed by leftist billionaire George Soros, who makes even Lex Luthor look like a piker."
Leftist billionaire is an oxymoron.
Antifa is not a terrorist group (or even one group), nor is it in the interest of any billionaire to fund them. Fundamentally people such as Soros have reason to fear left-wing politics.
Apparently Fed you get your news from CNN, which like Fox News, MSNBC, the major nets, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, you name it, is propaganda for globalists. And yes there ARE liberal billionaires like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and the Koch Brothers who claim to be republicans, but really aren't. Do some research into them on sites like Open Secrets and you will see what I mean.
Antifa is going to BE designated as a terrorist group because of what they have done to life in this country.
And for Mrs. Benoist Wood to do what she is doing, is, whether she knows it or not, giving aid to the Red Guard, a militant mob created in 1966-76 by one Mao Tse Tung and now being continued by dictator for life Xi Jenpeng in China and financed by mega-money elites, and worse it's now here in the US to destroy law and order forever in the form of Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
And I would also like to ask her, in her left-wing elite bubble in Hollywood, which is run by a lot of...fools for want of a better word...what if you or your family is attacked by someone...and you call the police...and they don't answer?
I do not trust most of what the corporate media says, which is why I go for alt-media which some call alt-right like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit The Federalist and trust more real journalists like Sharyl Atkisson or Lara Logan though she works for Fox, and I find myself more and more watching Newsmax TV, which will go after Fox...there is alt-left (Salon, Vox, Huffington Post, Daily Kos etc). And even though watching Newsmax they will play clips of those on the far left, and every time they do or one of Fox's leftists speak I have to mute the TV because the bile they spew might make me lose my temper so much I want to yell at the TV or worse, and yes I know that won't do anything.
Progressives are really regressive people who want to destroy the concepts of democracy and the nation-state all in the name of globalism, totalitarianism and the New World Order and will tell lies to cover them up. Believe me I have family members and friends who are progressive liberals who have gone mind blind to the world around them. The Democrat party is not one of JFK, Truman or even the progressives like FDR and Wilson anymore. It has gone full communist and Hollywood and their woke mob is none too happy to further divide this country to cover up for and distract from their transgressions.
More free speech counters censorship, and as someone once told me, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
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