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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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On the CW Supergirl Instagram page, Jason Behr took over the feed...and included this BTS scene...what may be one of the BEST pics in all the BTS pics...and we have seen a lot.

Living out a childhood dream and feeling like an 8 year old. Soaring.
Thank you @supergirl for making dreams come true.

Super dad and Super daughter. Kind of hits ya in the feels!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 121
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CBR interview with Nicole Maines ahead of tonight's mid-season return.

CBR has a second preview clip for tonight's episode.


TVLine has officially confirmed via David Harewood's Instagram somethings that's been known a few weeks in the spoiler thread.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 122
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What a great gift package Melissa gave to her fellow super friends.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 123
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 124
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Thought this was really cool.

See new Tweets
Alex Zalben
Truly touched by this lovely package (and note from Melissa Benoist) from
to celebrate the show’s final episodes #Supergirl

Alex Zalben
Replying to
Sorry my photographs are terrible, this cup has a neat fortress of solitude inspired design, and the hoodie is extremely cool, too
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 125
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Yes, indeed Stargirl and S&L will be the only shows in Arrowverse that will be worth watching after Supergirl ends. I have never seen a show go down in quality like the Flash did after Crisis. It's terrible. Legends is even worse. They destroyed the character Constantine and the the newer characters are annoying. I won't watch Batwoman again after they tossed Kate Kane out. Wallis Day was excellent recasting. They all three need to go. Oliver and Kara were 2/3 of the Arrowverse's version of the DC Holy Trinity. It will not be the same.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 126
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Stargirl is great, and Superman & Lois had a stellar first season. But I don't know that we'll ever get anything out of this franchise, again, that is quite like the on screen trio of Barry, Oliver, and Kara.

I'm a big fan of Stargirl which is a breath of fresh air compared to the Flash and Legends. I tried to watch Legends the other night and could not do it. Even my chilled dry martini's straight up with an olive didn't do the trick. Same goes with the Flash. The earlier seasons of the Flash and Legends were very good but then they both went down the tubes after season 3.
You just watch the great ratings that Stargirl is going to get starting this Tuesday night when it's the lead in to Supergirl.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London (official video)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 127
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It's definitely going to be interesting who lives "longer" Flash or Legends. Legends it seems is very ruthless in cutting cast members that are expensive. I don't follow what their ratings are, but I assume they will soon come to the point where Caity Lotz is too expensive and they have to think about whether they can have Sara and Ava retire and somebody else takes over as captain. And Flash... there has been a lot of criticism that it feels tired and every additional year the main cast members get more expensive. I could also picture Flash closing down if Grant doesn't want to do it anymore one day, or they might make an attempt to try with a new, younger Flash since they already introduced his kids.

IMO, if they cut Caity, I won't count it as the same show, even if it runs longer than Flash or Supergirl (I look at episode counts, not seasons, so Supergirl is still ahead for a little bit). Honestly, I've lost interest even since they cut Ray and Nora. But yes, in my mind, once you rotate out all of the original cast, it's not the same show. I consider that the point at which the original iteration of the show "ended", because again, I base it on the episode counts of the main stars.

As for The Flash...Grant may not want to be on the show much longer. Almost exactly a year behind Melissa and Chris, Grant's wife gave birth recently. And with the show going on it's 8th season, and very clearly running out of steam, I wouldn't put it past him wanting to give it up to spend more time with his family. After all, that has been one of the major contributing factors to both Arrow and Supergirl ending.

Bottom line, the Arrowverse is in a time of upheaval. The interconnected Golden Age we lived in, in my opinion, came to an end, after Crisis on Infinite Earths (even if that wasn't the intended end). What was Green Arrow's final hurrah also ended up being the last crossovers for Supergirl and the original Batwoman, as well. Maybe Black Lightning, that's unclear...he may come back for The Flash, this year. But COVID forced their hand on it. It's just supremely ironic that the ending of that event was clearly meant to make crossover stories easier to tell, then ended up being the last big crossover for most of the characters involved.

Stargirl is great, and Superman & Lois had a stellar first season. But I don't know that we'll ever get anything out of this franchise, again, that is quite like the on screen trio of Barry, Oliver, and Kara.

I feel like The Flash and Legends are nearing their last legs. It'll be up to Superman & Lois to anchor the Arrowverse, supported by Stargirl (depending on how the episode with Jay Garrick connects things). Some people like Batwoman...I don't, since they ditched Kate. And regardless of that, when they lost Kate, they lost their previous relationship to the larger Arrowverse. Any future crossovers will pretty much need to build those relationships from scratch, all over again. And we'll have to see how Naomi does, as a show. I don't think it's really up my alley, but it'll be interesting to see if it gathers traction.

But yeah...I just don't see us having that same chemistry, again, that we once had with the original batch of 4 shows. Sarah Lance is the only Legend with a connection to the larger Arrowverse. And those connections ended when Arrow did. Barry's big connections were with Oliver and Kara. Both gone. The current Batwoman has connections to nobody outside her show. Superman & Lois might get a crossover with The Flash, MAYBE...but it'll be a pale imitation of what Barry had with Kara. Furthermore, Superman & Lois seems relatively content to pretend the rest of the Arrowverse doesn't exist, aside from the minor appearance from Diggle.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 128
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I have to admit, I have a hard time picturing Lena on S&L. It just feels like Supergirl has made her too "OP" with her magic science skills. If she has money and and is just that good at science it's just hard to picture why she wouldn't just instantly solve Smallville's economic problems.

It's definitely going to be interesting who lives "longer" Flash or Legends. Legends it seems is very ruthless in cutting cast members that are expensive. I don't follow what their ratings are, but I assume they will soon come to the point where Caity Lotz is too expensive and they have to think about whether they can have Sara and Ava retire and somebody else takes over as captain. And Flash... there has been a lot of criticism that it feels tired and every additional year the main cast members get more expensive. I could also picture Flash closing down if Grant doesn't want to do it anymore one day, or they might make an attempt to try with a new, younger Flash since they already introduced his kids.

There is no question that everybody would LOVE for Melissa to reprise the role on other shows, but she has just been so vocal about wanting for focus on family and her non acting projects (even outside of the rumors that suggest that she very specifically doesn't want to return). My only hope is that she is supposed to be friends with Flash's Grant Gustin from school, so maybe that would increase her motivation to want to come. On the other hand, if she really doesn't want to do it, he probably wouldn't ask her.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 129
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It's not just that he posted it, I'm fairly sure either Meagan or Azie also screenshotted and posted it in their insta stories, since that was the only reason I knew this picture existed as I don't follow Camrus. :D If it was just a repost, seems kind of odd the other people would rush to duplicate it? (though I guess it's always possible that I remember it wrong)

Regardless I feel like Ramsay is a pretty good bet for the Flash mini crossovers in any situation. He seems to be well connected and invested in keeping his character active in the Arrowverse and that Azie stayed in town longer than everybody else does seem quite noteworthy.

I'm hoping we see Diggle again somewhere after his upcoming Supergirl appearance because I don't think his plotline running through his appearances this year will be resolved in his Supergirl episode.I also think his appearances aired out of order.

I think the correct chronological order is Superman & Lois,Batwoman,The Flash.We'll see where Supergirl fits and on Legends he didn't play Diggle.He played a historical figure.

I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for crossovers of other Supergirl characters, even if it turns out that Melissa really doesn't want to do it. Maybe my instincts are wrong about Superman and Lois and they would be willing to do more guest appearances once the heavy covid regulations have gone down. (not that I'm the greatest Kelly fan, but I could actually be her one of the characters who would fit the more grounded style of S&L better than let's say Nia or Lex).

I hope we see other Supergirl characters elsewhere for occasional guest appearances after Supergirl finshes too but I won't lie and not hope we see Melissa appear for a guest spot on Flash,Superman & Lois or a crossover type event.I love the character and Melissa's portrayal too much not to hope for that although I'm also greatly looking forward to Sasha Calle's upcoming intro as Supergirl in the DCEU via The Flash film.Again,I love the character in general and have read most of her modern day comic book runs starting in the early 90s including the current miniseries by Tom King.I also enjoyed Helen Slater in the role and Laura Vandervoort as Kara on Smallville.Melissa is my favorite live action version of Supergirl though.

I think Nia and Brainy could work on Legends for a guest spot or short run but honestly I think Legends may end with their upcoming 7th season.

I think Lex Luthor is going to be put on the shelf after Supergirl wraps.Yes,he's Superman's arch enemy but he's been used a lot here and based on the recent interviews with Superman & Lois's showrunner following the season finale on Tuesday,I don't think they really want to use villains that have already been used on Supergirl or if they do,they''ll completely reimagine the character like they did Morgan Edge this season.

I would love to see Brainiac or Mongul eventually used on Superman & Lois.Maybe not in season 2 but down the line.They could even do a play on what Bryan Singer's Superman Returns sequel plan was..Brainiac was going to be drawn to Earth via the Kryptonite continent Lex created and Superman threw into space.Brainiac was then going to target Superman & Lois's son,Jason because how unique a being he is.A human/kryptonian hybrid.Something along those lines could work with Jordan & Jon especially Jordan if Jon still doesn't develop powers.It would make Brainiac a very personal lhreat to Clark & Lois on Superman & Lois.

But I think we're going to be seeing the last of Jon Cryer's Lex once Supergirl finishes.If he ever does appear on Superman & Lois,it will be far down the line.

I think Lena would fit well on Superman & Lois for a guest run especially the state Smallville is left in at the end of season 1.But I don't think or know how likely Katie McGrath making a guest appearance would be.I actually think Lena appearing for a guest appearance on Superman & Lois as a ally is more likely then Jon Cryer appearing there right now.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 130
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It's not just that he posted it, I'm fairly sure either Meagan or Azie also screenshotted and posted it in their insta stories, since that was the only reason I knew this picture existed as I don't follow Camrus. :D If it was just a repost, seems kind of odd the other people would rush to duplicate it? (though I guess it's always possible that I remember it wrong)

Regardless I feel like Ramsay is a pretty good bet for the Flash mini crossovers in any situation. He seems to be well connected and invested in keeping his character active in the Arrowverse and that Azie stayed in town longer than everybody else does seem quite noteworthy.

I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for crossovers of other Supergirl characters, even if it turns out that Melissa really doesn't want to do it. Maybe my instincts are wrong about Superman and Lois and they would be willing to do more guest appearances once the heavy covid regulations have gone down. (not that I'm the greatest Kelly fan, but I could actually be her one of the characters who would fit the more grounded style of S&L better than let's say Nia or Lex).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 131
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Yeah I'm just saying that anything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt since his view on her is influenced by his economic incentives.

As for Camrus Johnson, why would he wait that long to post it and not post it at the very least around the airing of the Diggle episode? I assume the picture is fairly recent to the posting of August 17th, it might be that the actors really were just meeting up for a social thing and not necessarily because all of them were shooting together (I remember both "Iris" and Azie doing a a stream together when that jogger was killed and various Arrowverse actors have teamed up for social activism things, like after #metoo, and Azie, Meagan and Candance have been out socially before ).

Is it known whether that picture from Camrus that also has Iris on is is older? As the group is wearing different outfits, those are two separate occasions.

For me, it just doesn't ring true that an actor would wait that long to post pictures like that on social media. Especially since several of the actors in that picture are very active on social media (like them posting pictures and videos instantly when they go to dinner together). The only reason why they would hold back would be if it was a spoiler or if they feared fan outrage in some way and neither of those seem to apply here.

If this is from around August 17th, that is when Flash already started shooting right? I think there is a very good chance that Ramsay is there because even after concluding his personal big crossover, he will also be in the Flash mini crossovers, explaining why he was in town around the 17th allowing that picture to be taken.

Now that I think about it... maybe this explains why we seem to be getting so many Kelly centric episodes this season, maybe because they knew there was some sort of agreement with the other shows to guest start. So they beef up her story and her journey towards being Guardian so it will be a better fit when she guest stars on the other shows.

The Camrus Johnson, photo I think is a repost.He originally posted it months ago and reposted now along with a few other reposted photos. Azie is in the other well.Candice Patton & David Ramsey are in them too.Why he decided to repost them now is the question though.But the Instagram stories are brand new.

The Flash started shooting last Monday on 8/16.They are still shooting the season 8 premiere/Part 1 of the event this week since it takes 8 or 9 days to shoot a episode now a days.Since they have been shooting in studio this first week,there is no way to know who is appearing in the episode.We won't know anything really until they do location shoots(and even then,it depends on who and what is shooting on the streets) or the show intentionally reveals something to the press.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 132
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Yeah I'm just saying that anything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt since his view on her is influenced by his economic incentives.

As for Camrus Johnson, why would he wait that long to post it and not post it at the very least around the airing of the Diggle episode? I assume the picture is fairly recent to the posting of August 17th, it might be that the actors really were just meeting up for a social thing and not necessarily because all of them were shooting together (I remember both "Iris" and Azie doing a a stream together when that jogger was killed and various Arrowverse actors have teamed up for social activism things, like after #metoo, and Azie, Meagan and Candance have been out socially before ).

Is it known whether that picture from Camrus that also has Iris on is is older? As the group is wearing different outfits, those are two separate occasions.

For me, it just doesn't ring true that an actor would wait that long to post pictures like that on social media. Especially since several of the actors in that picture are very active on social media (like them posting pictures and videos instantly when they go to dinner together). The only reason why they would hold back would be if it was a spoiler or if they feared fan outrage in some way and neither of those seem to apply here.

If this is from around August 17th, that is when Flash already started shooting right? I think there is a very good chance that Ramsay is there because even after concluding his personal big crossover, he will also be in the Flash mini crossovers, explaining why he was in town around the 17th allowing that picture to be taken.

Now that I think about it... maybe this explains why we seem to be getting so many Kelly centric episodes this season, maybe because they knew there was some sort of agreement with the other shows to guest start. So they beef up her story and her journey towards being Guardian so it will be a better fit when she guest stars on the other shows.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 133
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Thanks for the sleuthing! I could swear I read somewhere that somebody from Batwoman said they would also have a crossover or guest appearance. But I can't google the quote anywhere, so it might have been an instagram message from somebody of the cast (maybe Meagan Tandy or Javicia Leslie since those are ones I follow?).

The Camrus Johnson group photo is older I'm pretty sure since David Ramsey is in it.It's probably from when he was doing his Batwoman work this season.The others are new photos.

Mind that from what I understand Renee Montoya from Gotham is "crossing over" to Batwoman.

The same actress who played Renee Montoya in season 1 of Gotham is playing her on Batwoman but its a different version of the character.

However, if it is indeed Kelly who is guesting on Batwoman, will it be just her or Alex too? Will it be just some friendly exchanged courtesies between heroes or will she actually have a storyline there? (I have to admit, it would be pretty fangasm-y if maybe Renee Montoya is revealed to be a friend of Kelly's and we see a scene where she asks Kelly for consult on something)

We'll see what happens regarding Azie.If she does appear anywhere it will probably be without Chyler so no Alex.

I thought he hates her because he makes his money selling autographs and she on account of her anxiety rarely ever signs anything and doesn't interact with fans as much directly as some other actors do which for him means that she is ruining his business? (we recently saw a similar interaction between her and LA paps where she said she didn't want them to get too close)

Pretty much. I do think that is his issues with her.We should probably leave it there.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 134
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks for the sleuthing! I could swear I read somewhere that somebody from Batwoman said they would also have a crossover or guest appearance. But I can't google the quote anywhere, so it might have been an instagram message from somebody of the cast (maybe Meagan Tandy or Javicia Leslie since those are ones I follow?).

Mind that from what I understand Renee Montoya from Gotham is "crossing over" to Batwoman.

However, if it is indeed Kelly who is guesting on Batwoman, will it be just her or Alex too? Will it be just some friendly exchanged courtesies between heroes or will she actually have a storyline there? (I have to admit, it would be pretty fangasm-y if maybe Renee Montoya is revealed to be a friend of Kelly's and we see a scene where she asks Kelly for consult on something)

If Kelly is indeed on Batwoman, their season premiere will be October 13th if google is to be believed. So that could be while Supergirl is still airing episodes of season 6, so before the series has concluded, depending on which episode Kelly is in.

He;'s been convinced for a long while that once Supergirl wrapped,Melissa would never come back for any guest appearances and that she hates being in Vancouver That she has no personal affinity for the character and this was just a job to her.That's his opinion anyway and to be upfront,he's not a very big fan of Melissa personally which I won't get into here and isn't really needed or appropriate for Supergirl.TV.

I thought he hates her because he makes his money selling autographs and she on account of her anxiety rarely ever signs anything and doesn't interact with fans as much directly as some other actors do which for him means that she is ruining his business? (we recently saw a similar interaction between her and LA paps where she said she didn't want them to get too close)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 135
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After replying to Thalolli.I did some digging and yes Azie did make that post on Instagram yesterday.

So Azie has been in Vancouver longer. Gotta wonder if she was involved in filming on The Flash.

And damn girl you picked a fine photo! ❤

Enjoy getting back home.

Camera with flash Azie Tesfai Instagram story.

So she did stick around Vancouver two extra weeks.I also saw this.

And Azie Tesfai, our Guardian, remains in Vancouver Eyes

The original photo was posted by Camrus Johnson

And this.

Camera with flash Azie Tesfai Instagram story.

#Supergirl #Batwoman
Translated from Dutch by
Camera with flash Asia Tesfai Instagram story.


And this

See new Tweets
Batwoman Brasil Bat

A few days ago, Meagan Tandy posted a Stories featuring National City Police vehicles, and fans are theorizing that some character from #Supergirl can appear in #Batwoman !Eyes

Sure seems like there is something going on if not Flash related but maybe Batwoman related?

That third pic with the Lobster Roll...HOLY CAPE COD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 136
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After replying to Thalolli.I did some digging and yes Azie did make that post on Instagram yesterday.

So Azie has been in Vancouver longer. Gotta wonder if she was involved in filming on The Flash.

And damn girl you picked a fine photo! ❤

Enjoy getting back home.

Camera with flash Azie Tesfai Instagram story.

So she did stick around Vancouver two extra weeks.I also saw this.

And Azie Tesfai, our Guardian, remains in Vancouver Eyes

The original photo was posted by Camrus Johnson

And this.

Camera with flash Azie Tesfai Instagram story.

#Supergirl #Batwoman
Translated from Dutch by
Camera with flash Asia Tesfai Instagram story.


And this

See new Tweets
Batwoman Brasil Bat

A few days ago, Meagan Tandy posted a Stories featuring National City Police vehicles, and fans are theorizing that some character from #Supergirl can appear in #Batwoman !Eyes

Sure seems like there is something going on if not Flash related but maybe Batwoman related?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 137
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Did they really all leave 2 weeks ago already? Because Azie posted "Excited to get back to the states" message on instagram only yesterday, so maybe there is a chance that she stayed a bit longer than others?

The show wrapped filming two weeks ago.The last day was August 6..They probably didn't all leave at the same time.

Always a chance if she stuck around longer.This was the first week of season 8 filming for The Flash.They started filming on Monday.The new season of Legends and Batwoman have actually been filming for a few weeks,since late July.Superman & Lois begins filming in late September I think.


Just checked:
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 began filming on July 12th.
Batwoman Season 3 began filming on July 19th.
Superman & Lois Season 2 is scheduled to begin filming September 14th but may be pushed back to September 27th according to Production Weekly.

She also seems to be a personal friend of Bitsie from Superman and Lois, the two did a lifestream together.

Yes,I got that impression as well.

I guess Candagraphs has more info on all the people who already left town? Is he sure about people like Chyler, Azie or Nicole? Or did he only pay attention to the big names?

I haven't heard him mention Chyler,Azie or Nicole regarding who left and when.Canadagraph lives up in Vancouver and covers the various Arrowverse shows and other shows that film up there.His main profession is getting and selling autographs.On the side,he gets photos and films videos from on location shoots around town and knows various crew members from the shows as a result.He's also interacts with various actors who shoot there.He;'s been convinced for a long while that once Supergirl wrapped,Melissa would never come back for any guest appearances and that she hates being in Vancouver That she has no personal affinity for the character and this was just a job to her.That's his opinion anyway and to be upfront,he's not a very big fan of Melissa personally which I won't get into here and isn't really needed or appropriate for Supergirl.TV.

With Superman and Lois, honestly it just feels like their showrunners are kind of snobby and don't want to mention the rest of the Arrowverse because they feel like they are more high brow. Then again they claimed they were going to do an interview soon on their multiverse that sounded like they might talk about how it relates to the Arrowverse.

I actualy really enjoyed the first season minus the non Kara mentions sticking out like a sore thumb.I don't buy the reason why they didn't mention Kara(ie:couldn't do crossovers) especially since every other Arrowverse show referenced each other this year with the same limitations.And you had Diggle appearing on all the shows except Black Lighting.Even Stargirl is going to have a Arrowverse connection when John Wesley Shipp guest stars in a flashback later this season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 138
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Did they really all leave 2 weeks ago already? Because Azie posted "Excited to get back to the states" message on instagram only yesterday, so maybe there is a chance that she stayed a bit longer than others?

She also seems to be a personal friend of Bitsie from Superman and Lois, the two did a lifestream together.

I guess Candagraphs has more info on all the people who already left town? Is he sure about people like Chyler, Azie or Nicole? Or did he only pay attention to the big names?

With Superman and Lois, honestly it just feels like their showrunners are kind of snobby and don't want to mention the rest of the Arrowverse because they feel like they are more high brow. Then again they claimed they were going to do an interview soon on their multiverse that sounded like they might talk about how it relates to the Arrowverse.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 139
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Sounds pretty certain, at this point, that Supergirl will not be involved in any of The Flash's five event episodes.

It's really depressing that Crisis was Supergirl's last crossover. I'd place bets that Superman & Lois will also continue to pretend that Supergirl never existed, despite the fact that bringing her back as a guest on that show would be amazing.

6 years on the air, spawning it's own spinoff in Superman & Lois. And still shown no respect.

Really depressing.

I know how you feel.I'm very down about Supergirl probably not participating in the Flash event.The COVID-19 situation and the understandable protocols put in place really screwed over this aspect of things.They had to have these protocols but it hurt on this front..I'm pretty confident that if the pandemic didn't happen and we had gotten the originally planned Batwoman/Superman & Lois crossover event,both Supergirl & the Flash would of appeared in it.I remember that while the crossover was only going to be two episodes,the showrunners said other Arrowverse characters were going to be in it.I'm sure both Barry & Kara would of been involved.I think the kryptonite bullet wound Ryan suffered from in the first part of this season of Batwoman was the original setup for it.

Also I remember earlier this year when Superman & Lois was launching.Bitsie Tulloch was doing that interview and in the middle of the interview,she got that phone call from I think Azie.She mentions how Melissa really wants to appear on Superman & Lois before the season ends and Supergirl finishes.

Also thinking about how for the Arrow series finale,Kara(Melissa),Barry(Grant) and Sara(Caity) all appeared.

And it just really sucks that circumstances prevented all this.Marc Guggenheim mentioned in a interview how Melissa literally came from the Supergirl set,shot the Arrow scene for a hour and than rushed back to the Supergirl set.

Granted,the Arrow series finale was a very different beast since Oliver died and Arrow is the series that launched the Arrowverse so it made sense to have The Flash,Supergirl and White Canary there for Oliver's funeral.But still,it feels like such a loss that as you say,the idea of Crisis and even the Arrow finale being Supergirl's last interaction with any of the other heroes especially Barry and Clark.

I'll be quite honest,my excitement for The Flash event has gone way down now since it's probably unlikely Kara will be in it.I'm still looking forward to it.I'm still hoping and thinking Black Lightning will appear and I do like the idea of exploring the budding friendship between Barry and Jefferson that started in Crisis.But other than that.Barry has no connection to the new Batwoman.He has a very limited connection to Superman.There isn't that close friendship and bond between Barry & Clark yet like there is with Barry & Kara.There has been speculation about Stargirl showing up but again there is no connection between Barry and Courtney yet.

Canadagraph is even speculating that White Canary might not appear due to scheduling.Caity is directing another episode of Legends early in the season which means she will have to have limited appearances in the Legends episode before she directs due to prep work,,the actual episode she directs due to directing and the episode after she directs due to post work as director for the previous episode.He speculates that because Sara will have to have a limited role in three Legends episodes early In the new season,they aren't going to want to let her go to another show for the Flash event and have limited Sara in a fourth episode early in the season too.A short season to since odds are season 7 of Legend will be between 13-15 episodes.

Next to Kara,Sara is the only other main Arrowverse hero Barry has a close friendship with(and I think he's actually closer to Kara).So if Sara doesn't appear or only has a small role,than that just lowers my interest even more.

Maybe if Diggle appears,that would provide a character Barry has a close connection to.

Again,I'm still looking forward to the event but nowhere near as much with the idea of no Kara and possibly no Sara.

And no Kara mentions on Superman & Lois this year was criminal IMO It was.actually glaringly distracting at the lack of even one Supergirl/Kara mention.

In the post mortem interview at TVline with the Superman & Lois showrunner,half the comments were complaining about no Supergirl nods,mntions or connections..

They had Superman as a off-screen presence in Supergirl Season 1(a silhouettein in the pilot,and phone calls and texts at times etc).In the Season 3 finale,it's mentioned how Superman is helping off-screen with the world disasters caused by Reign and The World Killer threat.

I don’t understand how lack of crossovers this year and no intermingling sets had to prevent something like these examples or a mere mention of Kara?

Hell other Arrowverse shows this year were able to do it.Early this season on Legends,Ava tries to contact Alex and the DEO for help with their alien threat only for Gideon to reveal that the DEO was destroyed in 2020 and we cut to the wreckage of the DEO from last season on Supergirl with a phone ringing(Ava trying to call) lol.

Barry made a off-screen appearance on Black Lightning delivering a device Jefferson needed from Star Labs to save Jennifer.

Barry also made a Superman reference in this season.He mentions to Iris that Clark recommended a restaurant.

Just in last weeks episode of Legends,Sara & Ava debated inviting Barry & Iris to their wedding(Ava is worried supervillains will crash it if they do) and Sara mentions wanting to invite Black Siren since she is her sister from another earth.

These are such little things the others shows could do and yet Superman & Lois couldn't muster one Kara mention?They cut the scene with the photo of Clark,Lois and Kara when Lois is packing her stuff from The Daily Planet for time..They couldn't have a quick mention at some point that Kara called Clark with couldences over Martha's death?

Getting back to no final Supergirl meetup with Flash or Superman.Maybe Melissa makes a guest appearance on Flash,Superman & Lois or a crossover down the line.Who knows.I'll continue to hope for that.Maybe she appears in this Flash event.It feels unlikely she would leave Vancouver only to come back so soon after wrapping Supergirl.This event is five episodes which will probably be shooting until late September or early October.Again,I don't think it's likely she would come back that soon after leaving but I guess it's possible.Or she could of shot something for The Flash event on the Supergirl set before the series wrapped.Chyler did that for her Grey's Anatomy return this year.Ezra Miller did the same for the Snyder Cut reshoots from the Fantastic Beasts 3 set in the U.K.Even Canadagraphs thinks there could be a very slim chance Melissa shot something for the Flash event on the Supergirl set before the show wrapped.

As with everything,we'll see what the future brings.What we do have for sure is Supergirl for 13 more episodes so at the very least we have that to look forward to and enjoy.

I tend to subscribe to the idea that Melissa probably turned them down. That said, there is tons of other characters from Supergirl they could invite instead. Like Martian Manhunter

Anyway, another interview regarding Kelly and her ascent to Guardian:

Personally, I think considering the typical style and demographic a Nia spinoff would make more sense. Jay Snow is just an embarassing fanboy blogger I think, not an actual journalist.

ETA: I wonder if there is actually a chance Kelly might cross over, because they recently posted a lot of pictures of the various black actors from the Arrowverse hanging out together. Though according to her insta Azie is now out of Canada as well. But she posted a picture of Rachel Skarsten from Batwoman on her insta? And David posted some more Martian Manhunter things even though he is back in England.

Great interview with Azie.

It would be great to see any of the Supergirl characters in the Flash event but like with Melissa,would they leave Vancouver only have to come back so soon to do this event?

Maybe if this event was happening later in the season,possibly the back half of season 8,it would be more likely for some of them to be open to come back(maybe even Melissa) but they all just left two weeks ago and the Flash event is now filming..It just feel like that if anyone would be appearing in any of these five episodes,it would make more sense and just be easier to hang around Vancouver a few extra weeks over leaving the country and coming back.It's why it's very unlikely I think that Melissa will be appearing unless she shot something for it before Supergirl finished filming.Especially for someone like David who lives in the U.K.If they live in L.A.,it maybe more likely.Cress Williams said since he was moving back to L.A. once Black Lightning wrapped(remember Black lightning shot in Georgia),flying up to Vancouver for any guest appearances would be easy.But Cress has been off of playing Black Lightning and has had time at rest for months now since Black lightning probably wrapped early in the year.Supergirl just wrapped two weeks ago after filming for everyone but Melissa started last October.

Again,if this event was happening in the back half of the season,I think it would be more likely for some Supergirl characters to appear since that would be next year,sometime in 2022 given everyone time to decompress and have a bit of a break after a 11 month shoot and for Melissa a eight month shoot.
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