I thought that it might be nice to have one place to discuss the character of Reign as we progress through this season. While I'm a bit sad about the character turning evil, I am very eager to see the extent that the writers will go with the villain. She has the possibility of being quite the formidable foe for Supergirl.
Perhaps we can start with some facts about her that we know at the moment and add to the list as we find out more details.
I'll start a list and I can add to it later. Even though the character exists in the comics, I thought that it might be better to keep those facts off the list until they present themselves as we're not sure what aspects the writers will use from her comic book counterpart. But, feel free to discuss any aspect of the character.
Human persona
- Name Samantha
- Adopted
- 12 year old daughter named Ruby (had Ruby when young)
- Father of Ruby unknown
- Known Lena for a long time
- Arrived on Earth when Kal-El did
- Estranged from adopted mother
- Mother found Sam in Krypton pod
- Turned to Reign after a trigger
- Seems to suffer type of split personality (doesn't recall actions as Reign)
- Loses time when Reign
Alien persona
- From Krypton
- Genetically engineered
- Connection with Alura
- World Killer
- Fortress of Sanctuary- in a desert, exact location unknown
- From a time before Fathoming
- Built to cleanse the scourge and deliver the Awakening
- Dispenser of Justice/Vengeance
- Believes that those who stand by and do nothing are guilty of crimes
- Seems to take orders from higher source (hologram)
Powers exhibited
-Super strength
-Invulnerable to bullets
-Super Speed
-Red laser heat
-Super Vision
- Freeze breath
-Powers not dependent on yellow sun
-Not as susceptible to electricity as Supergirl
-Pure form of kryptonite injected into body
-Psi and other telepaths
I'm not sure how Reign's identity will be revealed. But I think it will be easy for Kara, and whoever else finds out, to see that Reign and Sam are as different as night and day.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they found out because Ruby steps in the way of Reign trying to kill Ruby's hero, Supergirl. This may cause Sam to rise to the surface, even if it's just temporarily.
I think this would cause Ruby to become a target for Reign, as she would stand in the way of her complete dominance over Sam's body.
Either way, Ruby will be important in Sam's story. As infuriating as she was, particularly in episode 2, there is a distinct reason Sam has a daughter. Whether she's Sam's strength, Reign's weakness, or some combination of the two.
I'm more interested to see how the individual characters react, and decide to proceed, once Reign's identity is revealed. All of them know Sam, at the very least through the Christmas party. The production team said the cast would be conflicted about how to deal with Reign. I think we can clearly expect Lena to be sympathetic to her friend. Kara...I'm honestly not sure. She became tight with Sam, really quick, but she's also been on the receiving end of Reign's brutality...and that can give her a different perspective than the sympathetic one she may normally have. I think one or more DEO team members will want to just take Sam down. Probably J'onn, due to his experience and trauma from White Martians. Alex is another one I'm torn on. I feel like, normally, she'd want to go for the kill. But knowing Sam, and especially with the bond she's formed with Ruby...I just don't know.
And that's exactly why they've developed Sam and Reign as they have, this year. It seemed like a slow build, being a 4-5 episode build before she ever became Reign. The only other villain, in the ENTIRE CW DC multiverse, who's been even mildly sympathetic, was Deathstroke. And sympathy for him went out the window really early, once we saw the monster he became. And Reign is still unique, because while Reign is entirely guilty of her actions, Sam remains innocent.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they found out because Ruby steps in the way of Reign trying to kill Ruby's hero, Supergirl. This may cause Sam to rise to the surface, even if it's just temporarily.
I think this would cause Ruby to become a target for Reign, as she would stand in the way of her complete dominance over Sam's body.
Either way, Ruby will be important in Sam's story. As infuriating as she was, particularly in episode 2, there is a distinct reason Sam has a daughter. Whether she's Sam's strength, Reign's weakness, or some combination of the two.
I'm more interested to see how the individual characters react, and decide to proceed, once Reign's identity is revealed. All of them know Sam, at the very least through the Christmas party. The production team said the cast would be conflicted about how to deal with Reign. I think we can clearly expect Lena to be sympathetic to her friend. Kara...I'm honestly not sure. She became tight with Sam, really quick, but she's also been on the receiving end of Reign's brutality...and that can give her a different perspective than the sympathetic one she may normally have. I think one or more DEO team members will want to just take Sam down. Probably J'onn, due to his experience and trauma from White Martians. Alex is another one I'm torn on. I feel like, normally, she'd want to go for the kill. But knowing Sam, and especially with the bond she's formed with Ruby...I just don't know.
And that's exactly why they've developed Sam and Reign as they have, this year. It seemed like a slow build, being a 4-5 episode build before she ever became Reign. The only other villain, in the ENTIRE CW DC multiverse, who's been even mildly sympathetic, was Deathstroke. And sympathy for him went out the window really early, once we saw the monster he became. And Reign is still unique, because while Reign is entirely guilty of her actions, Sam remains innocent.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 61
If the first thing she thinks is that Sam has been lying, IMO, that isn't Kara....
So its your opinion that Kara would be willing to give Sam the benefit of the doubt that she is innocent? (Although by this time with how strong Reign is, it will take either Ruby or a very strong Psychic like J'onn or Imra to bring Sam out)
Im also wondering if Reign's unmasking will be public or private. (Like the mask gets ripped off in a fight in private, or if its in front of a crowd like in the public fight this week) Its just I dont like the Reign mask she has on and would rather Reign fights without the mask in front of Sam's friends to see their reactions.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 62
If the first thing she thinks is that Sam has been lying, IMO, that isn't Kara....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 63
Ok so... Riddle me this... it's obvious that Sam likes to unwind with alcohol, as seen in her need to de-stress at the Danvers' Christmas party. So, if Kara has always known she can't get drunk, how has Sam not noticed? Lol #DeepThoughts
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 64
With Kara already questioning her humanity, experiencing a brush with mortality and maybe being a bit more leery of Reign, will she become the cold alien and not want to try and save Sam?
I sincerely hope it's not Kara being that cold, this version of the character is not like that to me and Kara's recent encounter with Overgirl should have shown her what she could become if she ditches her humanity. So I trust that when Kara finds out Reign is Samantha that she will try at first to redeem and save her.
Yeah I wonder if the first thing Kara thinks when she finds out Reign's secret...is if she will think Sam was lying to her all this time and was always Reign. (Similar to Eobard Thawne pretended to be good at first in Flash season 1, and Zoom in Flash season 2 pretended to be an ally, same for prometheus in Arrow Season 5)
What makes Sam different is she doesnt know she's the villain so Kara shouldn't jump to that conclusion immediately after unmasking her at least I dont think. (Like if Sam professes not to know whats happening, that shouldn't be followed up by Kara punching her, accusing her of lying)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 65
During the season so far, the main conflict that Kara has been facing is her humanity versus her alieness. I think that the events of 3x09 might actually deepen that conflict for her and we will see her struggle even more with it for the rest of the season.
In addition, the prediction by many is that they will try and save Sam. I read an article (can't remember which one) that stated that some of the members of the DEO team will think that Sam should try to be saved and some will think that the attempt shouldn't be made.
My question is who is on which side?
With Kara already questioning her humanity, experiencing a brush with mortality and maybe being a bit more leery of Reign, will she become the cold alien and not want to try and save Sam?
In addition, the prediction by many is that they will try and save Sam. I read an article (can't remember which one) that stated that some of the members of the DEO team will think that Sam should try to be saved and some will think that the attempt shouldn't be made.
My question is who is on which side?
With Kara already questioning her humanity, experiencing a brush with mortality and maybe being a bit more leery of Reign, will she become the cold alien and not want to try and save Sam?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 66
I would think that a priestess who knows more of the history of Krypton, thus possibly more about Reign, would be a valuable source for Kara to seek out. So, yeah, possibly that is the purpose of that episode.While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
Yeah I was thinking the same. Like Deathstroke on arrow has killed way more, and yet Oliver still let him go to try to find his son a few weeks ago.
I know people were speculating that Reign and Morgan edge would team up , but now I do not think that is the case. I know there was supposed to be episode 11 called 'Fort Rozz' and maybe we all misunderstood that as thinking Kara physically visits Fort Rozz or Reign does. What if thats about the forgotten prisoners, other kryptonians that just wanted to live a quiet life and didnt participate in Astra's plan? If so, as a former fort rozz inmate, I suspect the priestess might appear in the episode titled 'Fort Rozz'
Argo, do you think that Edge actually thought it was Supergirl or was he just trying to throw supposition onto her for his own gain?
I think Edge thought it might be Supergirl since Reign had not revealed herself as such. The fact that he had a lead lined panic room indicates to me that he was fearful of Supergirl.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 67
I would think that a priestess who knows more of the history of Krypton, thus possibly more about Reign, would be a valuable source for Kara to seek out. So, yeah, possibly that is the purpose of that episode.While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
Yeah I was thinking the same. Like Deathstroke on arrow has killed way more, and yet Oliver still let him go to try to find his son a few weeks ago.
I know people were speculating that Reign and Morgan edge would team up , but now I do not think that is the case. I know there was supposed to be episode 11 called 'Fort Rozz' and maybe we all misunderstood that as thinking Kara physically visits Fort Rozz or Reign does. What if thats about the forgotten prisoners, other kryptonians that just wanted to live a quiet life and didnt participate in Astra's plan? If so, as a former fort rozz inmate, I suspect the priestess might appear in the episode titled 'Fort Rozz'
Argo, do you think that Edge actually thought it was Supergirl or was he just trying to throw supposition onto her for his own gain?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 68
While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
Yeah I was thinking the same. Like Deathstroke on arrow has killed way more, and yet Oliver still let him go to try to find his son a few weeks ago.
I know people were speculating that Reign and Morgan edge would team up , but now I do not think that is the case. I know there was supposed to be episode 11 called 'Fort Rozz' and maybe we all misunderstood that as thinking Kara physically visits Fort Rozz or Reign does. What if thats about the forgotten prisoners, other kryptonians that just wanted to live a quiet life and didnt participate in Astra's plan? If so, as a former fort rozz inmate, I suspect the priestess might appear in the episode titled 'Fort Rozz'
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 69
While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 70
I really think that Ruby and Colville will play a significant roles in the Reign arc. I am not sure what it is. This is a gut feel. Also, if it follows some of the comic book storyline, Reign may not die. All is conjecture and I certainly would like Sam to take back control.
What people are seeming to ignore is that Coville said he met a kryptonian priestess on earth that Kara somehow didnt scoop up during her fort rozz purge. Anyway thinking that might be significant later.
Also..Someone should update it for Reigns body count. She's killed at least 12. This is probably life imprisonment for Sam even if she gets cured now.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 71
I like your prediction, Argo. I think that when we see Sam turn around to face Ruby in the next episode, it will be Sam and not Reign. Personally, I believe it is too early for them to unmask Reign to the other characters. I would be okay if they didn't do it until late in the season. That lets Sam continue to be Sam and Ruby to still have some semblance of her mother for awhile. Plus, I'm not too eager to see Alex as Ruby's caretaker for the rest of the season.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 72
I really think that Ruby and Colville will play a significant roles in the Reign arc. I am not sure what it is. This is a gut feel. Also, if it follows some of the comic book storyline, Reign may not die. All is conjecture and I certainly would like Sam to take back control.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 73
Sam who?
Reign is a beast and I love her. By far, she is the best villain that the Supergirl show has had on since it started. It needs to Reign the rest of the season, return some next season and become scattered throughout for the remaining seasons.
Really though, I like Sam and keeping her as a separate, ongoing personality adds a lot to the character(s). Not sure how I want her story to end, yet.
Will return with more thoughts after I have peeled my mind off of the ceiling from watching that fight.

Really though, I like Sam and keeping her as a separate, ongoing personality adds a lot to the character(s). Not sure how I want her story to end, yet.
Will return with more thoughts after I have peeled my mind off of the ceiling from watching that fight.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 74
Late to the party but Reign is precisely what this show needed.
I hope she gets more powerful. We know she can defeat Kara easily now so it's not for that reason, but just that well, "Worldkiller", so far it takes her a few minutes to beat down a gang. Not quite the killer of worlds yet.
I hope she gets more powerful. We know she can defeat Kara easily now so it's not for that reason, but just that well, "Worldkiller", so far it takes her a few minutes to beat down a gang. Not quite the killer of worlds yet.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 75
When she just dropped Supergirl over the side of the building? Epic and so very well acted!!!
To me it was when she head butted her....Supergirl's face was so scary and heartbreaking all at the same time, and then yes the final drop to the ground....they gave us a shot that looked like she was hanging rather than lying on the ground, it was so cool.....and such a shout out to the comic book fans.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 76
When she just dropped Supergirl over the side of the building? Epic and so very well acted!!!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 77
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS...... They gave us as close to this as they possibly could....JUST WOW! Melissa was phenomenal in defeat.....holy crap!

Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 78
Soooo... Will Reign know Kara's secret? Has someone already asked and answered that?I was wondering that, too, evrafter. Sam doesn't know so, I'm not sure how Reign would know unless they implanted some type of bloodhound gene into her DNA when they made her

The sneak peak got me even more confused. Apparently Sam is acting confused when waking up? I think Reign is active when she goes out in front of other people besides Ruby, to prevent her from saying things, and Sam is only active inside the house probably.Yeah, I'm trying to stay away from watching the rest of the sneak peaks - not an easy feat!
I was a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan back in the day and I remember the season when they had a god, Glory, put into the human body of a man named Ben. They would basically shape shift into each personality throughout the season and it seemed very random when it happened (no rhyme or reason). And when she took over his body, he wouldn't remember a thing that she did and vice versa. I wonder if they'll do something similar with Sam and Reign.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 79
Looks like from the pictures that Reign is going to try and play herself off as good ol' Sam....Yeah, my guess is that it's going to take a few episodes for SG to figure out that Reign is Sam. It'll be interesting to see what event gives Sam away because I think it is difficult to distinguish that Reign is Sam with the mask on; which is in contrast to Kara's "disguise".
Thanks for that article, Kiwi. It was a good read. Right now, I am not rooting for the villain in the respect that I want Sam to re-emerge. Quite the opposite, actually. If Reign is played out for an extended time and is shown to be an almost unbeatable foe for SG during that time, then yes, at the end I will be rooting for Sam and SG. But, at the moment, I am rooting for her to live up to her potential as Reign.
So, I am going to assume that since Reign is of Krytponian origin, she is vulnerable to kryptonite, too, correct?
The sneak peak got me even more confused. Apparently Sam is acting confused when waking up? I think Reign is active when she goes out in front of other people besides Ruby, to prevent her from saying things, and Sam is only active inside the house probably.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 80
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