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  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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Gonna rain on this fan-baiting parade of nostalgia here.

Melissa's currently not under contract to The Flash in any capacity, so the probability of her being available to do this "Hail Mary" stunt for another EP's aging show seems remote, since she's got her YA book series launch happening in October (not to mention her own production development deal with WB-TV). Supergirl wraps filming well before The Flash will even set up before their Season 8 gets underway, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions in place due to COVID19. The Supergirl writers room has allegedly already closed down.

Okay, I can hear where you're coming from. But please hear me out.

I'm not saying it's going to happen. But this is definitely not a "hail mary".

1) NOBODY from other shows is under contract with The Flash. Not a single person. But these 5 event episodes are happening, and they are kicking off the season. That is established. All that takes, contract wise, is negotiating a one-off appearance. No matter who they get for these crossovers, that is the type of negotiation that is going to need to happen.

2) Yes, Melissa has her book launch in October, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions. BUT, as I previously mentioned, Supergirl wraps in August and Flash is starting production on season 8 in September. Melissa, Chris, and their child already have a place in Vancouver. All it takes is staying for an extra 4-6 weeks at a place they already live. (Side note, there is the possibility that, by then, fully vaccinated people, who can show documentation, may be able to bypass quarantine restriction requirements. This is an ongoing process.)

3) There are 5 "Event Episodes". But there are only 3 Arrowverse shows, other than The Flash, still filming in BC. Legends, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois. The other crossover options are Supergirl, which is based in BC but ending, Black Lightning, which was based in Georgia and has ended, and Stargirl, which is also based in Georgia, and has it's own new season order. It is high probability that, to fill out these "Event Episodes", they will bring in characters from at least 2 out of these 3 properties. So no matter what, SOMEBODY is going to have to come to BC from the outside and quarantine. But as previously explained, it would not be as big a hurdle for Melissa, who is already here, and already has housing. No matter who comes to do the crossover from the States, they will still likely have to arrive in late August to start their quarantines.

4) Melissa's book launch isn't until October 19th. If The Flash starts filming these "Event Episodes" in September, that's plenty of time to get her back to the States for her launch. And that's with the extremely generous assumption that she needs to physically be there. Maybe she'll do physical book tours, maybe she wont. But with how private she is, and the ongoing caution regarding COVID, despite vaccine rollout, it's actually probable they may not do any sort of physical touring book launch with Melissa and her sister.

5) Melissa's production company has a contract with WB. While her work on Supergirl pre-dates that contract and does not have ties to it, agreeing to do a one-episode crossover would help continue to foster her good relations with Warner.

Again, I'm not saying Melissa will participate in these event episodes. I just wanted to illustrate why I wouldn't classify it as a "hail mary". Honestly, of all the crossover options, The Flash, as a show, has the most history with Supergirl, and narratively, makes much more sense than crossovers with Legends, Batwoman, Superman & Lois, or Stargirl. Am I being hopeful? Yes, absolutely. Largely because the COVID restrictions, this past season, have robbed us of one last crossover involving Supergirl. I can acknowledge that I am being a bit of an optimist with this.

If I'm being totally honest, I personally wish that one Event Episode would involve both Supergirl and Superman, to give them one last interaction, as well, before Melissa hangs up the cape. But I'll admit that is wishful thinking.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 221
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"So it sounds like Flash Season 8 will premiere in November with this five episode crossover Flash event after Stsrgirl Season 2/Supergirl Season 6 wraps airing.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is where Cress Williams will appear.And I won't lie,it would be so great if Melissa appears in it and other Supergirl characters. Almost like a final farwell to her fellow Arrowverse heroes."

Gonna rain on this fan-baiting parade of nostalgia here.

Melissa's currently not under contract to The Flash in any capacity, so the probability of her being available to do this "Hail Mary" stunt for another EP's aging show seems remote, since she's got her YA book series launch happening in October (not to mention her own production development deal with WB-TV). Supergirl wraps filming well before The Flash will even set up before their Season 8 gets underway, and Vancouver still has two-week quarantine restrictions in place due to COVID19. The Supergirl writers room has allegedly already closed down.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 222
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Re: The Flash 5 crossover episodes.

It would be great if Melissa could appear in one if those Flash episodes. Logistically, based on the preseumed scheduling, Stargirl should complete its run at the end if October and Supergirl will have two episodes left. It would be awesome if The Flash could start its new season with an appearance by Melissa to air before the Supergirl finale. Too much to hope for... but I am anyway... lol!

Having Cress and Melissa will make up for the missed crossover this season.

It is like we are getting two abbreviated seasons of Supergirl, as the finale will air in November sweeps if the 2021-22 season unless they plan to double up on episodes.

That's what I was thinking. Supergirl's final season wraps filming on August 6th, according to the schedule. The Flash is due to start it's 8th season filming in September. It obviously depends on the showrunners and Melissa's willingness to return. People still need to quarantine for 2 weeks when they come to B.C. from the States. BUT...if Melissa and any Supergirl cast members were willing to live in Vancouver just a month longer, until The Flash starts filming, it's entirely feasible for Supergirl to be part of one of those "Event" episodes.

Honestly, Barry has more of a connection to Kara than Superman, Batwoman (either one), the current Legends cast, or Black Lightning. So I REALLY hope she can be part of one of these episodes. These characters deserve to have one more adventure, together.

I'm imagining Stargirl may be likely to be part of one of these crossovers. The fact that Jay Garrick is appearing in both The Flash season 7 and Stargirl season 2 makes me think these shows have a strong chance of connecting.

There is the possible scenario that they will try to use one of these "Event Episodes" to introduce Naomi, as well. But I honestly hope not. Lets let that character get introduced in her own show, first, and see if the show can support itself, before taking a precious crossover slot.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 223
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Re: The Flash 5 crossover episodes.

It would be great if Melissa could appear in one if those Flash episodes. Logistically, based on the preseumed scheduling, Stargirl should complete its run at the end if October and Supergirl will have two episodes left. It would be awesome if The Flash could start its new season with an appearance by Melissa to air before the Supergirl finale. Too much to hope for... but I am anyway... lol!

Having Cress and Melissa will make up for the missed crossover this season.

It is like we are getting two abbreviated seasons of Supergirl, as the finale will air in November sweeps if the 2021-22 season unless they plan to double up on episodes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 224
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Quoting comic fan: "I wouldn't be surprised if this where Cress Williams will appear.And I won't lie,it would be so great if Melissa appears in it and other Supergirl characters.Almost like a final farwell to her fellow Arrowverse heroes."

It would be fabulous if this would happen!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 225
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Okay,some really cool news that isn't directly Supergirl related but I hope could be.

First of all,in a interview following the airing of the Black Lightning Series Finale,Cress Williams revealed he has been in talks to appear on The Flash next season for some episodes.

How did you feel about Jefferson's decision to retire at the end?

Well, I tweaked it just lightly. A bit of an inside story: The original piece of dialogue said that I full-on retire. I don't know if any of these things are going to come to fruition, so they're not set in stone, but I have had people from The Flash reach out, asking if I'd come do some work with them. So they had kind of tentatively reached out months before we shot the finale. So in anticipating me leaving that door open, and anticipation of that being a possibility, that's why I changed it slightly to basically say, "I'm done in Freeland and just kind of like giving Freeland over to my daughter." So that if I show up somewhere else, I haven't contradicted anything.

It's funny, I was going to ask you if you were opening to returning as this character on one of the remaining shows. It sounds like you are?

We're moving back to California, and so Vancouver, for short stints, to pop in and do something and pop back out, is not as challenging for me and it doesn't require packing up and moving my whole family. I wouldn't be able to suddenly join another show that's not in California. So there's that logistical thing. But also, you know, I really enjoyed the crossover last year. Specifically, I think me and Grant [Gustin], we're just very like-minded in how we approach the work, and we had really great conversations. One of my favorite scenes of doing this character was the scene between me and him in the library [on the Waverider in "Crisis on Infinite Earths."] So the thought of being able to go back and do an episode here or an episode there? Oh yeah, no, I'm down for that.

Is this anything confirmed yet, or are you still in the talks phase with The Flash?

Just in the talk phase. I was really surprised because it was months ago, I think in the fall, when they first approached me about, "Hey, do you, would you do something with us next season?" And so I initially said yeah, or my representatives said, "Yeah, we're interested, but you know, that's quite a ways away, and who knows where we're going to be at that point." And they just kind of came back saying, "Hey, we'll work around your schedule. We just want to know if you're interested."

Then probably about two months ago, they came back with like, checking again and saying, "We're thinking about a couple of episodes, and these are the months that we're thinking about, and want to just, again, see if you're into it." And basically we said the same thing, like, "Yeah, yeah." So I imagine at some point the next thing will be something a little bit more final.

Now this afternoon,The CW announced their Fall 2021-2022 schedule.

8 pm The Flash Season 8
9 pm Riverdale Season 6 (new night)

8 pm DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 (new night)
9 pm Batwoman Season 3 (new night)

Superman & Lois Season 2,Stargirl Season 3 and new DC series ,Naomi,will premiere mid-season.

What's going to happen with the last few episodes of Supergirl is unkown since it and Stargirl season 2 will be airing until mid November and it sounds like The Flash Season 8 & Riverdale Season 6 will be premiering in the Fall on their night.

But here's the exciting news.It was also announced that a Flash five episode crossover event is being done..

♦ The Flash‘s five-episode event will feature crossovers with TBD Arrowverse characters. “We’re talking about other superheroes from the CWverse that will come together in each [of the] individual episodes,” says CW CEO Mark Pedowitz. “That will not quite be a crossover but it will have a crossover-type feel at the introduction of all these characters.”

Here's Deadline's report on the five episode Flash event featuring other Arrowverse heroes.It will be in November.

This fall, the CW is bringing together for the first time on the same night its signature, most streamed series, The Flash and Riverdale. Both series will start their new seasons (S8 for The Flash, S6 for Riverdale) with special five-episode events, which will kick off in November, about a month after the CW starts rolling out its fall lineup in October.

During a press call about the fall 2021 schedule on Tuesday, the CW chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz noted that event-izing applies specifically to The Flash, whose first five episodes next season “will feature different heroes from the CWverse.”

“The idea for The Flash is, (showrunner) Eric Wallace and (executive producer) Greg (Berlanti) have come together and are talking about other superheroes from the CW-verse who will come together in each individual episode,” he said. “It will not be quite be a crossover but will have a crossover-type feel and the introduction of all these characters.”

Pedowitz spoke about the logistical challenge faced by The Flash and Riverdale, whose current seasons stretch deep into the summer on the CW schedule. The shows will complete production on their current seasons in late June-early July and will go on hiatus until returning to start filming their new seasons in early September “fully rested,” Pedowitz said.

Because of the late start, neither show would be able to deliver the eight or so originals that usually air in the fall, leading to the CW’s idea to event-ize their five-episode fall runs.

Warming up the night for The Flash and Riverdale will be the final season of Supergirl and Season 2 of Stargirl, which will premiere in August and will run on Tuesdays through October, leading to The Flash and Riverdale‘s return.

So it sounds like Flash Season 8 will premiere in November with this five episode crossover Flash event after Stsrgirl Season 2/Supergirl Season 6 wraps airing.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is where Cress Williams will appear.And I won't lie,it would be so great if Melissa appears in it and other Supergirl characters.Almost like a final farwell to her fellow Arrowverse heroes.


Here's EW report on the Flash five episode crossover event.

A new detail is in it.

Pedowitz didn't say which actors would visit The Flash in November. "I'll let you have those conversations with Eric Wallace," Pedowitz told EW on the call. "We do know that there are a couple feelers out to a couple of the actors, but we have no definitives yet."

One of which,is Cress Williams it seems.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 226
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EW interviews David Ramsey about his Arrowverse return

There are some specifics about his Supergirl episode later in the interview.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 227
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It's been well over a week since the last episode aired. I've had some time to let it settle. I was hoping time would improve my view of this opening arc, but it really hasn't.

In both episode 2 and episode 7, we really should have explored Kara's fears while she was in the PZ. The most frustrating part of this is that it didn't necessarily require any new footage with Melissa. They could have shown her most traumatic experiences, using archive footage. Krypton exploding. Kenny's death in Midvale. Her Red K infection from "Falling". Zoom nearly cutting out her heart. Her beating at Reign's hands. Reign killing her friends from the season 3 finale. Lena's turning on her in season 5, in the fortress. Even her "death" at Lex's hands in the season opener.

Any combination of these clips could have illustrated Kara's fears while in the PZ, and would have cost literally nothing, as it was pre-existing footage.

I know hindsight is 20/20, but I can't help feel that there were some truly missed opportunities, even if we factor in Melissa's limited availability.

Speculating about how the season will move forward, I'm curious what they will do with Zor-El. I doubt they will do it, but I'd really love to see Zor-El be converted to Cyborg Superman 2 and be the final big bad. I'm kinda sick of Lex. He's literally been the big bad for 2 out of 5 seasons. If they make him the baddie in season 6, that will be half the series. That's too much.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 228
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A cut wink to Supergirl on S&L

I honestly can't imagine that scene opening an cans of worms.

Neither can I.Especially since Diggle is appearing across most of the Arrowverse shows this year.

I do hope things work out in the future and while I know some want Melissa to completely move on.I can't lie and say that I wouldn't love if she could pop back in on occasion for a guest appearance or crossover event.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 229
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A cut wink to Supergirl on S&L

I honestly can't imagine that scene opening any cans of worms.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 230
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David Ramsey previews his Arrowverse return with TV Line.

Lots of new info about his appearances on each Arrowverse show.The first will be the June 13th episode of Batwoman.Also a first look at his mysterious Legends character.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 231
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I think my biggest hopes, between now and then, are updated promotional materials, including new posters that include Supergirl with her updated look. Ideally, a solo character poster for her. I'm also not the biggest fan of highlighting the supporting cast, but I can see the justification in putting out updated posters for them, as well (especially with Alex having a new hero identity as Sentinal). Especially since they gave one to Kelly as the new Guardian.

Funny you should ask about a poster,because The CW just released a new one.Now it's not a Supergirl specific poster .It's a Arrowverse poster but Supergirl is a apart of it.But she is still sporting the bangs.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 232
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Well. I think we're at the point where the site is going to hit a bit of a lull, until the show starts up, again, in late August.

The show itself will have wrapped filming, completely, by that point. Even I will have graduated and left Vancouver before it picks up, again.

I think my biggest hopes, between now and then, are updated promotional materials, including new posters that include Supergirl with her updated look. Ideally, a solo character poster for her. I'm also not the biggest fan of highlighting the supporting cast, but I can see the justification in putting out updated posters for them, as well (especially with Alex having a new hero identity as Sentinal). Especially since they gave one to Kelly as the new Guardian.

I hope they give the show the promotion it deserves. Not only that, but I hope they take better care in the editing room. Learning that David filmed a longer reunion hug between our 3 OG cast members, and that it was cut for time by someone above him, was devastating. There were much better choices for cutting, that would have given us a better emotional payoff at the end. Whoever, above the episodic directors, is making these cuts, needs to do better in making the cuts support the story, instead of just chopping off whatever is at the end, for time.

I AM let down at the this first stretch of the season, because after 6 PZ episodes, we needed that emotional payoff after the rescue. No matter how good the rest of the episodes were, botching that ending sours the milk, if you know what I mean. Kinda ruins the whole arc because it ended poorly, IMO. If they'd given more time to that ending, it could have made the entire arc better, in my opionion.

However, not only is Melissa back, for the remaining 13 episodes, but they are filming outside in Vancouver at an utterly unprecedented rate, from what I can tell. Supergirl has barely gone a week, in the past two months, without filming some big outdoor set piece. 2-3x more than I've seen for any of the other Arrowverse shows filming around town.

So, despite my bitterness at the first arc of the season, my hopes are actually pretty high for the remaining episodes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 233
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I keep forgetting how different Harewood sounds when he's not playing J'onn or some other American.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 235
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 236
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Chyler Leigh talks to The Wrap about tonight's reunion between Alex & Kara.

"tonight's reunion"

If it can be called that. I can think of several scenes that could have been shortened in favor of a longer emotional payoff between Kara and the rest of the cast.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 237
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Chyler Leigh talks to The Wrap about tonight's reunion between Alex & Kara.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 238
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1. Perhaps spoilery... although, I wouldn't classify it at such... Jason Behr on the mid season finale:

2. A bonus article:

3. In other news, Sofia Vassilieva, who had a brief guest stint on Supergirl, made a return to Arrowverse (CWverse?) this week as guest star on Black Lightning, reprising her role as Looker.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 239
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I would not be surprised if Stargirl took over Supergirl's production location in Vancouver. I feared costs would limited its run on CW. Still surprised Black Lightning, which also films in GA, ended this season. Probably this will play in its favor. At the same time, I'd have to lose an important cast member like Supergirl lost Calista. If Naomi makes the schedule, I am curious if it will be on Earth Prime or Earth 2 or elseworlds.

In other not really Supergirl news but somewhat related... did anyone see Legends this week and see how Big Belly Burgers got its start?

I saw it.The episode reminded me a little of the Buffy season 6 episode,"Doublemeat Palace."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 240

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