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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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I tend to subscribe to the idea that Melissa probably turned them down. That said, there is tons of other characters from Supergirl they could invite instead. Like Martian Manhunter

Anyway, another interview regarding Kelly and her ascent to Guardian:

Personally, I think considering the typical style and demographic a Nia spinoff would make more sense. Jay Snow is just an embarassing fanboy blogger I think, not an actual journalist.

ETA: I wonder if there is actually a chance Kelly might cross over, because they recently posted a lot of pictures of the various black actors from the Arrowverse hanging out together. Though according to her insta Azie is now out of Canada as well. But she posted a picture of Rachel Skarsten from Batwoman on her insta? And David posted some more Martian Manhunter things even though he is back in England.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 141
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Sounds pretty certain, at this point, that Supergirl will not be involved in any of The Flash's five event episodes.

It's really depressing that Crisis was Supergirl's last crossover. I'd place bets that Superman & Lois will also continue to pretend that Supergirl never existed, despite the fact that bringing her back as a guest on that show would be amazing.

6 years on the air, spawning it's own spinoff in Superman & Lois. And still shown no respect.

Really depressing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 142
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Very interesting indeed. This is a prime example of Fake News. I don't think there is anyone on this lovely forum that wants a spin off with Kelly as the guardian. In my opinion a show featuring the guardian will fail. I don't care either way because I won't watch it. I wonder if Jay Snow is her agent.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London (official video)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 143
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An interesting article making a case for giving Kelly a spin-off series.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 144
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Supergirl Season 6 "Something I Learned From Supergirl" Featurette (HD)

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 145
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Isn't that the same guy who complained that episode 100 had too much Kara in it? That dude has some very questionable taste.

But good to hear that he suggests that both upcoming episodes are firmly about Kara, including the presumably Kelly/social justice focused one, I know a lot of people were worried about that.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 146
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Really cute featurette.

Supergirl Season 6 "Game Night" Featurette (HD)

Would love to get one more game night scene before the series is over.

Very fun, I think which cast member would win game night would depend on the game. In general I do think Nicole has an advantage, if I could only pick one cast member for bar trivia night it would be Nicole, but the right game could nullify that. I know none of them would give up easily.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 147
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Really cute featurette.

Supergirl Season 6 "Game Night" Featurette (HD)

Would love to get one more game night scene before the series is over.


I just brought over in the spoiler thread a early twitter review of episode 8 from one of the writers/reviewers at Hypable.I put it in the spoiler thread because it does have some light spoilers for the episode which is why I posted there.

Basically,he's been critical of the show recently but thought episode 8 was one of the most enjoyable episodes of the series in quite a while.The episode sounds like a very back to basics approach with Kara front and center.He says Melissa is so good in this episode and for the first time in a while,the show and characters feel like they have direction again.It also sounds like after this episode,he's excited for the show again.

Head to the spoiler thread if you want more specifics.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 148
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Melissa is back in the U.S.She attended the Day of Indulgence. event in L.A. yesterday..This sort of makes it more real that the show is over IMO.

Also makes it very unlikely she will be in The Flash five episode crossover like event which begins filming today(Today is the first day of Season 8 filming and the Flash event is the first five episodes).It always was a longshot but still sad we probably will not get another interaction between Kara & Barry(and probably Kara & Clark as well).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 149
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They have terrible taste. Reign should be much higher. Astra should be above Lord.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 150
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Collider ranks the best Supergirl villains.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 151
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DCTV has a bad habit of spouting speculation as news.

In reality, airing the last two together was the only option, based on the premiere date, finale date, and number of episodes left in-between.

Stargirl will air it's final season 2 episode on November 2nd, in it's paired slot with Supergirl. Then, on November 9th, Supergirl will air it's last two episodes, using both it's and Stargirl's slot.

Then, The Flash will premiere a week later, on November 16th.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 152
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DCTV is one of the comparatively more nice ones, but man i just hate those youtube speculation and analysis video and how they always feel the need to drag out everything they say in the interest of video length. Use 1000 words when you could have done it in 10. :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 153
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THe DCtvshow has exclusive info about the finale in his latest video..He was told by a source that episode 19 & 20 will air together as a two part series finale from 8pm to 10pm..

That makes sense and has been speculated on happening.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 154
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I wonder whether they will use the last season to do anything crazy like another musical episode or a body swap episode or another what if episode like 100. With imps and phantoms as the villains they could do tons of crazy stuff.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 155
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Have there confirmed which Myxy is coming back? Since there is supposedly an episode named after him?

It's Thomas Lennon. I had the privilege of being on-set during an outdoor shoot, and Thomas Lennon was there. Little starstruck, if I'm honest.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 156
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Have there confirmed which Myxy is coming back? Since there is supposedly an episode named after him?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 157
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TV Guide has a little write up and comments from Melissa about the shows return on the 24th.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 158
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Synopsis for episode 9.

Many things can come of this episode, which could be propaganda for the current open borders policy and thus disaster of the current US regime.

That said, Dream Weaver was also the title of a hit song from 1976 by singer Gary Wright it peaked at #2 on the Billboard chart and achieved gold record status. There were TWO songs stopping "Weaver" from going to #1..."December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)" by The Four Seasons and "Disco Lady" by Johnnie Taylor (the first single to be certified platinum by the RIAA).

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 159
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 160

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